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Everything posted by dekeeu

  1. Cum il poti numi "prietenul" tau daca nici macar nu stii ce cadou sa ii faci de ziua lui ?
  2. Edit.
  3. 1000$ for all 5 vulns. ?
  4. Depinde, cum te gandesti ca ai putea sa o afli ?
  5. Deci pe HC Stealer nu sunt sanse sa mearga. Am incercat si fara nicio optiune si nu a mers.
  6. Am criptat un HCStealer si imi da eroare, nu pot sa il deschid.
  7. dekeeu

    Fun stuff

  8. E chiar acolo scrisa cu roz.
  9. Intrebare si raspuns: Nu vreau sa am probleme cu ei, mai am si bani de primit, eu cred ca ii las asa .
  10. Congrats, Darkb0t .
  11. What means 1000 PM ?
  12. Title: Paypal Stored xss Affected Product: Paypal Date: 27.08.2013 Severity: High Status: DUP. POC:
  13. dekeeu

    Fun stuff

  14. Fa-mi te rog o favoare si dai un alert(document.domain) . Mersi.
  15. @neox: Cand mi-a sters mie mah_one contul de PP nu am primit niciun mail de care zici tu.
  16. A critical vulnerability in Pinterest exposed 70 million accounts to potential hacking, according to security researcher Dan Melamed. The exploit allegedly allowed cyber-criminals to view the e-mail addresses of all Pinterest users. By changing the /me/ part of a link with someone else's username, anyone was able to see that user's email address. According to the researcher, the flaw worked with any user on Pinterest and with any access token. “With Pinterest surpassing over 70 million users and given the amount of high profile figures and brands that are using the site, such a flaw could have spelled disaster in the hands of a blackhat,” Dan Melamed said. “A hacker could have setup a bot to retrieve all of the email addresses from a list of users for spam or malicious purposes.” The security researcher provided a simple fix for the Pinterest exploit. Checking the owner of the access token against the user whose information is being requested will prevent abuse. Melamed also published a video proof of concept for the Pinterest vulnerability. The platform’s Security Team has said the exploit has been patched and added the security expert to their Heroes List together with two other researchers. Sursa: Pinterest Vulnerability Exposed 70 Million Accounts Blogul tipului: Dan Melamed Security Blog POC:
  17. Nu e vorba ca ar face spam, dar pur si simplu stirile nu sunt citite => topicuri facute degeaba. Stii vorba aia : "Mai bine putin si bun decat mult si prost." .
  18. Urmatorii 3 care posteaza au invitatie de la mine. Imi asum dreptul sa acord invitatia doar celor care cred eu ca merita.
  19. Mai e valabila oferta ?
  20. Gratis ? Nu prea cred.. Poate prin metode mai putin 'ortodoxe' dar din cate stiu pe rst nu se promoveaza astfel de actiuni .
  21. Au program de bug-bounty ?
  22. E email-ul tau ? Daca da, da`mi pm ca iti dau eu invitatie .
  23. Multam` .
  24. Este si un motiv pentru care tu nu ai putut sa faci rost de invitatie pana acum, cand toata planeta are cont pe FL ..
  25. Cripteaza-le de 3x dar fara sa precizezi algoritmii de criptare. Cine e smart2 si chiar are nevoie de ele le va decripta cu siguranta.
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