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Everything posted by ENCODED
io am incercat si mi`a mers dar e cam nasol fata de mirc , normal
"Cum sa activezi un site web in 10 minute" akuma depinde si ce net ai si cat de repede te mijti u :@ , unu kare n`a mai pus niciodata pun pariu ka sta 30 min :@ oricum nice tutorial
aia 1500 raus ... mai bineh mai putini dar folositori dekat multi si fara nici un Dumnezeu ... [ parerea mea ]
On Topic : Good job Off Topic : Si cu aia cu 0 posturi ?
O sa fac o serie de mai multe ... dar dupa 21 dec ka de atunci o sa am timp ajteptati`va la ceva foarte tare Promit
a mai fost postata lista pe forum akum ceva timp ... oricum toata lumea skaneaza pe klasele alea ...
am urmarit toate posturile facute si in proportie de 98% sunt de genul : " cool , da merge , keep up the good work etc ... " deci post hunting ...
Se gandesc baietii sa sparga piata, sa-i dea jos pe cei de la Intel. Sursa : http://www.playfuls.com/news_05502_IBM_and_AMD_Offer_Details_about_Revolutionary_45nm_Chips.html
Cei de la Free Software Foundation au lansat campania Anti-Vista. Prin intermediul acestei campanii ei promoveaza software-ul "libre" si atrag atentia asupra problemelor pe care le ridica Vista. Administratorul programului initiat de FSF, John Sullivan a declarat:Vista is an upsell masquerading as an upgrade. It is an overall regression when you look at the most important aspect of owning and using a computer: your control over what it does. Obviously MS Windows is already proprietary and very restrictive, and well worth rejecting. But the new 'features' in Vista are a Trojan Horse to smuggle in even more restrictions. We'll be focusing attention on detailing how they work, how to resist them, and why people should care. Peter Brown, director executiv al FSF are si el ceva de spus: Whilst Microsoft embarks upon its largest ever product launch, its marketing dollars will be spent in an effort to fool the media and user community about the goals of Vista. Our campaign will ask the important questions. Can you set yourself or your company free? Can you ever be free from Microsoft? As with our campaign against Digital Restrictions Management, we aim to demonstrate that technologists can be social activists, because we know the harm that Vista will cause. Sursa : http://badvista.fsf.org/
EzyPal 1.5 Download Link : I-Rater'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2BL4NQYS I-Rater Pro 2.0 Download Link : eSyndiCat'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KSTKB30U eSyndiCat Pro Download Link : FontLab'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GS38KIAX FontLab Studio Download Link : Multi-Forums Download'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1BP4QZPQ Multi-Forums Download Link : Sothink'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QU2M8D9Z Sothink SWF Decompiler Download Link : Invision'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NP17VH95 Invision Power Board 2.1.7 Download Link : vBulletin'>http://rapidshare.de/files/34140036/Invision.Power.Board.v2.1.7.exe.html vBulletin 3.6.1 Download Link : http://rapidshare.de/files/34220390/vBulletin_3.6.1.rar.html
Invision Gallery is a fully featured, powerful gallery system that is easy and fun to use! It plugs right into your existing Invision Power Board to create a seamless browsing experience for the users of your forum. We've taken many of the most popular feature requests from our customers and integrated them into this product. Since Invision Gallery is a plugin for Invision Power Board, it uses the same templating and language system! This allows you to create a look for your gallery that matches your forum without having to learn a new set of tools. The administration features are also found right in your Invision Power Board ACP, which means you can manage both your gallery and your forum in one convenient location. Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8CXKCP7V
As you probably know Paypal provides an easy to setup service for receiving payments for your products worldwide. One problem faced by many companies however is how to provide a secure way to deliver digital goods (software, eBooks, art etc) after a successful transaction. The Linklok Paypal system provides the solution and is custom written for use with Paypal. After a successful purchase Paypal calls Linklok which will then verify the transaction (using the Paypal IPN system). If the transaction is verified Linklok will then display the download links for your products and also email them to the purchaser. These links do not show the true location of the file on your server so there is no way to bypass Linklok. Links can be set to expire between 1 minute and several years later if required (or never expire). Features Simple to install (just one file for default install) Uses PHP which is already installed on most servers Does not require MySQL or other database system Does not require cookies to be enabled Works with Paypal's Buy Now and Add to Cart buttons. Displays download page and sends email to purchaser with secure download links Will create download links only if called from Paypal Links can be set to expire after fixed time period Links can be locked to buyers IP address (needs button change) Nobody ever knows the actual server location of the download file - not even the purchaser! Supports unlimited products Supports multiple products in one order Supports multiple files per product (product combos) Works with auction (eBay) products Supports multiple currencies eCheck payments can be set for instant download or delayed until cleared Uses MD5 and Paypal's IPN system for maximum security Built in or user defined template for email sent to purchaser Built in or user defined download page Supports download resume and download managers Email and download page templates can be product specific Supports physical products Can generate software unlock keys or serial numbers from a list, using a user provided algorithm, Clicklocker or by using Software Passport (Armadillo) Can protect access to a html or PHP page instead of a download Product specific template segment system Sell your Software Passport (Armadillo) protected software with Paypal as well as Digital River Allows secure links to be emailed manually as well if necessary Can send customised emails for order notification, order confirmation and download notification Integrates with Sitelok, our members area script Supports iDevAffiliate, Shareasale and most other affiliate systems Seamless integration with Clicklocker to protect your PDF and other files. new feature Optional SMS text alert when orders received. Requires Clickatell account. new feature Optional logging of orders to MySQL table new feature Works great with the PPCC for Flash based commerce sites. Further details. Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TXR6ONWQ
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1+30 = 31 $
Prietene vezi ka asta nu e forum de trade ... ka ajea iti dau si eu 2 kg de cartofi pe el ? merge ? :@
cand ai 50 posturi in kap pls contact me in 10 min ai sig`ul !
super jmechera
am facut si eu unu` la grabeala ... o sa mai fac
da da io`s mort fara sapka Uitati si alien`ul
eh` mai ajtepta`ti 2-3 sapt sa vedeti ce`si face Nea ENCODED si cu Nea Spiry super 3coaie mai e putin si creka`mi fac si sapka NIKE cu RST