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Everything posted by ENCODED

  1. cineh are nevoie cere ... nu postam aiurea sa facem posturi
  2. creka partea aia cu scrisu mare imi apartine oricum nice sigbars
  3. am si eu vreo nujt kati saci


    nu plekaaaaa
  5. nu mere arhiva

    Fun stuff


    Fun stuff

    O baba viseaza intr-o noapte ca Dumnezeu vorbeste cu ea si promite ca o sa mai traiasca 35 de ani pentru ca a fost credincioasa….A doua zi baba la o clinica de chirurgie estetica cere: lifting facial, silicoane, antivaricocel, vopsea blonda. Ce mai dupa doua zile cu banii de inmormantare era Pamela Anderson. Iese din clinica si o calca un autobuz. La poarta Raiului intreaba: - Doamne daca mi-ai promis 35 de ani, de ce m-ai omorat? - NU TE-AM MAI RECUNOSCUT !!!!
  8. BAFTA
  9. la asta ma gandeam eu akuma ...
  10. iti schimba ip`ul

    Fun stuff

    atentie culmea minciunii:tia spus mutu k la vazut orbul pe surd cum urla la schiop care fugea de mama focului dupa chel sa il traga de par
  12. SchoolMation Version 0.99b March 26, 2001 SchoolMation: Web-based Education Management Software Copyright © 2001 Myles O'Meara, Tom Annis, FullSite PTY LTD www.fullsite.com and www.schoolmation.net This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 US What is SchoolMation? SchoolMation is a full-featured web-based software application. It allows schools to easily, and affordably manage student data online. Unlike separate grade book programs, stand-alone course delivery software, and solutions made by “sticking� a bunch of different programs together, SchoolMation is built from the ground up to be a comprehensive and integrated application. SchoolMation incorporates such features as: full student/course details, flexible attendance system, weighted grades, grade calculator, discipline tracking, master schedule, PDF printable individual schedules, internal messaging system, PDF printable multiple custom report card options, multimedia course delivery/management, custom searches, reports and statistics, user defined list creation, custom access levels, XML data importing/exporting, and more. SchoolMation, designed specifically by experienced educators, to meet the hands-on demands of real schools, has a proven track record. First released in 1997 as a web-based alternative to expensive proprietary systems, SchoolMation’s growing user-base now spreads across the world. SchoolMation, included in “Scholastic Administrator Magazine’s� list of ten top student information systems in October 2003, has been upgraded again to deliver more user requested functionality while retaining its characteristic ease-of-use. It is our goal to remain the most cost-effective, full-featured student management system available to schools anywhere. Many alternatives to SchoolMation claim to be web-based, but in reality, they are only web-enabled. What this means is that you still have to run “proprietary� software on certain computers and there are usually some important things that can’t be done using a standard web-browser. SchoolMation is 100% web-based. Everything your need to do can be done via a standard web-browser such as Internet Explorer. It is that simple. As a school, you have the ability to easily configure SchoolMation to fit within your guidelines and practices. For example, you can decide whether parents should be given online access to their son/daughter’s information, and if so, exactly what information they should be allowed to view. Software should not dictate how you need to run your school, and that is why we have built SchoolMation to be as flexible as possible. Since FullSite, the developers of SchoolMation, have written the entire code from the ground up, if there are additional features you wish to incorporate or custom changes you would like to have, we will do our best to accommodate. SchoolMation works as an “out-of-the-box� application, but we are more then happy to provide free quotations for any special requests you may have. We also offer a range of optional services to help you get up and running quickly. SchoolMation provides simple access to all important school information, which allows you to make knowledge-driven decisions. We invite you to learn more about SchoolMation by exploring our site. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance. SchoolMation is a product of FullSite Pty Ltd, which is headquartered in Sydney, Australia. All prices are in Australian Dollars. DOWNLOAD: http://rapidshare.de/files/17322872/School...nV0.99.rar.html ARCHIVE PASS: bymerzy
  13. Welcome to hell dude
  14. go go go cu beta
  15. pretty

    Fun stuff

    Eu sunt Gutza manelistu`, Put ca Nae tractoristu, Eu are un lantz de aur, Si o moaca de balaur, Ma dau mare manelist, Asta e un lucru trist, Hai cu toti pe sistem, De prostie sa ne umplem, Am bani am lovele ..gajicile se scalda`n ele eu sunt gutza tractorist, raman tot un manelist


    Pai daca de exemplu tu erai pe jos pe strada si cerseai si venea unu' si-ti trantea 500 de lei in mana zicandu-ti 'Ia ma de-aici da-te-n mm de prost' tu ziceai mersi ? :@ Anyway merci... PS: Trebuia sa zici frumos: 'Ba baiatule nu-mi place de moaca ta si nu-ti fac nimic' decat.. In concluzie sper ka ejti multumit cat de kat de semnatura...cand o sa mai am timp o sa mai incerc ... PACE !
  18. si eu sper sa mearga ka iar tre sa`mi bat kapu brb PANA LA SPITAL
  19. si kand e gata ? ;D :


    Nu era nevoie sa tzipi nici sa-mi faci alta puteai sa zici un simplu : Multumesc ... sau mai bineh taceai ...


    eddie47: P.S. ALTA SA NU MAI CERI KA NU`TI FAC !!!!



    Fun stuff

  24. creka ar trebui inchis topicul asta


    mai degraba creka e copy paste...
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