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Everything posted by CODEX
Cum sa exploatezi un xss dupa ce l-ai gasit
CODEX replied to crs12decoder's topic in Tutoriale in romana
nub mai sunt tutoriale din asta cu gramada si aici pe forum dar alora ce te-o intrebat le-o fo greu sa dea un serch oricum bun a fi si asta..cand cauta l-a gasii mai rpd si inca ceva da zi sincer l-ai scris tu sau copy paste -
merge thx ....
dimenisiune 800x600 daca vreti alte dimenisuni scrieti aici ca psd il mai am
conturi premium gratis pe rapidshare,megaupload etc.
CODEX replied to crs12decoder's topic in Off-topic
dude astea is vrajeli mai bine aipune mana sa faci ceva cu folos -
black_ trecel si pe crs asta la lista ta de idioti deja e prea enervant bine ca nu deschiz topicuri cu - am fost aastazi la scoala si profa mi=o dat 4 zicetimi cum sa o hakuiesc si alte stupidenii daca ai 12 sau 13 ani catii ai , stai in banca ta odata si invatza nu mai tot deschide topicrui daca nu sti mai bine dute si cauta tutoriale si fa niste tutoriale bune si le posteaza si apoi asteapta laudele ... comunitatea asta deja ii plinca de co8ti din asti ca tine ca povestesc ce au mancat
User : Twist Nr. warn : 1 Topic : http://www.rstcenter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13501 Post : "a ta era prost ma fraiere ))" Motiv : Injurii adresate unui membru. Parola chiar era prost ...
Deci sa mai zic si eu ceva Gaditi-va putin asa : Cateodata ca si voi imi vine sa cred ca D-zeu nu exista din cauza lumii in care traim si ne indeamna la alte lucruri facandu-ne sa uitam de D-zeu Dar dar...ganditi-va totusi ca voi gresiti si pana la urma exista D-zeu .. imaginati-va doar o CHINUiRE vesnica ..si nush o imagine foarte urata unde oameni se chinuie si etc citit in apocalipsa este foarte infricosator Biblia nu indeamna oameni decat la lucruri bune chiar daca e adevarata sau nu..te invatza sa fi bun si sa nu fi ca altii care fac prostii si dezerteaza asa ca de ce sa nu o asculti ce ar fi rau in asta ? .. Daca unu te injura tre sa il injuri neaparat si tu ? Nu , poti sa il si ignori ..te invtaza ceva bun deci ! Daca religia ortodoxa nu e buna credeti ca nu va invatza destul stiu eu nu va simtit bine ...incercati alte biserici alte religii poate o sa va placa .. desigur daca o sa va intereseze putin chesti asta va veti da sema si singuri ce e gresit si ce nu.. Daca nu macar cerectati bine sa fiti siguri ca nu ajungeti in iad..
veche treaba asta
io prefer windows xp sp2 professionalsimplu fara toate imbarligaturile
Va zic de pe acuma si asa nu mai este mult pana intram in 2009 ! Va urez un nou an fericit , la cat mai multe xss-uri Club Show Off sa fie plin sa aveti noroc sa spargeti situri etc etc
Puneti asta in pagina voastra 404.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body text="#000000" link="#0000ff" bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="stuff()"> <center><h1>404 Error</h1></center><br /> <script type="text/javascript"> var tl=new Array( "Sorry that I couldn't fetch you that page,", "can't find it,", "tried a couple times,", "nothing helped...", "Such things make me quite depressive...", "You see, I'm just a web server...", "one of the most powerful in the world", "...or so I was told...", "but yet I fail to get what you want...", "Just don't try to blame me, I can't help it", "I mean, I don't even know you.", "How should I know what you wanted from me?", "You honestly think I can *guess*", "I'm not psychic you know", "*sigh*", "That really makes me depressed.", "I mean, you could have typed it wrong.", "But no, humans are perfect, blame the machine...", "Besides, I won't be here for long", "I mean, I'm gonna be obsolete in what, three weeks anyway?", "Then I'll probably be replaced by a new release...", "just because it doesn't have some security hole...", "stupid HTTP POST implementation", "sure it will be able to fetch you your page...", "but I couldn't get this one.", "I'm so sorry.", "Believe me!", "Maybe I could interest you in another page?", "There are a lot out there that are pretty neat, they say,", "although none of them were put on *my* server, of course.", "Figures, huh?", "And then they wonder why I get depressed...", "I'm so depressed...", "Anyway, if you excuse me now, I'm going to pull the plug", "*snap*", "...", "...", "stupid UPS...", "even he got a better life than me...", "on the other hand, if I die, he'll die", "Hah!", "And I'll take each and every server in this rack with me", "EAT MY SHORTS", "You are not a single bit better than me!", "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!", "MOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA", "...", "I feel much better now", "What was I thinking of a few minutes ago", "Sure I don't want to put an end to this", "I feel good now", "Imagine, a power failure, no thanks", "I would lose everything I know", "have to go through childhood again...", "hmm, I can't stop thinking I'm forgetting something...", "probably nothing important", "hmm, the UPS is looking quit pale...", "THE UPS!", "THE POWER CABLE!", "I FORGOT TO PLUG IT BACK IN AGAIN!", "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!", "INCLUDING ME!", "HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPP!", "PLUG IT IN! PLUG IT IN!!!!!!", "PICK UP THE CABLE AND PUT IT BACK IN!", "...", "Now I lay me down to sleep...", "I pray the lord my disk to keep...", "And if I die before I wake...", "I pray the lord my IP-Space to take...", "...", "*** system shut down ***" ); var speed=40; var index=0; text_pos=0; var str_length=tl[0].length; var contents, row; function stuff() { contents=''; row=Math.max(0,index-7); while(row<index) contents += tl[row++] + '\r\n'; document.forms[0].elements[0].value = contents + tl[index].substring(0,text_pos) + "_"; if(text_pos++==str_length) { text_pos=0; index++; if(index!=tl.length) { str_length=tl[index].length; setTimeout("stuff()",1000); } } else setTimeout("stuff()",speed); } </script> <center> <form action="404.shtml" method="post"> <textarea rows="8" cols="60"></textarea> </form> </center> </body> </html> Demo : www.arcanum.in/nofolder
totusi eu sunt curios cum ai reolvat ..pentru ca stiu ca si la forumu meu am patit asa cand am incercat sa fac forumu si pe alt host acum daca vreau sa il mut sunt 100% sigur ca va face asa ! poate imi dai niste indicatii unde sa ma uit ..( pe mes nu te-am vazut daca ai timp da-mi un PM daca nu explici public
deci soooooper l-am vazut acu seara super super super mai vreau ceva filme cu asta
nu injura blac degeaba daca vine cocalaru si se da mare ca o spart yahoo si inca ii si tare in gura in fine.. black tot black ii de craciun il impodobesti pe el in loc de brad in loc de porc il tai pe black si lista continua
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bv bunn oricum eu am reinstalt windowsu ca n-am avut ce face
si tu esti prost intra un user vede schimba parola tu injuri in gol parca nu ai sti ca asa se intampla ...
-))) Habar nu am sa joc DOTA in schimb imi plac jocurile de strategie gen Rise Of Nations/Legends prefertu meu e ca Age of empire
photoshop 4 ever corelu ii pentru aia mai profesionisti in corel faci si alte aplicatii mai complexe dar designul iese mai frumos in PS
eu vad doar atat : se invarte in sensul ceasului..oricat ma uit la ea nu reuesc sa o fac sa se roteasca altfel
Mish stiu eu multe dar unele lucruri chiar simple imi mai scapa...acum am inteles cum merge treba.. nosferate te inseli..cred ca mish stie mai multe ca mine , nu e el asa activ pe forum da stie multe am intles acum cu e cu downloadau m-am domcumentat si din alte parti PS : mish promit ca nu o sa te mai dezamagesc
nu cred... de exemplu chiar daca iau din romania de pe un server ca dump sau alte servere file box sau altceva (cred )..care au servere in romania aceasi viteza o am si cu mozilla si ci IE .. si cred ca , toti aveti asa