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Everything posted by io.kent

  1. Features: [#] Automatic separator [#] Works without proxy [#] Possibility to add your passwords in the database (Takes just a list of passwords and login type base; pass) : https://yadi.sk/d/YbVPdeN0TbEXo Sursa: MD5 Hash Decrypter v.0.2 by
  2. Nytro cum ai zis si tu ca arata bine, pentru asta si pentru mai multe scopuri este si aici pe forum
  3. An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows. Features Open-source Intuitive and familiar, yet new user interface C-like expression parser Full-featured debugging of DLL and EXE files (TitanEngine) IDA-like sidebar with jump arrows IDA-like instruction token highlighter (highlight registers etc.) Memory map Symbol view Thread view Content-sensitive register view Fully customizable color scheme Dynamically recognize modules and strings Import reconstructor integrated (Scylla) Fast disassembler (BeaEngine) User database (JSON) for comments, labels, bookmarks etc. Plugin support with growing API Extendable, debuggable scripting language for automation Multi-datatype memory dump Basic debug symbol (PDB) support Dynamic stack view Built-in assembler (XEDParse) x64_dbg | Free Development software downloads at SourceForge.net Sursa : x64_dbg
  4. Professional text and hex editing with Binary Templates technology. Text Editor Edit text files, XML, HTML, Unicode and UTF-8 files, C/C++ source code, etc. Unlimited undo and powerful editing and scripting tools. Hex Editor Unequalled binary editing performance. Edit any file of any size. Use powerful Binary Templates technology to understand binary data. Disk Editor Find and fix programs with hard drives, memory keys, flash drives, CD-ROMs, etc. Process Editor Investigate and modify memory from processes. Tv-Release | TV-RELEASE.NET
  5. io.kent

    20 VPN

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  6. io.kent

    Sallz !

    are dreptate, Breacker dar sa-i zicem ca acum sistemele recente nu mai sunt vulnerabile la acest tip de atac..
  7. io.kent

    Sallz !

    Stai putin, ca sa caute pe google dupa aia iti raspunde.. Bun venit!
  8. Mai multe detali + downloand : [GET] GRAPHICS MYSTIC V1,V2 and V3 (FOR ALL YOUR GRAPHICS NEED)
  9. Nu ma pot pronunta ca nu l-am rulat, ma gandesc sa-l probez..
  10. BlackArch Linux is an Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution for pentesters and security researchers. The BlackArch package repository is compatible with existing Arch installs. Changelog v2014.04.21 added new system packages: mplayer, abs, ack, bc, bridge-utils, darkhttpd, flashplugin, inotify-tools, irssi, makepasswd, mercurial, mplayer, rtorrent, scrot, strace, tor-browser-en added .Xresources with entries for xterm added wicd to system start (systemctl) added wicd and wicd-gtk networkmanager removed ‘xset r rate 150 100? entry for X updated menu entries added more than 150 new tools replaced zathura pdf reader with mupdf Main Features Support for i686, x86_64, armv6h and armv7h architectures Over 750 tools (constantly increasing) Modular package groups A live ISO with multiple window managers, including dwm, fluxbox, openbox, awesome, wmii, i3 and spectrwm. An installer with the ability to build from source. Download BlackArch Linux BlackArch
  11. Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly. It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card independently of the computer's original operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux. Tails comes with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc. https://tails.boum.org/download/index.en.html
  12. Eu personal nu permit nimanui sa ma injure, adevarul este ca nu dau nici motive, si tin la demnitatea mea, frumos ar fi si placut sa vad ca nu se mai injura baieti, si se respecta, omenia se castiga nu se impune!
  13. RemoteDLL is the simple tool to Inject DLL or Remove DLL from Remote Process. It is based on popular Dll Injection technique. It supports following DLL Injection methods CreateRemoteThread NtCreateThread [Good for DLL Injection across sessions on Vista/Windows 7] QueueUseAPC [Delayed Injection] Removing DLL or Freeing DLL from Process is the unique feature of RemoteDLL. It can help you to instantly remove DLL from target process completely. Now a days, many Malware & Spyware programs use the DLL Injection technique to hide themselves into legitimte system process. Once injected there is no way to remove such DLL other than killing the process itself. In such situations, RemoteDLL can help you to remove these Malicious DLLs from the target process easily. Current mega version supports Injecting DLL and Removing DLL from 64 bit process along with numerous improvements for Windows 8. Sursa+Downloand : Remote DLL - Simple & Free Tool to Inject or Remove DLL from Remote Process | KitPloit - PenTest Tools for your Security Arsenal!
  14. HackPorts - Mac OS X Penetration Testing Framework and Tools HackPorts was developed as a penetration testing framework with accompanying tools and exploits that run natively on Mac platforms. HackPorts is a ‘super-project’ that leverages existing code porting efforts, security professionals can now use hundreds of penetration tools on Mac systems without the need for Virtual Machines. Tool List: 0trace 3proxy Air – Automated Image Installer Android APK Tool Android SDK Framework Apache Users Autospy BLINDELEPHANT BRAA Bed Beef Binwalk Btdsd CHKRootKit CHNTPwd Casefile – Maltego Cewl Cisc0wn Cisco Scanner (ciscos) Cisco Torch Cisco global exploiter Credump Creepy Crunch Cupp CutyCapt DBD (Durandal’s Backdoor) DDSquat DD_Rescue DHCPig DNSChef DNSMAP DNSRECON DNSTRACER DNmap DPScan DarkStat DavTest DeD DerogDom DirBuster Dozer (Formally Mercury) Droidbox Encryption Wizard EvilGrade ExifTool Exiting the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) ExploitDB FIERCE2 FTester Fast-Track Flasm GoldenEye Golismero Grabber Grendle Scan HIOC HashTag Hashcat-utils Hexinject IAXFlood IDAPro-Free Intersect Inundator JBoss-Autopwn JD – Java Decompiler JavaLOIC.jar John Johnny Joomscan Kautilya Killerbee Kismac2 Laudanum Libhijack Linux Exploit Suggester Lynis MagicTree MaskGen Metagoofil Mork.pl Multimac Netdiscover Netifera Nikto ONESIXYONE OWASP Mantra OllyDbg – Debugger OpenVas OphCrack Padbuster Passdb Patator Patator PdfBook PeachFuzz Phrasen | Drescher Powerfuzzer Pyrit RFIDIOt RSMangler Rebind Rec-Studio ReverseRaider SCTPScan SFUZZ SIPARMYKNIFE SMBExec SMTP-USER-ENUM SNMPCheck SPAMHole SQLLHF SSLCaudit SSLSniff SSLStrip SUCrack Samdump Sipcrack Skipfish Smali Smartphone-Pentest-Framework StatProcessor TCPReplay TLSSLed TWOFI TestDisk TestSSL ToolName Truecrack UAtester UBERHARVEST Unicornscan Uniscan Vega Vinetto Volatility W3af WCE – Windows Credential Editor WIFITap WOL-E WPScan Waffit Wapiti Web Backdoor Compilation (wbc) Webscrab – OWASP Webshag Webslayer Whatweb XSpy acccheck adsnmp aircrack-ng artemisa asp-audit.pl ASP Auditor automater bbqsql bluediving bluelog bluemaho bluepot blueranger bt-attacks burpsuite c07-sip-r2.jar cdpsnarf cisco-auditing-tool cmospwd cms-explorer copy-router-config cymothoa darkMySQLi dbpwaudit deBlaze dedected dex2jar dirb dns2tcpc dnsenum dotdotpwn easy-creds enumIAX evtparse.pl Parse Event log (Win2000, XP, 2003) fierce fimap findmyhash.py getsids giskismet goofile goohost gooscan hack library hash_id.py – Hash Identifer hashcat hexorbase htexploit httprint httsquash iWar impacket-examples intercepter-ng iodine iphoneanalyzer ipv6toolset jigsaw keimpx.py lanmap2 lbd – load balancing detector letdown make-pdf-javascript.py manglefizz mdb-export merge-router-config miranda mitmproxy mopest-2.pl netgear-telnetenable nimbostratus oat (Oracle Auditing Tool) ocs (OCS Cisco Scanner) oscanner packetstorm pdf-parser pdfid.py pdgmail peePDF phrasenoia pipal plecost pompem powersploit pref – Parse contents of XP/Vista Prefetch files/directory proxystrike ptunnel pwnat pytbull rcracki_mt redfang – the bluetooth hunter revealertoolkit rtpflood rtpinject rtpinsertsound rtpmixsound samdump2 sapyto – SAP Penetration Testing Framework sidguesser sipp sipscan sipvicious spooftooph sqlbrute sqldict sqlmap sqlninja sqlscan sqlsus sslyze swaks – Swiss Army Knife for SMTP tftp brute force thcsslcheck theHarvester thebackdoorfactory tnscmdlOg trixd00r u3-pwn udp.pl – UDP Flood udptunnel unix-priv-check untidy – XML Fuzzer voiphoney volafox warvox websecurify websploit weevely wfuzz xsser yersinia zaproxy – OWAS Zap Sursa+Download: HackPorts - Mac OS X Penetration Testing Framework and Tools | KitPloit - PenTest Tools for your Security Arsenal!
  15. io.kent


    Publicitate nu este? scumpul meu open, cum de esti asa avansat in tehnologie? bun venit...
  16. Edit.. 1) Vrei sa ajuti, noi nu ne rugam de tine, o faci de buna voie.. 2) Esti bun? Probabil dar sunt multi aici care pot spune ca cuvantul ( BUN ) e putin pentru ei. 3)fi baiat de nota maxima, si ajuta persoanele la nevoie, nici decum pentru a obtine V.I.P Bafta, astept si mor de curiozitate sa vad ceva util din tine...
  17. Jos palaria, chiar merita multa atentie.
  18. Ai nevoie de un google in cap si un antivirus in inima, ca sa nu mai cauti prosti de genu razbunare!
  19. Bun venit Iulian:) fi activ si baiat de nota suprema!
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