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Everything posted by GameZoveR

  1. Nokia 6280 si nu merge
  2. Dar nu trebuie sa il salvati pe pc'ul vostru LOL...Eu cred ca am explicat destul de bine in tutorial...doar deschizi notepadul pentru a putea modifica dar nu salvezi nimik...
  3. Mai sunt 2 video'uri de gen : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isSD7bmt-IM Super facute
  4. very very nice
  5. 1. Centrino duo 1.66 mhz,1.66mhz;1 gb Ram;Ati Mobility RadeonX1600(512) 2. AMD Athlon 1.3 mhz,256 Ram 3. AMD Sempron 2.5 mhz,256 Ram Pe primul il iubesc;ultimul e de kaka rau
  6. Pasiune pentru orice tine de computer + me = hacker wannabe
  7. Tutorialul il gasiti aici : http://www.gamezover.biz/shellbottutorial.txt
  8. Ok..Voi avea grija
  9. Citing in Ubuntu shiping FAQ : Will I have to pay taxes/duties? While the CDs and the shipping are completely free of charge, taxes and duties that customs in your country decide to charge you is not within Canonical's control. The larger the order, the larger the chance of the shipment being stopped and the larger the duty that could be demanded. For the vast majority of shipments (including the vast number of small or relatively small shipments), duties have not been charged and CDs have passed through borders without problems. In several countries (e.g., Croatia, FYROM, Serbia and Montenegro and others), even small shipments of CDs have been stopped. Currently, because most shipments are passing customs untaxed, we do not include a list of the values for the CDs on each package. However, in some situations, this has made customs officials suspicious. In the future, we will list a value on shipments to the most problematic countries in regards to customs and all of those shipments will be taxed. That list will be posted here. At the moment, here is our advice in regards to taxes/duties: Anyone ordering a large shipment of CDs should first check with their local customs officials before they place an order in the database. Explaining that the CDs are free before could save a huge headache in the future. Adika .. Depinde de tara in care locuiesti,daca te costa transportul sau nu..dar precum vad ca multi au comandat deja si nu i-au costat nimik,cred ca si Romania face parte din tzarile fara taxe la vama pentru asa ceva..Oricum nu cred ca ar trebui sa exagerati
  10. PHP Shell is a shell wrapped in a PHP script. It's a tool you can use to execute arbiritary shell-commands or browse the filesystem on your remote Web server. This replaces, to a degree, a normal telnet-connection. You can use it for administration and maintenance of your Web site using commands like ps, free, du, df, and more. If these shells aren't protected by some form of authentication, an attacker will basicly *own* the server. This search finds such unprotected phpshells by looking for the keyword "enable stderr". Mi-a fost mai ushor sa dau paste pt ca nu cred ca exista hacker care sa nu stie macar un cuvant in engleza ) sau exista... 1 . Deschidetzi un Internet explorer si intrati pe www.google.com 2 . Cautati : intitle:"PHP Shell *" "Enable stderr" filetype:php 3 . Luati la rand serverele gasite...La unele poate spune ca pagina nu exista la unele ca nu ai suficient acces dar daca apare o pagina unde scrie PHP SHELL in titlu si aveti un box unde puteti scrie comenzi...Incercati comanda w sau uname -a(precum unele servere nu au comanda "w" Si daca v-a da output comanda atunci BINGO...Puneti un bind si deschideti in putty de unde stiti ce sa faceti 4 . Daca as sta sa spun tot ce stiu despre PHP SHELL ar trebui sa scriu o carte,pentru ca sunt mii si mii de moduri sa gasesti sau sa intri intr-un computer cu phpshell asa ca daca aveti intrebari sau comentarii contactati-ma 5 . Incercati sa cautati si numai stderr-enable sau stderr enable 6 . Incercati si pe alte motoare de cautare www.msn.com www.yahoo.com www.tiscali.it etc 7 . Eu in ultima vreme numai asa am facut rost de servere
  11. Salut tuturor...E bine ca s-a gandit cineva sa faca un forum de hack si in limba romana...Bine v-am gasit si sper sa raman destul pe la voi
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