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Everything posted by Todo
I would not call this a challenge.
Salut, daca e cineva interesat de un cont VPN care expira in 11 luni si 9 zile, lasati un PM.
Nu cred ca foloseste vreun CMS, e doar un template. Whatweb: http://www.lovero.eu/ [200] Frame, HTTPServer[Apache], Apache, IP[], Title[LoveRo Grupul Romanilor plecati peste Hotare Romani in Europa], Country[GERMANY][DE]
Nu foarte multi isi vor face tema asta. Si chiar daca e facuta, prima data nu va iesi bine. Va trebui refacuta ori de cate ori e nevoie. Ori de cate ori aplici pentru un job. Nu exagera, nu-ti subestima skillurile, gandeste limpede. Apoi, este foarte important sa ai si o versiune in limba Engleza! Astfel esti deschis la orice posibilitate de peste hotare. Am facut aici un model, pentru cei care sunt interesati: https://www.dropbox.com/s/553a6ol7e2y3072/Todo%20-%20Curriculum%20Vitae.pdf .
Stiu ce vrei sa zici, dar inainte de a investi ceva efort si timp, e bine sa intrebi. Daca vrezi un oarecare interes de prima data, probabil ca pentru urmatorul tutorial nici nu va mai exista un topic de genul asta.
Salutare, Ma gandesc sa fac un tutorial pentru cei pasionati de programare. Mai intai as dori sa stiu cati dintre voi sunti pasionati de Java si/sau JavaFX, iar apoi daca e cineva interesat de un tutorial care prezinta cum sa faci o aplicatie care interactioneaza cu un server MySQL. Cine este pentru, sa lase un comment aici, cine nu sa se abtina.
@a12345: Dude, you obviously got pissed off on this, didn't you? You act like google doesn't want to put you on the HOF. There's no need to call anyone "gay" in here. If you need a boyfriend you might as well close this website and surf the net, you'll definitely find something on your taste. Maybe a russian might fit you, "broski". No one is acting stupid, just because you say so, or because you think you're smarter than you are. And maybe I wanna to do what you tell me. Rules are rules, you solve the challenge, you send the PM, I check the vector, you get a place in the list. Simple as pie. PS: Your ENG is just so bad it hurts my eyes ("..you knows i solved it..").
Don't care about the video! What's the big deal in sending a PM?
Da, merge si pe Chrome, Safari, Firefox. IE nu am testat, oricum nu conteaza. Felicitari! Te-am pus pe lista de solveri.
====OPEN==== Target: [SIZE=3][COLOR="#B22222"]serversfree.com[/COLOR][/SIZE] Todo: send PM with your attack vector (REQUIRED!); post screenshot as proof (display your nickname in alert message); be quiet; PoC: Solvers: danyweb09 xTremeSurfer Renegade ...
Tocmai am testat pe un Safari (6.0.5) - Mac OS-X 10.8.4 si se pare ca imediat ce deschid pagina aceasta (aHR0cHM6Ly96aG92bmVyLmNvbS90bXAva2lsbHdlYmtpdC5odG1s <- Base64), aplicatia "crapa". Inca un test care a iesit cu success (a facut crash) a fost atunci cand am deschis aplicatia Terminal, am salvat exploitul cu nano intr-un fisier .html, si apoi l-am deschis iar cu nano pentru un eventual edit.
Si sintaxa...? Asa pot sa cred ca le ai mai bine in PS decat ce se cere aici.
Chiar nu puteai sa te abtii? Te plictisesti atat de tare? Decat sa pui intrebari stupide mai bine invata cand si cum sa pui o intrebare. Recomand: How To Ask Questions - The Smart Way
Target: (Base64) [SIZE=3][COLOR="#B22222"]aHR0cDovL3N0YXRsZXRpay5kay8=[/COLOR][/SIZE] Todo: display DB username; display DB version; display your nickname; Rules: use UNION SELECT based injection; post screenshot as proof; send PM with your attack vector; be quiet; PoC: Solvers: BitMap Renegade qwerty12 danyweb09 xTremeSurfer totti93 sensi ajkaro StoNe- ====CLOSED====
- Daca te intereseaza dezvoltare iOS/Mac OS-X atunci e clar ca ai nevoie de un device Apple. MacBook Pro 15" = Portabilitate (unde poti sa iti pui un monitor extern pe 22' la un pret rezonabil), iMac = Comfortabilitate (daca lucrezi la birou in mare parte a timpului). Mentionez ca pe Apple poti dezvolta cam tot ce misca in industrie in ziua de azi. Daca ai nevoie sa rulezi Winows se rezolva usor cu Boot Camp. Pretul unui MacBook uneori poate fi cam piperat, dar daca nu se pune problema banilor, atunci e ok. - Daca te intereseaza dezvoltare de orice alt fel (in afara de ce se poate rula pe Apple) + gaming, mergi pe un custom PC. Laptopurile astea din "plastic" nu-mi inspira deloc incredere. Plus ca daca iti faci ceva custom ai mari sanse sa poti instala OS-X. PS: Ai pus problema foarte prost MacBook vs Alienware. Nu pot sa imi dau seama daca esti gamer, sau nu. Nu pot sa imi dau seama daca vrei sa dezvolti ceva anume, sau nu. Numai bine!
Ok, obviously I misunderstood that.
That was for "Bebe", not for you dude! I was just surprised by the fact that some people ask really weird questions in here. If they doesn't understand the post they can always use Google Translate. And I already quoted that user, it was obvious that the message was for him and not for you. Same as I do now, I quote your message and reply to it.
//Edit @Bebe: You can always use Google Translate, is very helpful.
If there is no IP blocking how do you explain this? I try to access the index page without sending any attack vectors and i get this: However FoxyProxy and the proxy list from HMA saved me this time, and I managed to continue the challenge. All I gotta to is to find a good way to display the numbering of tables as requested. Generally the challenge is not that hard.