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Everything posted by vasile.dickulescu

  1. singura problemape care o poti intampina este din cauza procesorului single core, dar din moment ce iti ruleaza Windows 7 SP1 o sa iti mearga si Windows 8.1 x32 fara probleme. De ce Windows 8.1? -> consuma mai putine resurse decat 7 (atat CPU cat si RAM) -> are timpii de start-up/shutdown mult mai mici decat 7 -> arata mult mai bine decat 7 (just my 2 cents) Poti descarca Windows 8.1 x32 de aici: Windows 8.1 AIO 20in1 x86 & x64 Preactivated Nov2013 L.E. @lauryca ai grija ca inainte de a face instalarea sa verifici compatibilitatea componentelor hardware ale laptopului cu Windows 8.1 == drivere L.E.2 Ce anume mai astepti? ) In momentul de fata ai Windows 7 si din moment ce ne-ai intrebat cu ce alta versiune sa schimbi inseamna ca 7 nu iti place. Singura ta alternativa (pe care toata lumea ti-am recomandat-o) este 8.1 ca doar nu te intorci la Windows XP :rofl:
  2. [TABLE=width: 727] [TR] [TD=colspan: 2][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=colspan: 2]More and more people are looking towards the release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) as the natural Windows XP replacement, so we'll try to present the pros and cons for this decision. A lot of Windows XP users are looking to make a change after their operating system will cease to receive security updates from Microsoft, in April. Like most people who are migrating to Linux, they have a lot of questions about various aspects, regarding its use and its capabilities. The truth is that probably Windows XP users are more scared than they should be, as we will show right now. Installation If you ever installed a Windows operating system, you will know how to install Ubuntu or any of its flavors. It uses a very simple and straightforward installer that doesn't bother the users with difficult choices. The only drawback is that if you want to partition your system you might encounter some names that are not familiar, like swap or EXT4. The good news is that it’s unlikely that you will ever need multiple partitions. Drivers Windows users also need to install drivers for new components, like Webcams for example. Some are supported by the operating system, other need manual installation. The only driver that you will have to worry in Ubuntu is the one for the graphics card. It’s not quite clear from where you can change it at first and installing a newer one might take some adjusting. The good news is the when you will learn how to add a PPA or how to upgrade your packages, everything will seem a breeze. Main interface Ubuntu is somewhat different from Windows XP in terms of the general interface. Although it’s intuitive, some users might not want to invest the time to learn how to operate a new OS. The good news is that Ubuntu has a lot of flavors that are a lot more similar with the way Windows XP looks, like Xubuntu or Lubuntu. Both are based on Ubuntu and feature pretty much the same software. Applications and security Installing applications in Windows XP seem easy, right? Double click on a package, hit next a couple of time (agree to an EULA agreement you don't actually read), and everything is set. In Ubuntu things are a lot easier. Just open Ubuntu Software Center and search for the application you want. Click install and you're done. Installing applications in Windows XP could be very dangerous, especially after Microsoft will pull the plug and end the stream of security patches. On Ubuntu you will never get viruses or malware, and the number of viruses for the Linux platform is extremely small. Whenever a problem appears, it only takes the developers a short while to fix it. The only drawback on Ubuntu is that you might not find all the applications you were used to on Windows XP. Most of the bigger apps are cross-platform, but on Ubuntu you might need to search for alternatives. Gaming Windows XP might seem a better platform for gaming, but the truth is that most game developers will soon stop to make their software compatible with a dying OS. Valve is putting a lot of effort towards the Linux platform and they are pushing the gaming industry in this direction. Steam for Linux got more than 500 games in just one year and there is no sign that they are going to slow down. In the next couple of years, the Linux platform will surely be on par with any Windows OS. Adopting Ubuntu now and getting used to it, if you are a gamer, might a great idea. Conclusion If you are a Windows XP user and you have doubts about adopting Linux and Ubuntu, you might want to think twice about your decision to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8. Linux has it all and there is no good reason not to want an operating system based on it.[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Sursa: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS vs. Windows XP: Pros and Cons L.E. Nu stiu de ce textul nu face break la sfarsitul randului In cazul in care este vina mea (si sigur este) un admin poate edita.
  3. For a while Ubuntu 14.04 LTS was looking like it would be launching a few features short of noteworthy. As a ‘Long Term Support’ release that would’ve been an understandable, if disappointing, decision. But over the last few weeks that expectation has punted into the distance as a bunch of long-requested desktop features have finally been fixed up and patched in. From the headline-worthy introduction of locally integrated app menus to subtle tweaks like antialiased corners and a faster way to lock the screen. Perhaps we should’ve had more trust in the Tahr. As the following list shows, it has turned out to have quite the kick in its step… #1: Smaller Unity Launcher You probably already know that you can adjust the size of the Unity Launcher through the slider present in the System Settings > Appearance pane. But, until this release, the minimum size was fixed and could only go so far; you weren’t able to make the Launcher really small. That’s not the case in Trusty. The Unity Launcher can be resized to a minuscule 16px wide, down from the default setting of 48px wide. I’m not entirely convinced that this teeny-tiny width is all that useable; you’d have to really want to have a stack of icons to hand to use it. Still, it’s great to have the choice. #2: Raise Volume Past 100% Whether your laptop speakers are rubbish or the media you’re trying to listen to is insanely quiet, there are often times when pumping the volume up past 100% is needed. Without the need for hacks or extra apps, Trusty ships with support to increase the system volume past the 100% level. Wisely, this feature is not enabled by default, you have to manually check the ‘Allow Louder’ box in System Settings > Sound to take advantage of the change. Of course, cranking the volume past max won’t do anything for quality or clarity, but, at the very least, should put something into earshot. #3: Locally Integrated Menus If I asked you to list some of the more controversial changes Ubuntu has made over the years there’s a good chance that the decision to punt application menus into the top of the screen would make your cut. A lot of people are going to be happy with Ubuntu 14.04; the oft-requested option to show application menus in app windows has finally been implemented — albeit not in the way most people would’ve expected. To maintain the justification for removing them in the first place (i.e., space) the LIM appears embedded in the window title bar, and not, classically, as a separate menu bar beneath it. This may sound like it will get in the way of moving and adjusting windows, but some clever interaction heuristics mean it’s surprisingly swish in use, as the following GIF shows: #4: Full Menus A glut of Ubuntu’s default GNOME apps, including Nautilus and Rhythmbox, have had standard menus reinstated. The need for this comes as GNOME developers are tailoring their apps to suit their own direction, one that dispenses with traditional desktop metaphors, with many apps having their menu offerings pruned and condensed into two separate menus: an overarching ‘file menu’, and an in-app ‘cog’ menu. With Ubuntu using many of GNOME’s applications it inherited this change of approach. Panic is over though as a number of applications (though, I might add, not all) have had their familiar ‘File’, ‘Edit’, etc. menus patched back in. #5: Antialiased Windows Thanks to the introduction of GTK3 CSS-themed window decorations for Unity 7, all app windows now have antialiased corners. It’s a trivial but noticeable change. The ‘Decor’ Compiz plugin used to draw window borders in previous releases wasn’t able to handle this, resulting in the app frame corners sporting a slightly ‘stepped’ look (right side of image) If there’s a downside to be found it’s that, owing to the switch, window controls can not be moved to the right without first switching to a different theme or window decorator. #6: Faster Lock Screen Shortcut One of the first things I do after installing Ubuntu is disable automatic screen locking. I know, this is bad from a security POV. But as someone who is easily distracted it gets annoying to have to continually reenter my password after getting distracted by a playful cat or sudden influx of WhatsApp messages. On the flip side, as someone who also works out of a coffee shop a few days a week screen locking is something I do have need for. Trusty brings me a great compromise in the form of an easy screen locking shortcut. Where previous releases would require finger gymnastics, or muddling through menus, 14.04 requires a simple prod of the Super+L key combo to shutter my desktop from prying eyes. #7: Live Window Resizing While not strictly a ‘new feature’ it is a ‘new default behaviour’: live window resizing has been turned on in Unity 7 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Adjusting the size of a window on Ubuntu at present will show a semi-transparent box of the intended ‘target’ dimension. Letting go of the mouse then sees the app window snap to the new size. While this was (indeed is) helpful, it’s not quite as helpful as actually seeing the result affect the app in real time. Sursa: 7 Improvements In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS That You're Going To Love P.S. Data de lansare a noilor versiuni Ubuntu este "ascunsa" in numele versiunii. De exemplu: Ubuntu 13.10 a fost lansat in luna octombrie (10), anul 2013 (2013) Ubuntu 14.04 va fi lansat in luna aprilie (04), anul 2014
  4. @sleed pai Ubuntu este creat pe baza Debian, ceea ce inseamna ca ambele folosesc pachetele "apt" deci nu vad de ce ar fi probleme
  5. We have seen Android apps that lets you remotely control Banshee, VLC, Amarok etc. But how about a more holistic approach? Linux Remote Control aka LRC is a WebApp that turns any device with a web browser (that has HTML5 support) into a full-fledged remote control for systems that run any Linux based distros. Tested it on Ubuntu 13.10 and I have to say I'm impressed! Here's how you install and setup Linux Remote Control in Ubuntu. How to install and setup Linux Remote Control in Ubuntu? Download the LRC deb package and install it. For that, simply follow the steps below in your Terminal. Instructions here are specifically for Debian based distros like Ubuntu. sudo apt-get install node nodejs-legacy wget http://www.linuxremotecontrol.com/lrc.deb sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/lrc.deb sudo apt-get install -f The fourth command above is optional. Run it only if the second line resulted in some error. Done. LRC installation is complete. Now, you need to move the "lrc-client" directory to your phone (can be your external memory card as well). For that, open Nautilus as root first ("sudo nautilus" in Terminal). Cut-paste the "lrc-client" directory to your phone. Afterwards, start the LRC service in your Ubuntu by using the following command. node /opt/lrc-server/lrc.js And finally, launch the lrc-client from your phone. Goto the "lrc-client" directory in your external SD card (which you copy-pasted earlier) and launch the index.html file in your favorite browser (Firefox beta for Android in my case). For me, the functionalities that worked perfectly include the brightness level adjuster, shutdown/restart buttons as well as lock/unlock buttons, and multimedia pause/stop/play buttons. Things that worked not-so-well include the touchpad controls and some aspects of multimedia controls. More info and instructions here. Thanks for reading.
  6. @kznamst nu se vorbeste despre sistemul de invatamanant in articol. Ideea principala e ca pe cei de la Google ii doare in castravete ca tu ai absolvit MIT, vreo darapanatura de facultate de care nimeni nu a auzit sau care nu are nici o certificare sau nu ai absolvit deloc. Acest lucru se aplica si in Romania, si anume o persoana care nu a absolvit o facultate are sanse egale sau chiar mai mari sa obtina locul de munca decat una care a absolvit UniBuc sau Poli P.S. Asta in cazul in care treci de pitipoancele de la HR )
  7. Google has spent years analyzing who succeeds at the company, which has moved away from a focus on GPAs, brand name schools, and interview brain teasers. In a conversation with The New York Times’ Tom Friedman, Google’s head of people operations, Laszlo Bock, detailed what the company looks for. And increasingly, it’s not about credentials. Graduates of top schools can lack “intellectual humility” Megan McArdle argued recently that writers procrastinate “because they got too many A’s in English class.” Successful young graduates have been taught to rely on talent, which makes them unable to fail gracefully. Google looks for the ability to step back and embrace other people’s ideas when they’re better. “It’s ‘intellectual humility.’ Without humility, you are unable to learn,” Bock says. “Successful bright people rarely experience failure, and so they don’t learn how to learn from that failure.” Those people have an unfortunate reaction, Bock says: “They, instead, commit the fundamental attribution error, which is if something good happens, it’s because I’m a genius. If something bad happens, it’s because someone’s an idiot or I didn’t get the resources or the market moved. … What we’ve seen is that the people who are the most successful here, who we want to hire, will have a fierce position. They’ll argue like hell. They’ll be zealots about their point of view. But then you say, ‘here’s a new fact,’ and they’ll go, ‘Oh, well, that changes things; you’re right.’” People that make it without college are often the most exceptional Talent exists in so many places that hiring managers who rely on a few schools are using it as a crutch and missing out. Bock says: “When you look at people who don’t go to school and make their way in the world, those are exceptional human beings. And we should do everything we can to find those people.” Many schools don’t deliver on what they promise, Bock says, but generate a ton of debt in return for not learning what’s most useful. It’s an “extended adolescence,” he says. Learning ability is more important than IQ Succeeding in academia isn’t always a sign of being able to do a job. Bock has previously said that college can be an “artificial environment” that conditions for one type of thinking. IQ is less valuable than learning on the fly, Bock says: “For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not IQ. It’s learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure they’re predictive.” A behavioral interview, in contrast with those that ask people to figure out how many tennis balls fit into a tennis court, might ask how you’ve reacted to a particularly difficult problem in the past. They can also help find people who fit the company’s definition of leadership. It’s not about leading a club at school or an impressive prior title, Bock says, but the ability to step up and lead when it’s necessary.
  8. pisamas pe fosilele alea de profesori....toti cauta sa faca rost de licente de windows si de antivirusi sa le dea mai departe pe la rude si cunostinte..... acum vreo 2 ani, liceul unde am invatat eu a primit donatie vreo 30+ calculatoare (monitor, unitate, periferice) destul de performante, de la o facultate. Cateva dintre calculatoare rulau XP SP2 iar restul nu prezentau sistem de operare, insa timp de vreo 2 luni toata lumea a fost multumita. Dupa ce s-au linistit apele si s-au vazut cu sacii in caruta, "diferiti" profesori (directoare, directoare adjuncta, profesoara de informatica...cei cu ceva influenta in liceu) au inceput sa dea zvon prin scoala ca sistemul de operare e prea vechi pentru performanta calculatoarelor si ca au nevoie de licente de Windows 7 pentru a le "revigora" pe cele cu XP si punere in folosinta pe cele goale ) Long Story Short: Inainte de a incepe perioada bacului sau in vacanta de vara au primit ceva licente de la Inspectorat, dar pe care si le-au impartit intre ei profesorii mai sus enumerati. In prima saptamana a noului an scolar eu si un coleg am fost chemati in biroul directoarei si rugati sa facem o favoare liceului si anume " puteti sa faceti voi rost de windows 7 din surse proprii si sa il instalati pe toate calculatoarele din noul cabinet de informatica? " Legat de reportajul de mai sus, nici macar unui elev nu au luat interviul, probabil le era ca spune vreunul ceva care sa ii dea de gol
  9. It’s abundantly clear that technology plays a huge role in education these days, as we’ve already seen with the Samsung School initiative and the increased used of online media for teaching. Whereas most other schools look to Windows and Mac for their student computers, one American high school is taking an entirely different direction: an open-source direction. Every student at Penn Manor High School has been given an Acer TravelMate laptop loaded with Ubuntu 13.10. That’s over 1,700 laptops being distributed to the student body and, what’s more, all of the students are being provided with full sudo access to their computers. What this means is that they are granted effectively superuser level security privileges to do as they will with their TravelMates. In fact, the school is encouraging students to “install software and lift the hood of the system to better understand what makes it tick,” said district technology director Charlie Reisinger. “Linux offers so many opportunities to explore computing, programming, and the arts.” While this move could prove to be something of a hindrance for students when they need to transition back into a more mainstream computing environment, the experience and knowledge could be great for students who move on to careers in IT, like systems administration or work related to web servers. By encouraging them to tinker, students may be better equipped at solving their own problems, as well as collaborating with a larger (open source) community. It’s not too shabby that the district stands to save at least $360,000 in licensing fees alone either. Sorce: High School Goes Open Source Mi-a placut mult de tot partea asta "all of the students are being provided with full sudo access to their computers". Sa vezi ce rup elevii cd-urile si usb-urile cu Ubuntu LiveUsb sa repare GRUB-ul
  10. @bajetzashu89 pentru o tara care plateste 8 Milioane de euro pentru un website ar fi chiar culmea sa fie folosit ceva FOSS
  11. @Cril, etc) au cunostinte ca in "real-world" treburile stau ceva mai diferit, sunt invitati sa participe la discutie, insa fara a-si baga salamul in frigiderul meu )) Concluzia Finala: Apucati-va de Linux de pe acum, o sa va prinda foarte bine ceva mai tarziu
  12. Incearca PVSTAR+ (YouTube Music Player) Descriere: You can create and manage playlist for Youtube, DailyMotion videos and MV. Moreover, continuous playback, background playback, repeat playback are also supported. The main features are as follows. - Video search (YouTube, DailyMotion, NicoVideo, Vimeo) - Category Search - Playlist playback - Background playback - Repeat playback - Shuffle playback - Music mode - Video cache function - Low quality mode (for slow networks) - Automatically stop when the earphone is disconnected. - Open in PVSTAR when you open the URL in other app. - Viewing related videos - Widget - Bookmark function for playlists and channels - Keyword suggestion [Very easy operation] - Continuous playback of music ranking. Listen to popular songs at once! - Video search by artist. Selected from the search results, continuous playback! - By creating a mylist, you can assemble your own favorite album! Even a wallpaper can be set! - Play YouTube playlists directly. It's not necessary to create a mylist! - Playing in the background. You can listen while you work! - You can play in the background, while you are out. Enjoy using your earphones! - Set the sleep timer before going to sleep. L.E. SirGod was faster
  13. UPDATE 17:15 O fac?iune radical? a opozi?iei ucrainene avertizeaz? c? va continua "revolu?ia" Mi?carea radical? Sectorul Dreapta a comunicat c? nu are încredere în pre?edintele Ucrainei, Viktor Ianukovici, avertizând c? va continua lupta împotriva regimului de la Kiev, informeaz? site-ul agen?iei Interfax Ukraine. "Revolu?ia na?ional? continu?", a declarat Dmitro Iaro?, liderul organiza?iei radicale Sectorul Dreapta. UPDATE 17:05 - Parlamentul ucrainean a votat revenirea la Constitu?ia din 2004 Parlamentul ucrainean a votat vineri, cu o majoritate larg?, în favoarea adopt?rii Constitu?iei din 2004, care acorda pre?edintelui puteri mai pu?in importante decât Constitu?ia actual?, relateaz? AFP. Acest vot a avut loc în urma semn?rii unui acord de ie?ire din criz? de c?tre pre?edintele Viktor Ianukovici ?i reprezentan?i ai opozi?iei. UPDATE 16:51 - UE îndeamn? Guvernul ?i opozi?ia ucrainene s? pun? în aplicare acordul de la Kiev Pre?edintele Consiliului European Herman Van Rompuy a îndemnat vineri Guvernul ?i opozi?ia din Ucraina "s? treac? de la vorbe la fapte" ?i s? pun? în aplicare acordul de ie?ire din criz? pe care l-au semnat în prezen?a mediatorilor europeni, relateaz? AFP. Acest acord "este un compromis necesar în vederea lans?rii unui dialog politic indisprensabil" care s? permit? Ucrainei s? ias? din criz?, a apreciat Van Rompuy. "De-acum este rsponsabilitatea tuturor p?r?ilor s? fie curajoase ?i s? treac? de la vorbe la fapte", a ad?ugat el, citat într-un comunicat. UPDATE 15:21 - Opozi?ia ucrainean? accept? propunerile lui Ianukovici Opozi?ia accept? propunerile pre?edintelui ucrainean Viktor Ianukovici, a anun?at vineri un reprezentant al opozi?iei, transmite AFP. Pre?edintele ucrainean a anun?at vineri concesii majore fa?? de opozi?ie, inclusiv alegeri preziden?iale anticipate, formarea unui guvern de coali?ie ?i o reform? constitu?ional?, în urma unor violen?e care s-au soldat, începând de mar?i, cu aproape 80 de mor?i. Acordul a fost aprobat de c?tre "Consiliul Maidan", numele pie?ei din centrul Kievului, ocupate de trei luni de c?tre manifestan?i, regrupând toate tendin?ele din cadrul opozi?iei, partide politice, reprezentan?i ai societ??ii civile ?i grup?ri radicale, potrivit lui Tiagnibok. Opozi?ia a cerut, totodat?, ca actualul ministru de Interne Vitali Zaharcenko s? nu fac? parte din viitorul Guvern, iar procurorul general Viktor Pcionka s? fie demis din func?ie, potrivit lui Tiagnibok. Cei doi sunt viza?i din cauza rolului pe care l-au jucat în reprimarea, din partea poli?iei ?i puterii judiciare, a manifestan?ilor din Ucraina. Tiagnibok este liderul partidului na?ionalist Svoboda (Libertate) ?i unul dintre principalii trei lideri ai opozi?iei politice. Sursa: Mediafax.ro
  14. Everyone’s a tech company these days. From new-school video streaming services like Netflix to old-school grocery businesses and government agencies, technology increasingly drives business productivity. At the heart of this movement is Linux, resulting in exceptional, highly paid job opportunities for Linux professionals. Software Developers’ Increased Currency Software developers are the new kingmakers, according to Redmonk analyst Stephen O’Grady. Small wonder, then, that the most recent US News & World Report list of the top 100 jobs now ranks software developer at #1, with system administrator positions in the top 20. Clearly, the economy is rebuilding around tech as every company seeks competitive advantage by making more intelligent use of their data and seeks to improve agility with cloud and open-source technologies, among other means. What’s perhaps less clear is just how much this new tech economy depends on Linux. The New World Of Tech Is Built On Linux This Linux dependence becomes evident in a survey of 5,000-plus Linux professionals and hiring managers the Linux Foundation recently released in partnership with Dice.com. Among other findings in the report: 77% of hiring managers have “hiring Linux talent” on their list of priorities for 2014, up from 70% in 2013. With these strategic priorities set, 93% of hiring managers plan to hire a Linux professional in the next six months. 46% of hiring managers are beefing up their plans for recruiting Linux talent over the next six months, a three-point increase over last year. 86% of Linux professionals report that knowing Linux has given them more career opportunities, and 64% say they chose to work with Linux because of its pervasiveness in modern-day technology infrastructure. All of which means demand for Linux professionals is heating up. Considerably. Linux: Lots Of Demand, Not Enough Supply In fact, 90% of hiring managers said it’s “somewhat” or “very difficult” to find experienced Linux pros—and those who have the right skills and expertise are being aggressively recruited. In fact, 75% of Linux professionals surveyed said they received at least one call from a recruiter in the last six months. Nearly 50% of those received six or more calls. It’s a good time to be a Linux pro. This translates into higher pay and better benefits. Because 55% of Linux pros believe it would be “very easy” or “fairly easy” to find a new, better job, 20% of them said they received incentives such as higher pay, a more flexible work schedule or additional training as part of a counteroffer from their employer after they tested the job market. To keep them from testing the market, Linux pros enjoyed salary increases over the past year that exceeded the average for technology professionals by more than two percentage points. These professionals also received an average bonus of $10,336, up 12% from the previous year. The Past, Present And Future Of Linux Ten years ago, the smart way to earn more money was to learn Linux. Today, that’s still true. Back in 2004 Linux was still new and was largely being deployed by early adopters seeking a competitive edge in their respective markets, and often financial services. Today Linux is the default operating system for cloud, Big Data and mobile, the big trends that are reshaping industries. Not confined to early adopters, Linux is simply the platform on which much of our innovation happens. As such, I’ll give the same career advice I gave back in 2004, and which I’ll likely still be repeating in 2024: learn Linux. it’s the future.
  15. A mai fost pusa intrebarea in acest topic: https://rstforums.com/forum/78388-exe.rst Raspunsul meu din acel topic:
  16. Focuri de arm? cu muni?ie de R?ZBOI la Kiev: Cel pu?in 100 de mor?i ?i 500 de r?ni?i. 67 de poli?i?ti au fost lua?i ostatici de protestatari - LIVE TEXT, LIVE VIDEO, FOTO Focuri de arm? cu muni?ie de r?zboi se desf??oar? joi în centrul Kievului, conform AFP. Cel pu?in 100 de persoane au murit, alte aproximativ 500 fiind r?nite, afirm? surse medicale citate de CNN. Sediile Parlamentului ?i al Guvernului au fost evacuate. Ministerul de Interne i-a îndemnat pe locuitorii Kievului s? nu ias? din cas? ?i s? nu mearg? în centrul ora?ului, unde au loc tiruri sus?inute cu gloan?e reale. For?ele de securitate au primit permisiunea de a folosi arme de foc în legitim? ap?rare. UPDATE 18:15 Cel pu?in 67 de protestatari au murit joi la Kiev, anun?? autorit??ile Autorit??ile regionale din Kiev au confirmat moartea a 67 de manifestan?i în violen?ele comise joi în capitala Ucrainei, informeaz? AFP. UPDATE 17:20 ?aizeci ?i ?apte de poli?i?ti au fost lua?i ostatici de protestatari ?aizeci ?i ?apte de agen?i de poli?ie au fost captura?i de manifestan?i proeuropeni, la Kiev, anun?? Ministerul ucrainean de Interne, avertizând c? ar putea decide o interven?ie în for?? pentru eliberarea "ostaticilor". "În cursul atacurilor extremi?tilor, 67 de agen?i ai Ministerului de Interne au fost captura?i", precizeaz? institu?ia. "For?ele de ordine au dreptul s? utilizeze armele pentru eliberarea colegilor", avertizeaz? Ministerul de Interne. UPDATE 16:25 - CNN: Bilan?ul violen?elor este de cel pu?in 100 de mor?i Cel pu?in 100 de persoane au murit, joi, în cursul violen?elor de la Kiev, alte aproximativ 500 fiind r?nite, afirm? surse medicale citate de CNN. Bilan?ul a fost furnizat de ?eful serviciului medical al protestatarilor proeuropeni. Acest bilan? nu a fost confirmat de surse oficiale. Pân? acum, pentru violen?ele de joi exista un bilan? confirmat de 21 de mor?i. Potrivit AFP, bilan?ul total al violen?elor izbuncite mar?i este de 53 de mor?i. UPDATE 16:00 - Treisprezece cadavre zac de câteva ore în Pia?a Independen?ei din Kiev Treisprezece cadavre neidentificate zac de câteva ore în Pia?a Independen?ei din Kiev, informeaz? site-ul agen?iei Interfax-Ukraine. Cadavrele sunt într-o sta?ie de troleibuz din zona Pie?ei Independen?ei din Kiev. Potrivit unui reporter al Interfax-Ukraine, este posibil ca persoanele s? fi fost împu?cate de pe o cl?dire a sindicatelor, situat? în apropiere. UPDATE 15:40 - For?ele de securitate au primit permisiunea de a folosi arme de foc - Russia Today For?ele de securitate din centrul Kievului au primit permisiunea de a folosi arme de foc în legitim? ap?rare, dup? ce au fost atacate de la ferestrele unei cl?diri, a declarat Ministrul de Interne. ”Pe 20 februarie, oameni neidentifica?i au tras asupra for?elor de securitate de la ferestrele Conservatorului din Kiev. Pentru securitatea for?elor de ordine, s-a decis relocarea trupelor în locuri mai sigure ?i, conform legisla?iei în vigoare, folosirea armelor de foc în legitim? ap?rare”, a declarat ministrul. Sursa: Mediafax Shit just got real.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DxkDiAcSF8#t=44
  17. Facebook has acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion; $4 billion in cash, $12 billion in Facebook shares, and $3 billion in restricted stock. This deal makes the acquisition of Instagram for $1 billion look piffling in comparison. WhatsApp has more than 450 million active users, and is growing at a rate of 1 million new users every day. Those users are also highly engaged, with 72 percent of them using WhatsApp on a daily basis. Even so, $16 billion is a huge amount of money, representing 10 percent of Facebook’s total market cap of $170 billion at the time of writing.
  18. Before & After Kiev's Independence Square - Ukraine Vazand numarul de persoane decedate atat de mare, cred ca se aplica decat prima parte din citatul "Go Big or Go Home !"
  19. sincer sa fiu, nu stiu de ce va mirati asa toti ) de prin 2010 numarul de utilizatori Firefox e intr-o scadere continua.... Firefox a scazut in ultimii 3 ani de la 46% la 26% in Topul Browserelor folosite. Pana acum cativa ani Google platea celor de la Firefox cateva sute de de milioane de $ pentru a pastra Google ca motor de cautare default, insa de cand Chrome a devenit browserul prioritar pe mai toate sistemele de operare (Linux, Windows, Mac) si a depasit 50% in topul browserelor folosite nu stiu ce interes ar avea sa isi mai continue plata catre Firefox. Treaba cu reclamele mi se pare un gest extrem, care oarecum pretinde caderea Firefox....Just my 2 cents P.S. Nu spun ca Firefox va cadea pentru ca e prost, ci doar ca Google Chrome e mult mai bun
  20. The Real Heisenberg )) Mexican Drug Lord's home after being raided - Imgur Fallen si prietena lui de Valetine's Day
  21. This isn’t a tutorial on C++ but a guide for those in the middle of learning it. But let’s face it—with C++, there’s always something to learn. What follows are 10 of the more important things to keep in mind if you want to write polished, professional C++ code that is easy to maintain and less likely to need debugging—so I am actually more exacting here in this article than I sometimes am in my book, C++ Without Fear, Second Edition. These guidelines are in no particular order (sorry David Letterman), except that the earlier items are addressed more to mistakes that beginners have trouble with. #1: Don’t Confuse Assign (=) with Test-for-Equality (==). This one is elementary, although it might have baffled Sherlock Holmes. The following looks innocent and would compile and run just fine if C++ were more like BASIC: if (a = {[INDENT] cout << "a is equal to b."; }[/INDENT] Because this looks so innocent, it creates logic errors requiring hours to track down within a large program unless you’re on the lookout for it. (So when a program requires debugging, this is the first thing I look for.) In C and C++, the following is not a test for equality: a = b What this does, of course, is assign the value of b to a and then evaluate to the value assigned. The problem is that a = b does not generally evaluate to a reasonable true/false condition—with one major exception I’ll mention later. But in C and C++, any numeric value can be used as a condition for “if” or “while. Assume that a and b are set to 0. The effect of the previously-shown if statement is to place the value of b into a; then the expression a = b evaluates to 0. The value 0 equates to false. Consequently, a and b are equal, but exactly the wrong thing gets printed: if (a = // THIS ENSURES a AND b ARE EQUAL...[INDENT]cout << "a and b are equal.";[/INDENT] else [INDENT]cout << "a and b are not equal."; // BUT THIS GETS PRINTED! [/INDENT] The solution, of course, is to use test-for-equality when that’s what you want. Note the use of double equal signs (==). This is correct inside a condition. // CORRECT VERSION: if (a == [INDENT]cout << "a and b are equal."; [/INDENT] #2: Do Get Rid of “Magic Numbers” Magic number refers to a literal number that pops up in a program without explanation. Most seasoned programmers prefer to see a program consisting of nothing but symbolic names like MAX_ROWS, SCREEN_WIDTH, and so on. In short, professional computer programmers—some of the most mathematically inclined people around—really hate numbers! A bit of history helps explains why. Back in the 1940s, all programming was in machine code, consisting of nothing but raw bit patterns. Programmers lived in the lowest circle of hell, having to constantly translate these patterns. Programming became a thousand times easier when assembly language enabled the use of symbolic names. And even today, programmers tend to dislike declarations like these: char input_string[81]; 81 is a “magic number.” Where does it come from? The better policy is to control the use of numbers with #define or enum statements. #define SCREEN_WIDTH 80 SCREEN_WIDTH is more meaningful than 81, and if you decide to reset this width later, you need change only one line in the program. That change is then automatically reflected in statements such as: int input_string[SCREEN_WIDTH + 1]; #3: Don’t Rely on Integer Division (Unless That’s What You Want) The integer type (int in the C/C++ family, along with short, long, and now long long) is to be preferred whenever you don’t need to store fractional quantities—for a lot of good reasons, which I won’t go into here. But sometimes, integer quantities are part of larger expressions that do involve fractions. Here’s an example from my boo, C++ Without Fear: cout << results / (n / 10); The program generates random numbers between 0 and 9; each should come up about 1/10th of the time. The total “hits” for each number is then compared to the expected total, N/10. So if the results (total hits) for the number 3 is, say, 997, and there are 10,000 trials, the number 997 is compared to the expected hits—in this case, 1000. But results, n, and 10 are all integers. So 997 is divided by 1000, producing[el] zero! Wait a moment. We were supposed to get 0.997. What went wrong? Integer division rounds down, producing a nice integer result. The remainder is thrown away. This isn’t necessarily as bad as it seems. C++ provides two separate operations: division and remainder division: int dividend = n / m; // Put ratio here. int remainder = n % m; // Put remainder here. By the way, the previous code fragment example used a—shudder!—magic number, 10. But the next section addresses the bigger problem: loss of data. #4: Do Use Data Promotion to Control Results In mixed integer/floating-point expressions, integer operands are promoted to type double. Consequently, this expression produces what we want: cout << results / (n / 10.0); Note that 10.0, though having no fraction, is stored as type double; this causes C++ to promote nand results to type double as well, and then carries out floating-point division. Other ways to produce this effect include use of data casts: cout << results / (n / (double) 10); cout << results / (n / static_cast<double>(10)); #5: Don’t Use Non-Boolean Conditions (Except with Care) Designed originally to help write operating systems, the C language was meant to give programmers freedom—not only to manipulate data at a machine-code level (through the use of pointers) but also to write shortcuts. Shortcuts are dangerous for beginners but sometimes nice for programmers who know what they’re doing. If they’re willing to live dangerously. One of the most elegant tricks is the following, a slick way of saying “Do something N times:” while (n--) {[INDENT]do_something(); } [/INDENT] You can make this even shorter: while (n--) do_something(); Again, we’re dealing with the rule that any numeric value can be a condition in C and C++. When nbecomes 0, after being decremented once each trip through the loop, the loop ends. But there are problems: What if n contains an initial negative value? Then the loop I’ve just shown goes on forever, or at least goes to the lowest negative value before overflowing. That can really ruin your day. In general, then, only expressions that are strict Boolean (that is, true/false) expressions should be used as conditions. while (n-- > 0) {[INDENT]do_something(); } [/INDENT] There’s one major exception. The shortcut makes sense when dealing with a pointer set to NULL(that is, 0) when an operation fails. Effectively, NULL means false. A null pointer can also be used in the context of a linked list to indicate a pointer that is at the end of the list, with its next_nodemember pointing nowhere (Nowheresville, they said in the 1950s and 1960s). In the following case, a null pointer means a file-open failed: if (! file_pointer) {[INDENT]cout << "File open failed."; return ERROR_CODE; } [/INDENT] By the way, this is one place where you might want to use an assignment inside a condition: if (! (file_pointer = open_the_file(args))) {[INDENT]cout << "File open failed."; return ERROR_CODE;} [/INDENT] #6: Do Use using Statement, Especially with Smaller Programs Technically, common data-stream objects cin and cout are members of the std namespace, requiring you to write code like this: std::cout << "Hello." << std::endl; What a load of extra work! (And what a load.) For most programming, I strongly recommend bringing in the entire std namespace, thus eliminating the need to use the std:: prefix with cin,cout, etc. Just place the following at the beginning of every program: using namespace std; #7: Don’t Use Global Variables Except to Communicate Between Functions Only a few words need be said about this one. Programmers sometimes ask themselves whether to make a variable local or global. The rule is simple: If a variable is used to store information that communicates between functions, either make the variable into a parameter (part of an argument list), passing the information explicitly, or make it global. When information is to be shared between several functions, it’s often most practical to just go with global variables. In syntactic terms, this means declaring them outside all function definitions. The reason for using relatively few variables global is clear: With global variables, the internal actions of one function can interfere with the internal actions of other functions—often unintentionally, especially in a large program. So try to make most variables local if you can. Enough said. #8: Do Use Local Variables with the for Statement With all but the most ancient versions of C++, the slickest way to localize a variable is to declare a loop variable inside of a for statement. This ability was not always supported, so old-timers like me sometimes need reminding that you can do this. for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // Declare i inside the loop. cout << i << " "; // Print out numbers 1 to n. } In the case of for loops, it’s rare that the final value of i, the loop variable, will be used later in the program (although that does happen occasionally). Generally speaking, you’re going to want to use a variable such as i for a loop counter and then throw it away when you’re done. Making i local to the loop itself is not only a slick way to save some space, but it’s safer programming. One of the benefits of this use of for is that it automatically takes care of having to initialize i, a local variable. Yes, it can be extra work, but initializing a local variable is something you ideally ought to do—although it is tempting to leave it uninitialized if the very first statement in the function is going to set the variable’s value. Nonetheless, the most correct programs tend to initialize their locals: void do_stuff() {[INDENT]int n = 0; // Number of repetitions [/INDENT] [INDENT]int i = 0; // Loop counter. [/INDENT] Remember that initialized global variables (including objects) contain all-zero values, while uninitialized locals (including objects) contain garbage—garbage being a technical term for “meaningless, useless value that is likely to blow up your program.” #9: Don’t Be Intimidated into Overusing Classes and Objects This is a general philosophical pointer. When people start programming in C++, they’re typically told to make every data structure into a class and to make every function a class member. But object-oriented programming (OOP), which was so hyped in the 1990s and in the early years of the millennium, has suffered a bit of a backlash in the last few years. The truth is, for short console-output-oriented programs, it’s nearly impossible to find examples in which classes and objects save programming effort. On the contrary, programs that unnecessarily use classes take up more space. Why use classes at all, then? Consider that object-oriented concepts were pioneered by the same people who came up with graphical-user interface (GUI)[el] no, not Microsoft, and not Apple, despite its claims. The originator of both these technologies was PARC, the Palo Alto Research Center. It’s not surprising, then, that classes and objects provide best and highest use within a graphical or event-driven system. An object—or instance of a class—is a self-contained data item with both state and behavior, meaning it knows how to respond to requests for services. This fits the GUI model very well. Beyond that, I recommend mastering the basics of class and object syntax so you can take advantage of the Standard Template Library (STL). The STL provides a lot of rich facilities, including strings, lists, and stacks, that simplify a lot of programming tasks. #10: Do Remember: Semi’s After Class Declarations, Not Functions Once you do start defining classes, don’t get tripped up by the syntax. BASIC programmers sometimes complain, “I don’t want to have to think about how often to use a semicolon goes.” This made them dislike Pascal. C and C++ are at least a little better; the semicolon ( is not a statement separator but a statement terminator, making its use more consistent. But you don’t terminate a compound statement with a semi: if (a == {[INDENT]cout << "a and b are equal.";}[/INDENT] So the rule is to terminate each statement with a semicolon, but don’t follow a closing brace with a semicolon. Consequently, function definitions are not semicolon-terminated. There is one major exception: Each class declaration (including struct and union declarations) must be terminated with a semicolon: class Point { public: int x; int y;};Now we can state the full syntax rule in C/C++: Terminate each statement with a semicolon. Don’t follow a closing brace with a semicolon unless it ends a class declaration, in which case it’s required. Summary Programming in C++ (or for that matter, in any language) is a life-long pursuit, and you never stop learning. In this article, I’ve looked at just the tip of the iceberg; however, in my programming experience going all the way back to the 1980s and even earlier, the issues in these article are points that, for me at least, come up again and again. Among the more important ideas: Use the right operator for the right task (don’t confuse = and ==); pay attention to the effect of data types in math operations; be extra-careful about tempting shortcuts, such as while(n—); use local variables within for loops; and use meaningful symbolic names as much as possible. To be honest, I sometimes cut corners myself for very simple programs, but when you get into complex programming, following these guidelines will save you a lot of headache—if not heartache! Sursa: Top 10 Tips for Correct C++ Coding
  22. What's the TL;DR of your country's entire history? TL;DR == Too long, didn't read This land is your land? ...This land is my land - USA We were really important but now we make shoes - Italy Glowing in the dark since 1986. - Ukraine All is fine. No more questions. Eternal President will lead us to victory. - North Korea Going to war? Sure we'll take your money! - Switzerland Went to war with everyone for centuries, surrenders once, is called a country of pussies forever. - France Managed to pin World War 1 on Germany. - Austria Sends soldiers to support wars started by allies. Always blamed, gets bitter and starts a war themselves. Never allowed to hear the end of it. - Germany We are one the oldest and wisest cultures. Welcome to Dell technical support, my name is Steve - India Viking glory days, many hundred years of rule by others, now filthy rich from oil. - Norway
  23. The fourth point update to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS has been made available for download. Ubuntu 12.04.4 features a new version of the Ubuntu kernel, version 3.11, and matching X.org stack, aimed at providing existing LTS users with improved support for ‘a wider variety of hardware’. While a core part of this release, the updated ‘hardware enablement stack‘ won’t roll out to everyone. Only installations made using Ubuntu 12.04.2 or 12.04.3-based images will automatically receive the updates. Those who installed using previous versions can choose to opt in to this HES update using the following command: sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-lts-saucy Other changes include new versions of Firefox & Thunderbird and the removal of the Ubuntu One Music Store plugin from Rhythmbox. Support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS stretches into 2017. The next LTS release, Ubuntu 14.04, is due this April. Download Ubuntu 12.04.4 Sursa: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS Released With New Hardware Enablement Stack | OMG! Ubuntu!
  24. uitati-l pe acidripp )) cred ca asta e principalul motivul pentru care nu a mai aparut pe rst in ultimele zile
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