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  1. A group of technology companies, non-profits and privacy and human rights organizations have sent a letter to President Barack Obama, the director of national intelligence and a wide range of Congressional leaders, calling for an end to the bulk collection of phone metadata under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act. The letter, sent by dozens of organizations and companies, comes at a time when legislators in the United States are considering a new bill that would repeal the Patriot Act altogether. That measure likely will face stiff opposition in the House of Representatives, but less-sweeping reforms may be on the table as well. In the letter, representatives from the EFF, CloudFlare, Silent Circle, the ACLU, Mozilla, Human Rights Watch and many other organizations say that whatever form the changes take, Section 215 collection needs to end once and for all. “There must be a clear, strong, and effective end to bulk collection practices under the USA PATRIOT Act, including under the Section 215 records authority and the Section 214 authority regarding pen registers and trap & trace devices. Any collection that does occur under those authorities should have appropriate safeguards in place to protect privacy and users’ rights,” the letter says. The legal authority for the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of telephone metadata derives from Section 215 of the Patriot Act, and that section is due to expire on June 1. Lawmakers are considering a variety of possible reforms to the authority, but many in the security, technology and privacy communities have been advocating for the elimination of that authority altogether. In 2014, President Obama released a plan that would change the bulk collection under Section 215 and would keep all of the records with the telecom providers. The government would then need to get orders from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to access specific records. In addition to calling for an end to the Section 215 bulk collection, the organizations that sent the new letter to Obama and lawmakers said that any bill must “contain transparency and accountability mechanisms for both government and company reporting, as well as an appropriate declassification regime for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court decisions.” The Section 215 bulk collection was the first piece of the massive surveillance revelations from Edward Snowden that began in 2013. Though many other NSA programs have been revealed in the ensuing two years, the telephone metadata collection has remained one of more controversial ones. “It has been nearly two years since the first news stories revealed the scope of the United States’ surveillance and bulk collection activities. Now is the time to take on meaningful legislative reforms to the nation’s surveillance programs that maintain national security while preserving privacy, transparency, and accountability. We strongly encourage both the White House and Members of Congress to support the above reforms and oppose any efforts to enact any legislation that does not address them,” the letter says. Source
  2. Hello After Collecting Best Of Denial Of Service Attack Tools, I decided To Share Them With You So, I Already Scanned All Tools And Removed Backdored one This Is A list Of Tools : - Anonymous Doser - Hoic - Hulk - Loic - SlowLoris - Unknow Doser - XOIC This is A picture : Now For The Download Link:* ddos attack tools
  3. 1 With what shall we commune this evening? Neighbors, please join me in reading this eighth release of the International Journal of Proof of Concept or Get the Fuck Out, a friendly little collection of articles for ladies and gentlemen of distinguished ability and taste in the field of software exploitation and the worship of weird machines. If you are missing the first seven issues, we the editors suggest pirating them from the usual locations, or on paper from a neighbor who picked up a copy of the first in Vegas, the second in S˜ao Paulo, the third in Hamburg, the fourth in Heidelberg, the fifth in Montr´eal, the sixth in Las Vegas, or the seventh from his parents’ inkjet printer during the Thanksgiving holiday. We begin our show tonight in Section 2 with something short and sweet, an executable poem by Morgan Reece Phillips. Funny enough, 0xAA55 is also Pastor Laphroaig’s favorite number! We continue in Section 3 with another brilliant article from Micah Elizabeth Scott. Having bought a BD-RW burner, and knowing damned well that a neighbor doesn’t own what she can’t open, Micah reverse engineered that gizmo. Sniffing the updater taught her how to dump the firmware; disassembling that firmware taught her how to patch in new code; and, just to help the rest of us play along, she wrapped all of this into a fancy little debugging console that’s far more convenient than the sorry excuse for a JTAG debugger the original authors of the firmware most likely used. In Section 4, Pastor Laphroaig warns us of the dangers that lurk in trusting The Experts, and of one such expert whose witchhunt set back the science of biology for decades. This article is illustrated by Boris Efimov, may he rot in Hell. In Section 5, Eric Davisson describes the internals of TCP/IP as a sermon against the iniquity of the abstraction layers that—while useful to reduce the drudgery of labor—also cloud a programmer’s mind and keep him from seeing the light of the hexdump world. Ange Albertini is known to our readers for short and sweet articles that quickly describe a clever polyglot file in a page or two. In Section 6, he finally presents us with a long article, a listing of dozens of nifty tricks that he uses in PoCkGTFO, Corkami, and other projects. Study it carefully if you’d like to learn his art. In Section 7, BSDaemon and Pirata extend the RDRAND trick of PoCkGTFO 3:6—with devilish cunning and true buccaneer daring—to actual Intel hardware, showing us poor landlubbers how to rob not only unsuspecting virtual machines but also normal userland and kernel applications that depend on the new AES-NI instructions of their precious randomness—and much more. Quick, hide your AES! Luckily, our neighborly pirates show how. Section 8 introduces us to Ryan O’Neill’s Extended Core File Snapshots, which add new sections to the familiar ELF specification that our readers know and love. Recently, Pastor Laphroaig hired Count Bambaata on as our Special Correspondent on NASCAR. After his King Midget stretch limo was denied approval to compete at the Bristol Motor Speedway, Bambaata fled to Fordlandia, Brazil in a stolen—the Count himself says “liberated”—1957 Studebaker Bulletnose in search of the American Dream. When asked for his article on the race, Bambaata sent us by WEFAX a collection of poorly redacted expense reports1 and a lovely little rant on Baudrillard, the Spirit of the 90’s, and a world of turncoat swine. You can find it in Section 9. Section 11 is the latest from Ben Nagy, a peppy little parody of Hacker News and New–Media Web 2.0 Hipster Fashion Accessorized Cybercrime in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan. Sing along, if you like! Finally, in Section 12 we do what churches do best and pass around the old collection plate. We don’t need alms of Dollars or Euros, so send those to Hackers for Charity in Uganda.2 Rather, we pass the plate to ask for your doodles and your sketches, your crazy ideas that work well enough to prove the concept, well enough to light up the mind, well enough to inspire the next lady or gentleman to do something clever and strange. Read more: http://www.exploit-db.com/docs/pocorgtfo07.pdf
  4. Best Mac Apps Collection (Update 3) August.2014 Best Mac Apps Collection (Update 3) August.2014 | 23.6 GB Finding the perfect application could be really difficult sometimes. In this article I've collected the best 36 Mac Applications found on the web, all app full active. I hope you'll find them useful.List Apps:- Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.7 (Mac OS X)- Adobe Photoshop.Lightroom.5.6.Final (Mac OS X)- Adobe Premiere Elements 12 Multi (Mac OS X)- Adobe Photoshop CC 2014.15.1 Multilingual (Mac OS X)- ArchiCAD 18 (3006) (Mac OS X)- Autodesk Maya 2014 SP4 (Mac OS X)- Kolor Autopano Giga 3.6.3 (Mac OS X)- Kolor Autopano Video Pro 1.6.3 (Mac OS X)- Kolor Panotour Pro v2.1.3 (Mac OS X)- DxO Optics Pro 9.1.5 Build 106 (Elite) (Mac OS X)- FXFactory Pro 4.1.7 (Mac OS X)- Final Cut Pro X 10.1.2 + Motion 5.1.1 + Compressor 4.1.2 + mLooks 1.2- Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R15 RETAIL (Mac OS X)- Camtasia 2.8.2 (Mac OS X)- Capture One Pro (Mac OS X)- CleanMyMac 2.2.5 (Mac OS X)- Data Rescue 3.2.4 (Mac OS X)- Dragonframe 3.5.7 (Mac OS X)- Drive Genius 3.2.4 (Mac OS X)- GraphicConverter 9.3 (Mac OS X)- HDR Light Studio 4.2 (Mac OS X)- HyperDock 1.3.3 (Mac OS X)- Imagenomic Portraiture 2.3.3 for Adobe PS (Mac OS X)- Rosetta Stone TOTALe v4.1.15 Mac OS X- Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.1 Volume.Licensed (Mac OS X)- Native Instruments Kontakt 5.3.1 Standalone AU 64bit MacOSX- onOne Perfect Photo Suite Premium Edition 8.5.1 MacOSX- Parallels Desktop 9.0.24237 (Mac OS X)- PhoneView 2.8.6 (Mac Os X)- PopClip 1.4.6 (Mac OS X)- ProVideo2.0.5.Mac.OSX- QuickBooks Pro 2014 15.0.5 R6 Mac OS X- Radium 3.0.3 (Mac OS X)- ScreenFlow 4.5.2 (Mac OS X)- Suitcase Fusion 5 v16.2.3 (Mac OS X)- UnRar X Mac OS X- VMware Fusion 6.0.4 Professional (Mac OS X)- Wondershare PDF Editor Pro 3.1.0 (Mac OS X)- XScope 3.6 (Mac OS X)- Serial Box 08.2014 + SerialSeeker 1.3.7 (B11) + iSerial Reader 2.0.16- KCNcrew Pack 07-15-14 (Mac OS X) DOWNLOAD LINKS: http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/28392.2531f8bf4f0ff07ac168b7d54d00/MacCollection.August.2014.part01.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/34499.31ad71c605d2a79a74f1f2ed9437/MacCollection.August.2014.part02.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/44646.40eb1245eeb06cf8b19718bcb12a/MacCollection.August.2014.part03.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/22102.25644a3683651db1d4a392e1e3e6/MacCollection.August.2014.part04.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/74482.7652679044b0b8f0864a9d86d050/MacCollection.August.2014.part05.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/90476.99941f7c248819aff3a5556a0870/MacCollection.August.2014.part06.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/93782.952bdbed4e9f7bb1c4e1c45d52a9/MacCollection.August.2014.part07.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/60116.6c2a72cb5fce95c88c6c3c12f844/MacCollection.August.2014.part08.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/69016.63adf252ad0a8b983fbf471fa2b2/MacCollection.August.2014.part09.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/59423.50258ff8e0d24442b2fca4c4d637/MacCollection.August.2014.part10.rar.html http://u19822771.letitbit.net/download/37033.37f0cd2bec52cdc485e27aa3d680/MacCollection.August.2014.part11.rar.html 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  5. Features Search thousands of assets, including popular icon packs, without leaving Photoshop. Drag assets into your current composition and use them in the original format (layers, vector objects, adjustment layers and so on) It's FREE. All the assets are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License * not yet, but we're ambitious How to install Close Photoshop before installing the extension. If you don't have it, download and install Adobe Extension Manager Double click the .zxp file from your computer. It will launch Adobe Extension Manager. Open Photoshop and choose Window - Extensions - Blendmein. Enjoy! Download CS6 Extension | Download CC Extenstion BlendMe.in Photoshop Extension - Browse thousands of Icons, Vectors and other assets directly from Photoshop
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