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Found 2 results

  1. Advisory: Stored XSS-Vulnerabilities in MyBB v. 1.8.3 Advisory ID: SROEADV-2015-15 Author: Steffen Rösemann Affected Software: MyBB v. 1.8.3 Vendor URL: http://www.mybb.com Vendor Status: patched CVE-ID: - ========================== Vulnerability Description: ========================== MyBB v. 1.8.3 suffers from multiple stored XSS-vulnerabilities in the administrative backend. ================== Technical Details: ================== The stored XSS-vulnerabilities can be found in different modules in the following locations of a common MyBB installation: ====================== Module "config-attachment_types" ====================== via form-field MIME-type: http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=config-attachment_types&action=add executed in: e.g. http:// {TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=config-attachment_types =============== Module "config-mycode" =============== via form fields "title" and "short description": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=config-mycode&action=add executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=config-mycode =================== Module "forum-management" =================== via form field "title": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=forum-management&action=add executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=forum ============== Module "user-groups" ============== via form fields "title" and/or "short description": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=user-groups&action=add executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=user-groups ================ Module "style-templates" ================ via form field "name": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=style-templates&action=add_set executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=style-templates ==================================== Module "style-templates" in action "add_template_group" ==================================== via form field "title": http:// {TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=style-templates&action=add_template_group executed in: e.g. http:// {TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=style-templates&sid={TEMPLATES_NUMERIC_ID} ============= Module "tool-tasks" ============= via form field "title": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=tools-tasks&action=add executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=tools-adminlog ================= Module "config-post_icons" ================= via form field "name": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=config-post_icons&action=add executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=tools-adminlog ============= Module "user-titles" ============= via form field "title to assign": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=user-titles&action=add executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=tools-adminlog ================ Module "config-banning" ================ via form field "username": http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=config-banning&type=usernames executed in: e.g. http://{TARGET}/admin/index.php?module=tools-adminlog ========= Solution: ========= Upgrade to v. 1.8.4. ==================== Disclosure Timeline: ==================== 02/03-Feb-2015 – found the vulnerabilities 03-Feb-2015 - informed the developers according to their security issue rules (see [3]) 03-Feb-2015 – release date of this security advisory [without technical details] 03-Feb-2015 - vendor replied, issues will be patched 15-Feb-2015 - vendor released patch v. 1.8.4 (see [4]) 19-Feb-2015 - release date of this security advisory 19-Feb-2015 - send to FullDisclosure ======== Credits: ======== Vulnerability found and advisory written by Steffen Rösemann. =========== References: =========== [1] http://www.mybb.com [2] http://sroesemann.blogspot.de/2015/02/sroeadv-2015-15.html [3] http://www.mybb.com/get-involved/security/ [4] http://blog.mybb.com/2015/02/15/mybb-1-8-4-released-feature-update-security-maintenance-release/ Source
  2. Movies Featuring the Nmap Security Scanner For reasons unknown, Hollywood has decided that Nmap is the tool to show whenever hacking scenes are needed. At least it is a lot more realistic than silly 3D animation approach used in many previous movies (e.g. "hacking the Gibson" on Hackers, or the much worse portrayals on Swordfish). We always like to see Nmap in the movies, so we have catalogued known instances here.
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