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CQuiztador colectare intrebari

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din ce vad eu astia de la conquiz au modificat anumite lucruri sau doar mi se pare.

am decompilat sursa, dar nu gasesc variabilele care trebuie.

am incerca tsa o pun aici toata. dar nu imi accepta cele 365 de mii de carcatere e limita la 100 de mii.

poate sa imi dea cineva add la id klaosjiks sau sa imi spuna aici cam ce variabile pentru ca sincer nu imi dau seama programatorul putea pune orice denumire. o sa incerc sa postez toata sursa pe fragmente

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// Action script...

// [Action in Frame 1]

function CommChannelState(aidnum)


this.idnum = aidnum;

if (this.idnum == 2)


this.name = "CMD";




this.name = "LISTEN";

} // end if

this.rqxmltext = "";

this.rqxml = new XML();

this.rqxml.ignoreWhite = true;

this.Reset = function ()


this.msgnum = 0;

this.trynum = 0;

this.trytimeout = 0;

this.rsptimeout = 0;

this.repeattime = 0;



} // End of the function

function OnHTTPLoadXML(success)


var _l2 = this;

var _l3;

if (_l2.iscommand)


_l3 = gcomm.cchs;




_l3 = gcomm.lchs;

} // end if

trace("HTTP XML load success: " + success);

if (success)






trace("HTTP load error!");

if (_l2.trynumber > 2 && getTimer() > _l3.trytimeout)


trace("Error accessing the server. Try count = " + _l2.trynumber);


gcomm.ShowError(_l3.idnum, gcomm.EC_COMMERROR, glang.fn_err_server_access(_l2.trynumber));




trace("Delayed resending...");

_l3.repeattime = getTimer() + 2000;

} // end if

} // end if


} // End of the function

function OnHTTPData(data)


if (data == undefined)






var _l2 = NetToXml(data);

if (String(_l2).charAt(0) == "<")



this.loaded = true;





gcomm.ClientTrace(40, "Invalid XML received! (http)");

} // end if

} // end if

} // End of the function

function OnXSocketConnect(success)


gcomm.xsocket.connected = success;

if (gcomm.xsocket.connected)


trace("xsocket connection successful");





trace("xsocket connection FAILED!");

if (gcomm.usehttp)


gcomm.isxsocket = false;

trace("trying HTTP...");






} // end if

} // end if

} // End of the function

function OnXSocketClose()


gcomm.xsocket.connected = false;

if (convNumber(gcomm.connstate) > 0)


trace("xsocket connection CLOSED!");

if (gcomm.lastcmd != "LOGOUT")


gcomm.ShowError(1, gcomm.EC_XSOCKET + 1, glang.txt_err_xmlsocket_closed);

} // end if


} // end if

} // End of the function

function OnXSocketXML(xml)



} // End of the function

function OnXSocketData(adata)


var _l1 = NetToXml(adata);

if (String(_l1).charAt(0) == "<")


var _l2 = new XML(_l1);





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gcomm.ClientTrace(40, "Invalid XML received! (xsocket)");

} // end if

} // End of the function

function PlayerSort(a, B)


if (a.place > b.place)




else if (a.place < b.place)







} // end if

} // End of the function

function AnimWait(frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

} // End of the function

function AnimMoveCard(startcard, endcard, cardnum, blink, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.startcard = startcard;

this.cardnum = cardnum;

this.endcard = endcard;

this.blink = blink;

this.animobj = gmov.ANIMCARD;

} // End of the function

function AnimPlayerTakeRow(player, row, cardcnt, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.player = player;

this.newpenalty = gst.playerpenalty[this.player];

this.row = row;

this.cardcnt = cardcnt;

this.rowobj = gmov.TABLECARDS["ROW" + this.row];

this.putcard = gst.mputcards[this.player];

this.animobj = gmov.ANIMROW;

} // End of the function

function AnimTurnPutCard(player, cardnum, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.player = player;

this.cardnum = cardnum;

} // End of the function

function AnimPlayerBox(player, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.animobj = gst.playerboxes[player];

} // End of the function

function AnimMoveRowToFirst(row, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.row = row;

this.animobj = gmov.ANIMROWS;

this.animrow = gmov.ANIMROW;

} // End of the function

function AnimShowInfoBox(info, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.info = info;

this.animobj = gmov.INFOBOX;

} // End of the function

function AnimHideInfoBox(frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.curframe = 0;

this.animobj = gmov.INFOBOX;

} // End of the function

function AnimSetPlayerClock(player, visible)


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

this.visible = visible;

this.animobj = gst.playerboxes[player];

} // End of the function

function AnimSetRowSelBtns(visible)


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

this.visible = visible;

} // End of the function

function AnimDeal(cardarr, onecardframes)


this.onecardframes = onecardframes;

this.frames = this.onecardframes * 10;

this.cardarr = cardarr;

this.curframe = 0;

this.curcard = 0;

this.startcard = gmov.talonmov.TALON;

this.animobj = gmov.ANIMCARD;

} // End of the function

function AnimDealToTable(cardarr, onecardframes)


this.onecardframes = onecardframes;

this.frames = this.onecardframes * 5;

this.cardarr = cardarr;

this.curframe = 0;

this.curcard = 0;

this.startcard = gmov.talonmov.TALON;

this.animobj = gmov.ANIMCARD;

} // End of the function

function AnimDealOneCard(cardarr, newcard, cardind, frames)


this.frames = frames;

this.cardarr = cardarr;

this.curframe = 0;

this.cardind = cardind;

this.newcard = newcard;

this.startcard = gmov.talonmov.TALON;

this.endcard = gst.mhandcards[this.cardind];

this.animobj = gmov.ANIMCARD;

} // End of the function

function AnimSetGameClock(seconds)


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

this.seconds = seconds;

} // End of the function

function AnimSetSound(sound, loop)


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

this.sound = sound;

this.loop = loop;

} // End of the function

function AnimShowResultWin(visible)


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

this.visible = visible;

} // End of the function

function AnimHideTalon()


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

} // End of the function

function AnimSetMyCardsSelectable()


this.frames = 1;

this.curframe = 0;

} // End of the function

function CardSort(a, B)


if (a == B)

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mda, mi-a luat un avertismen, e e drept fondat ca nu se dau id-uri.

insa de raspuns, nici macar aici nu mi-a raspuns nimeni.

SI acum sa ii pun eu o intrebare celui care a deschis tema, cum ai reusit sa truchezi video? :).

IN caz ca nu stiai, pe conquiztador nu se pot face nickuri gen 58, 61, etc pentru ca nu poti pune 1 spatiu inainte de nik sau 2 dupa nick. SI e nevoie de 4 carcatere in nume, dar poti pune si 3 gen I 21, etc. dar nick 58 nu poti pune :).

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Ca sa colectezi intrebarile foloseste un raw socket, si cauti pachetele care vin de la portul 2002 parca. Sau de la IP-ul serverului, vezi tu care e.

PS: La demo, sau cum se cheama, intrebarile nu sunt criptate. Adica sunt base64, ceea ce nu ar fi o problema. Dar la joc normal, daca esti logat, sunt criptate. Cheia de encriptie vine in <keyresponse> ca raspuns la <keyrequest>.

Nu cred ca mai am algoritmul de criptare, facusem putin research. Era in syscode.swf parca, nu mai stiu cum se cheama.

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Salut! sunt nou si as dorii sa ma ajuti si pe mine unde gasesc sau de unde iau fisierul syscode.swf si cum fac mai departe ti-am urmarit de 3-4 ori video-ul dar nu am reusit sa descifrez de rog ajuta-ma. Multumesc frumos !

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  • Moderators
Salut! sunt nou si as dorii sa ma ajuti si pe mine unde gasesc sau de unde iau fisierul syscode.swf si cum fac mai departe ti-am urmarit de 3-4 ori video-ul dar nu am reusit sa descifrez de rog ajuta-ma. Multumesc frumos !

Conquiztador - Totul despre [Archive] - ManiacX Counter Strike Community

am scris articolul acela mai demult, cand eram moderator la ei

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sal am facut si eu in autoit exact ca in tutorial dar cand ii dau go imi ramane fereastra blocata si nu apare nimic si daca ii dau de unde s-a salvat imi zice : line 2682 (File"c\:Documents and settings\User\My document\cq killer\botul.exe"):

error:error parsing function call. De ce zice asta ?

Multumesc cu respect Arnold.

Edited by arnoldford
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  • Moderators
sal am facut si eu in auti it exact ca in tutorial dar cand ii dau go imi ramane fereastra blocata si nu apare nimic si daca ii dau de unde s-a salvat imi zice : line 2682 (File"c\:Documents and settings\User\My document\cq killer\botul.exe"):

error:error parsing function call. De ce zice asta ?

Multumesc cu respect Arnold.

Programul se numeste AutoIT, nu auti it. Invata mai intai sa lucrezi cu limbajul asta de programare, dupa care poti sa vii sa pui intrebari.

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