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lsvine - tree -L 2 with less empty screen space.

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I built lsvine to be like tree but with the first-level directories distributed horizontally (and dangling downwards, hence like a vine).


This format compacts the information vertically and displays it in a trello-like format, one "card" per directory.








With cargo:

cargo install lsvine



Downloadable binary for 64-bit linux:

wget https://github.com/autofitcloud/lsvine/releases/download/$LSVINE_VERSION/lsvine-v$LSVINE_VERSION-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
tar -xzf lsvine-v$LSVINE_VERSION-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
mv lsvine ~/.local/bin/



Regular usage:

# lsvine --version
lsvine 0.3.1

# lsvine .
| .             | dist                                           | screenshots | src     | target                    | testdir |
| CHANGELOG     | lsvine-v0.2.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz | ls.png      | main.rs | release                   | test1   |
| Cargo.lock    |                                                | lsvine.png  |         | x86_64-unknown-linux-musl | test2   |
| Cargo.toml    |                                                | tree.png    |         |                           | test3   |
| DEVELOPER.md  |                                                |             |         |                           |         |
| LICENSE       |                                                |             |         |                           |         |
| README.md     |                                                |             |         |                           |         |
| build.sh      |                                                |             |         |                           |         |
| mk_testdir.sh |                                                |             |         |                           |         |


Show hidden filenames

# lsvine -a
| .              | .git           | dist                                           | screenshots           | src                           | target                    | testdir  | tests                         |
| .README.md.swp | COMMIT_EDITMSG | .gitkeep                                       | sideBySide-latest.png | level1dir.rs                  | .gitkeep                  | .gitkeep | test_tablebuf.rs              |
| .gitignore     | FETCH_HEAD     | lsvine-v0.3.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz |                       | longest_common_prefix.rs      | .rustc_info.json          | test1    | vecpath2vecl1dir_iterators.rs |
| CHANGELOG      | HEAD           |                                                |                       | main.rs                       | package                   | test2    | vecpath2vecl1dir_onefunc.rs   |
| Cargo.lock     | ORIG_HEAD      |                                                |                       | main_bkp_onefunc.rs           | release                   | test3    |                               |
| Cargo.toml     | branches       |                                                |                       | tablebuf.rs                   | x86_64-unknown-linux-musl |          |                               |
| DEVELOPER.md   | config         |                                                |                       | vecpath2vecl1dir_iterators.rs |                           |          |                               |
| LICENSE        | description    |                                                |                       | vecpath2vecl1dir_onefunc.rs   |                           |          |                               |
| README.md      | hooks          |                                                |                       |                               |                           |          |                               |
| build.sh       | index          |                                                |                       |                               |                           |          |                               |
| mk_testdir.sh  | info           |                                                |                       |                               |                           |          |                               |
|                | logs           |                                                |                       |                               |                           |          |                               |
|                | objects        |                                                |                       |                               |                           |          |                               |
|                | refs           |                                                |                       |                               |                           |          |                               |


Contract filename suffixes to reduce occupied screen-space further:

# lsvine testdir/test1
| .  | d1 | d2 | d3  |
| f1 | f4 | f7 | d4  |
| f2 | f5 | f8 | f10 |
| f3 | f6 | f9 | f11 |
|    |    |    | f12 |
|    |    |    | f13 |
|    |    |    | f14 |

# lsvine testdir/test1 --contract-suffix
| .      | d1     | d2     | d3      |
| f* (3) | f* (3) | f* (3) | d4      |
|        |        |        | f1* (5) |

# lsvine testdir/test1 --contract-suffix --minimum-prefix-length=2
| .  | d1 | d2 | d3      |
| f1 | f4 | f7 | d4      |
| f2 | f5 | f8 | f1* (5) |
| f3 | f6 | f9 |         |


For example, lsvine -c -m 3 /etc output here


The future

At some point, might want to get merged into other popular rust-based modern ls alternatives. It could be implemented as a separate option, eg exa --vine or lsd --vine. Example repos

  1. (pro) It already has a long grid view
  2. (con) Author seems too busy to dequeue issues and PRs
  3. (con) README doesn't list download binary from releases and run


  1. (pro) Distributed via snap in addition to other channels that exa uses
  2. (con) Requires some fonts as pre-requisite
  • Others at github topic = ls



Apache License 2.0. Check file LICENSE


Dev notes




Built by  AutofitCloud.


Source: https://github.com/autofitcloud/lsvine



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