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That's not hax0r. That's noobx0r.

Strike 1!

Prea mult l33t dauneaza grav.

Strike 2!

De ce lumea asociaza l33t sp4k AKA n00bspeak AKA retard language cu limbajul folosit de hackeri n-am inteles si nici nu voi intelege vreodata.

Strike 3!

Sharky and retarded 1337-speaking skiddies, YOU ARE OUT!

E rost de un citat:

If your writing is semi-literate, ungrammatical, and riddled with misspellings, many hackers (including myself) will tend to ignore you. While sloppy writing does not invariably mean sloppy thinking, we've generally found the correlation to be strong — and we have no use for sloppy thinkers. If you can't yet write competently, learn to.

Eric Steven Raymond - How To Become A Hacker


[sigh]... de ce trebuie sa incepem o discutie pentru fiecare aiureala inutila postata off-topic.

Limbajul oficial al hackerilor este acela de programare, caci hackingul insusi este partea intunecata a programarii. End of story.


L33T - L33T stands for "elite" and is a phonetic variation of the word, combined with a computer nerd-like letter replacement, where "l33t" equals to "leet".


l33t or Eleet (sometimes rendered Leet, 1337, or 31337), also known as Leetspeak, is an alphabet used primarily on the Internet, which uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters. The term is derived from the word "elite", and the usage it describes is a specialized form of symbolic writing. Different "dialects" or varieties of leet are found on different online forums[L33t].

sau ce amintea nytro mai sus,

31337 is also the default port number for the Cult of the Dead Cow's program Back Orifice. Since Back Orifice is often installed as a trojan, script kiddiez often scan subnets for this open port.


The port number used for testing when developing TCP/UDP servers where there is no defined port (it's a new protocol usually). This is the equivalent of using foo as a testing variable when programming.

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