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Remote Penetration v1.60

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Remote Penetration v1.60 Public (Last Release: 12.4.2009)

I have been very busy recently and I haven't had much time to implement

many new features. I am about to be totally offline for a two week time frame so I have decided today to work on some new features/fixes. As for

new features I added digsby recovery. And as for the rest of the release

I re-wrote/optimized a lot of the stub's code / fixed all complaints I

received for the builder.



Pidgin and Gaim


Digsby (NEW)

Live Messenger

MSN Messenger

Firefox 2.xx - 3.xx


IE7 - 8


Smart FTP






Custom CD-Key Grabber (Input own path to key you want to grab) (On the Public version you may only input one path)

Icon Options:

Replace Default Icon:

Icon Hunter

Main Features:

FUD Scantime + Runtime

All strings are encrypted, all your inputted data, (FTP/SMTP information) is encrypted, and all API's that can be encrypted/called dynamically are encrypted.

No 3rd party applications used

UAC Bypass

Option on builder to encrypt the logfile

Can upload log file via FTP, SMTP, or Locally

Pick the logfiles attributes (Hidden, Read only, or System)

Ability to import FUD stubs

Anti-Generic Sandbox

Anti-Virtual PC, VMWare, VirtualBox

Installation options (You get the option to pick where the file drops to / where in the registry to add the startup key.)

Option to compress with UPX

Scramble the UPX header

Validate PE

Fake error message

Change the Date of the outputted executable's date

Increase the files size (Add NOP bytes to the file)

Log Decryption utility included in builder

Load and Save your sessions!

Private Version:

All of the listed features above + a unique stub that no one else has.

AIM 6.xx recovery

Miranda recovery


No set number of CD-Key Paths (You can add as many keys as you want grabbed)







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