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[RST] Hex Converter on-air

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Dedicatie speciala pentru unu_1234567, SQL Master Kabron, pentru daemien, Mihaita 007m si Benjamin Loppa. Sper sa va fie utila.

Link download : http://www.sharemobile.ro/download.php?id=364382

Sursa [c0ded in VB6, no need for .net]

Dim i, lenghtu As Integer
Dim letter, textu As String
'setam un 0x in textboxul in care va aparea hexul
Private Sub Form_Load()
hexbox.Text = "0x"
End Sub

'blocam anumite caractere pe baza de cod ascii
Private Sub textbox_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If (KeyAscii > 0 And KeyAscii < 8) Or (KeyAscii > 8 And KeyAscii < 32) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub

'impartim stringul char by char, daca acesta s-a modificat, se reia toata treaba
Private Sub textbox_Change()
hexbox.Text = "0x"
textu = textbox.Text
lenghtu = Len(textu)
i = 1
For i = 1 To lenghtu
letter = Mid$(textu, i, 1)
hexbox.Text = LCase(hexbox.Text + Hex(Asc(letter)))
End Sub

'asta e pt butonul clear, reseteaza text box-urile
Private Sub cleatbut_Click()
textbox.Text = ""
hexbox.Text = "0x"
End Sub
##### c0ded by Fitty ##########

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