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Change the default mouse cursor

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1) Download "mouse theme" you like :

-> gnome-look ( http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=36 )

2) Copy(as root) downloaded archived file in /usr/share/icons:

cp example.tar.bz2 /usr/share/icons/

3) Go to that directory and unpack the archive:

tar xvfj example.tar.bz2

The directory with your icon name should be created here.(/usr/share/icons/Example)

Note: Some icon themes come with two or three different colors, so extracted directory will contain subfolders name like "Black" "White" "Blue" ....

You should move subfolder to /usr/share/icons/ directory like this:

mv /usr/share/icons/Example/Black /usr/share/icons/

Now the /usr/share/icons/Black foder is here where it should be.

4) Edit the file with your text editor located in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme

gedit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme

Change the line "Inherits=Bluecurve" to whatever your new mouse icon theme directory is named. (Inherits=Example, Inherits=Black, Inherits=Blue,...)

5) Save the file and log out of your session.

When you login, the new mouse icon theme should be in use.


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