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SSH Brutforcing

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1 : [+] Download

2 : [+] tar -zxvf [+]SSH Brutforcing.. by Max`s.tar

3 : [+] cd [+]SSH Brutforcing.. by Max`s

4 : [+] chmod +x *

5 : [+] ./scan ip.ip (ex ./scan 62.175)

6 : [+] Enjoy.... Programs use on Linux



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gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

tar: Child returned status 1

tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors


tar: This does not look like a tar archive

tar: Skipping to next header

tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

LE: Faza funny e ca din windows mi-a dezarhivat :)

EVEN LE: ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop/SSH/[+]SSH Brutforcing.. by Max`s$ sudo ./scan 89.43

./scan: line 13: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'

./scan: line 22: syntax error: unexpected end of file

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