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FM Radio Player

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FM Radio Player este un utilitar creat cu scopul de a oferi userilor posibilitatea ascultarii statiilor radio. Este complet pluginabil, asta insemnand ca orice programator poate sa-si scrie propriul program pentru o anumita statie radio.

Foloseste libraria bass.dll. Nu sunteti nevoiti sa aveti .NET 2.0 deoarece setupul isi downloadeaza automat kitul de pe microsoft.com.

Download (programul vine cu pluginuri pentru KissFM, RadioZu,ProFM si Radio Guerilla)



- Adaugare la startup

- Minimizare in tray

- Auto update

- Pluginuri

- Vizualizarea ultimelor 10 melodii/showuri

- Vizualizarea informatiilor despre melodii (imagine album,album,numarul melodiei, casa de discuri, anul, etc)

- Optiune de cache pentru a nu se mai sta la redownloadarea informatiilor despre melodii

- Inregistrare statie radio

- Mute/unmute

- Setare volum

- Notificare melodie noua


Functia Record merge doar pentru statiile care nu necesita codecul AAC.





Download (programul vine cu pluginuri pentru KissFM, RadioZu,ProFM si Radio Guerilla)


How to build plugins (se afla in Readme.txt)

* namespace : FMRadio

* class (set to public): MainClass

* Methods (public, static):

- string GetName(void);

This function should return the name of the radio station.

- string GetURL(void);

This function should return the URL of the stream. Please

provide the IP Address.


http://*.*.*.*: port

http://*.*.*.*: port/file.mp3

http://*.*.*.*: port/;stream.nsv

- string GetLogoURL(void);

Specifies the URL of the radio station.

- Image GetLogo(void)

This function should return the logo that will be loaded

in the program. The image should be 138x108.

- string[] GetSongEntries(void)

If the radio station provides this option, you should

return the songs last played. A song must be in the following

format: Artist - Track.

- bool EnableLastTen(void)

This function returns true if the station supports the

option of viewing the last played songs/shows.

- Color[] GetDesign(void)

This function returns the colors that will be used for the


Color[0]: Play/Pause, Volume, Last ten label default color

Color[1]: Play/Pause, Volume hover color

Color[2]: About, Settings, Mute/Unmute, Record default color

Color[3]: About, Settings, Mute/Unmute, Record hover color

Color[4]: Song bar default color

Color[5]: Song bar hover color

Color[6]: Main form background color

* Plugins must be placed in the plugins directory.

* Plugins must be build for the .NET platform.

* You can change the plugin from Settings.

(postat cu acordul lui Nytro)

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