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Google a lansat telefonul Nexus One

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Nexus One, primul telefon proiectat si vandut direct de Google, va putea fi cumparat prin intermediul unui magazin online gazduit de Google , Nexus One Phone , la un pret de 529 dolari la liber si la pretul de 179 dolari impreuna cu un abonament pe doi ani la operatorul T-Mobile din Statele Unite ale Americii, a anuntat marti compania. Pentru inceput, Google primeste comenzi de la consumatorii din Statele Unite ale Americii, Marea Britanie, Singapore si Hong Kong. In viitorul apropiat, telefonul va fi vandut in Europa prin Vodafone.

In afara de operatorul T-Mobile, Nexus One urmeaza sa fie vandut "in viitorul apropiat" de catre Verizon Wireless pe piata americana si de catre Vodafone in Europa. Google a mai anuntat ca in lunile urmatoare va incheia parteneriate cu alti operatori si ca in viitor va lansa alte telefoane Android si ca va face disponibil magazinul online si pentru utilizatorii din alte tari.

Pe Nexus One, telefon dezvoltat de HTC si considerat de oficialii Google drept un "super telefon", ruleaza versiunea 2.1 a sistemului de operare open-source Android, telefonul avand printre altele procesor Qualcomm Snapdragon de 1GHz, ecran tactil de 3,7 inch, 512 MB RAM, card de memorie de 4 GB inclus, cu posibilitatea de extindere pana la 32 GB si camera foto de 5 megapixeli. Telefonul are o grosime de 11,5 mm si cantareste 130 de grame.

Posted (edited)

The Secret is Out:


Nexus One vs iPhone vs. N900

CPU: 1GHz Qualcomm SnapDragon | 600 Mhz ARM Cortex-A8 + PowerVR SGX | 600 MHz ARM Cortex-A8 + PowerVR SGX

RAM: 512MB | 256MB | 1GB

Display: 800x480 AMOLED | 480x320 TFT | 800x480 TFT

Camera: 5 MP, LED flash | 3 MP, no flash | 5 MB + 0.3 MP (dual), LED flash | (All without optical zoom, which in this day and age, is pathetic.)

Storage: 4 GB + unlimited | 16 GB (fixed) | 32 GB + unlimited

Battery: 1400 mAh | 1219 mAh (non-removable) | 1320 mAh | (all 3.7 V li-ion)

Input: capacitive touchscreen + trackball | multi-touch touchscreen | resistive touchscreen + 38-key backlit keyboard

OS: Android | iPhone OS | Maemo Linux

Dimensions: 119 * 59.8 * 11.5 mm | 115.5 * 62.1 * 12.3 mm | 110.9 * 59.8 * 18 mm

Java support: yes | no | yes

GPS: They all got A-GPS and Wi-Fi triangulation is possible with a software. Although from what I heard, the iPhone has that software built-in. (I bought it for 3€ for my Nokia, so not much trouble there.)

Ability to put on it and do with it what you want: likely | locked down | absolutely

FM radio: no | no | yes


Edited by wvw
N900 ftw

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