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WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner

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WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner V1.2.1.0206 + *.SWF "VIDEO"



* Crawler(Site Directories And Files);
* Vulnerability Scanner(SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting);
* POC(Proof of Concept): SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting;
* GET/Post/Cookie Injection;
* SQL Server: PlainText/FieldEcho(Union)/Blind Injection;
* MySQL/Oracle/DB2/Access: FieldEcho(Union)/Blind Injection;
* Administration Entrance Search;
* Password Hash of SQL Server/MySQL/Oracle Administrator;
* Time Delay For Search Injection;
* Auto Get Cookie From Web Browser For Authentication;
* Multi-Thread;
* Adcanced:Proxy,Escape Filter;
* Report Output.

System Requirement: Windows with .Net Framework 2.0 or above

PassWord: d3will

D0wnl0ad: http://ifile.it/byfhni3/WebCruiserEnt.rar


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