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[A+] oclHashcat - MultiGPU, Multi hash password cracker

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oclHashcat is a free gpu supported hashcracking tool.


* Free

* Multi-GPU

* Multi-Hash

* Linux & Windows native binaries

* Uses OpenCL

* Fastest multihash MD5 cracker on NVidia cards

* Fastest multihash MD5 cracker on ATI 5xxx cards

* Supports wordlists (not limited to Brute-Force / Mask-Attack)

* Can mix wordlists with Mask-Attack to emulate Hybrid-Attacks

* Runs very cautious, you can still watch movies while cracking

* Number of workload can be configured (like -n in hashcat)

* Supports pause / resume

* Supports huge numbers of hashes (4 million and more)

* Able to work in a distributed environment

* Includes hashcats entire rule engine to modify wordlists on start

* ... and much more


* MD5

* md5(md5($pass))

* md5(md5($pass).$salt)

* MD4


Tested OS

* Windows XP 32bit

* Windows XP 64bit

* Windows Vista 64bit

* Windows 7 64bit

* Debian Lenny 32bit

* Ubuntu 9.02 64bit

* Ubuntu 9.10 64bit

Tested GPU

* 8500gt

* 8700mgt

* 8800gt

* 8800gts

* 9600gt

* 9800gt

* gt240

* gtx260

* gtx280

* gtx285

* gtx295

* hd4850

* hd4870

* hd5770

* hd5870

Check the website to download it:

oclHashcat - advanced password recovery


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