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Acessing (hacking) System account!

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This is Very Easy one + tricky one....... just Follow these steps!

what you need: Command Prompt and Task Manager.

what you do:


Open Cmd Prompt [start>Run>cmd.exe]


Look at your clock (on yer desktop) and convert that time into 24 hour (for the 12 hour people). here is a simple chart


12:00 AM = 0:00

1:00 AM = 1:00

2:00 AM = 2:00

3:00 AM = 3:00

4:00 AM = 4:00

5:00 AM = 5:00

6:00 AM = 6:00

7:00 AM = 7:00

8:00 AM = 8:00

9:00 AM = 9:00

10:00 AM = 10:00

11:00 AM = 11:00

12:00 PM = 12:00

1:00 PM = 13:00

2:00 PM = 14:00

3:00 PM = 15:00

4:00 PM = 16:00

5:00 PM = 17:00

6:00 PM = 18:00

7:00 PM = 19:00

8:00 PM = 20:00

9:00 PM = 21:00

10:00 PM = 22:00

11:00 PM = 23:00

12:00 PM = 24:00

For Example: right now my time is 11:20 PM which is equivelant to 23:20


in cmd prompt type: at (your time (24h) + 1 minute) /interactive "cmd.exe" then hit enter

Saying my time is 23:20

I would type: at 23:21 /interactive "cmd.exe"


it will say a new job added with an id=1 or something to that extent, wait till that time, a new command prompt should open up, if not try again, increasing the time you type by 1.


in task manager find/kill explorer.exe in the process's, your gui will disappear


close the command prompt you have written in, leaving the new cmd prompt (that was run at the specified time) open.


the cmd prompt open should be pointing to: [Homedrive]WINDOWSSystem32 (Replace homedrive with a letter ie C, now type: 'CD ..' (minus the two ' )


The command prompt should now be pointed to: [Homedrive]WINDOWS (Replace homedrive with a letter ie C, Now type: explorer.exe this will re-open explorer under the system account, click start and look at the username.


if at school, you can now >>>>> add/remove/edit admin passwords, add/remove/edit admin accounts, change groups<<<< >>>> whatever you desire<<<<< (Will not work with network based groups).



Shocker;21669 wrote: Filesystem-ul unei partitii nu are nici o legatura cu asta. Fii mai explicit, ce anume nu a mers?

P.S.: Rezolvarea problemei respective (daca nu vreti ca cineva sa faca asta pe un comp) este urmatoarea: Mergeti in Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services si opriti serviciul Task Scheduler

nu merge...da access denied cand vreau sa dau comanda cu at....

am incercat la mine pe comp dintr-un usser facut


spunetimi si mie ceva, deci am incercat la scoala la biblioteca si cand iam dat comanda in cmd mia zis acess denied, si am incercat in sala de informatica shi mia zis ca administratorul mia blocat consola, ce fac?



Yeah, it worked. Profa aia proasta nici acum nu si-a dat seama ca nu mai are account de admin pe serverul de la scoala. Am degand sa continui cu sistemul bibliotecii. Thx to all (in special lui RedJoker si Shocker.

Shocker wrote:
koyotes wrote: spunetimi si mie ceva, deci am incercat la scoala la biblioteca si cand iam dat comanda in cmd mia zis acess denied
crystyv wrote: nu merge...da access denied cand vreau sa dau comanda cu at....

am incercat la mine pe comp dintr-un usser facut

Pai cum vi-am zis, rezolvarea e sa opresti serviciul Task Scheduler. Poate este oprit in cazurile de fata.

koyotes wrote: si am incercat in sala de informatica shi mia zis ca administratorul mia blocat consola, ce fac?

Pai daca a blocat command prompt-ul citeste putin mai sus ca am dat o alternativa in cazul in care nu ai access la consola/cmd /command prompt

si daca nu am acess la control panel?

Shocker wrote:
koyotes wrote: si daca nu am acess la control panel?

Daca nu ai access la Control Panel si nici serviciul Task Scheduler nu e pornit, atunci cred ca pica metoda respectiva.

koyotes wrote: am gasit at.exe si cand il deschid ami deschide cmdul si il inchine intro secunda :D , cum fac?

Asta se poate intampla din 3 motive:

1. Serviciul Task Scheduler este oprit.

2. Ti s-a restrictionat accesul la at.exe

3. Nu ai scris nici un parametru. Fa un shortcut la el, dai Properties si la Target adaugi acolo parametrii.

deci de ex sunt la scoala, si nu am acess la consola si la control panel, fac shortcut la at.exe pe unde vreu si ce parametrii sa scriu?

Shocker wrote:
koyotes wrote:

deci de ex sunt la scoala, si nu am acess la consola si la control panel, fac shortcut la at.exe pe unde vreu si ce parametrii sa scriu?

Pai scrii aceeasi parametrii care ii scriai si in CMD si anume ORA /interactive "explorer.exe" si urmezi aceeasi pasi.

Insa am vazut ca pe multe conturi non-admin accesul la fisierul at.exe este restrictionat... poate ai noroc :D

thnx a lot, :D


merje pe orice windoze care are "at.exe" si nu este dezactivat, sau puse restrictii.... nu prea merje fenta pe la scoli pentru ca adminu' care iti face user face un "Restricted User" si aici e buba, nu merje fenta cu "at.exe" si cateodata nici urmatoarea: :D

Pentru cei care nu au acces la"at.exe", poate avetzi noroc si merje "sc.exe", try this:

sc.exe create hcksys binpath= "cmd" type= own type= interact

dupa care: sc start hcksys




mah tata mah.................... jaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......................mahhhhhhh.............................cate prostii poti sa faci cu chestia asta................. dezastru frate.......... scuzati libaju, am 2 butelii de muscat si o sticlad de jack "in development" dar oricum si dupa toate astea faza functioneaza............... mersi multa ............ raman dator :P ........... aveti grija la ora...... acuma il testez pe 2003 si pe vista, va zic daca merge............

Razvan wrote: run - pwla

cmd -pwla

task manager - pwla

2 conturi , admin , guest

2 parole , admin[daca-s stio ... uh] ,guest 1 ,2 , 3 ...

solutzie ?

nene cel mai bine un live cd ...linux dak stii linux

hanibal wrote: se scrie "m-ai" :) Nu te supara...am eu ceva cu Gramatica Limbii Romane:)

tu ma!!!!!!!! bha auziti mah ca sa apucat hanibalu d invatat...invata intai sa spui hanga-banga

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