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[ASM] Accessing API / no import, no PE, nothing

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Credits :

HUTCH pour la fonction StringCompare

PHRACK pour le tips pour récuperer K32

Reference :

NEITSA pour la méthodo

Author: steve10120

        call    .hwndDelta

pop ebp
sub ebp, .hwndDelta

mov eax, [fs:30h] ;EAX = PEB base
mov eax, [eax + 0ch] ;EAX = PEB_LDR_DATA

mov esi, [eax + 1ch] ;first entry in InInitializationOrderModuleList
lodsd ;forward to next LIST_ENTRY

mov ebx, [eax + 08h] ;EBX = Kernel32 base memory
mov [ebp + _kernelBase], ebx

mov esi, dword[ebx + 3Ch] ;ESI = PE MAGIC
add esi, [ebp + _kernelBase]

mov edx, [esi + 078h] ;EDX = RVA table export
add edx, [ebp + _kernelBase] ;EDX = VA table export

mov ecx, [edx + 018h] ;ECX = nombre d'export de la DLL
mov [ebp + _function_nb], ecx

mov ebx, [edx + 020h] ;EBX = VA du pointeur de nom

add ebx, 4
add ebx, [ebp + _kernelBase] ;EBX = VA table export

;A partir de la on a tous les éléments pour rechercher les fonctions

;Recuperation de GetProcAddress

lea edi, [ebp + _szGetProcAddress] ;EDI = GetProcAddress string
call .find_function
mov [ebp + _getProcAddress], eax


;Recuperation de LoadLibrary

lea edi, [ebp + _szLoadLibrary] ;EDI = GetProcAddress string
call .find_function
mov [ebp + _loadLibrary], eax


lea ebx,[ebp +_szUser32]
push ebx
call [ebp +_loadLibrary]

lea ebx,[ebp +_szMessageBox]
push ebx
push eax
lea edx, [ebp +_getProcAddress]
call dword[edx]

push 0

lea esi, [ebp +_szGetProcAddress]
push esi

lea edi, [ebp +_szGetProcAddress]
push edi

push 0
call eax




mov esi, dword[ebx] ;ESI = RVA STRING FUNC
add ebx, 4
add esi, [ebp + _kernelBase] ;EBX = VA STRING FUNC

dec ecx ;ECX = ECX - 1

call .stringCompare

cmp eax, -1
je .find_function_loop

mov ebx, [edx + 01ch] ; ebx = export table address RVA
add ebx, [ebp + _kernelBase] ; pointeur vers table d'export
mov edx, dword[_function_nb]
sub edx, ecx
imul edx, edx, 4

add ebx, edx
mov eax, ebx
mov eax, dword[eax]
add eax, [ebp + _kernelBase]



mov ecx, esi
mov edx, edi
mov al, [ecx]
cmp al, [edx]
jne .no_match
add ecx, 1
add edx, 1
test al, al
jne .cmst

xor eax, eax

mov eax, -1


_szGetProcAddress db "GetProcAddress",0
_szLoadLibrary db "LoadLibraryA",0

_kernelBase dd ?
_function_nb dd ?

_szMessageBox db "MessageBoxA",0
_szUser32 db "user32.dll",0

_getProcAddress dd ?
_loadLibrary dd ?

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Cel mai bine se invata din carti, dar sunt si tutoriale bune.

Eu fac ASM la facultate (la Arhitectura Sistemelor de Calcul - Universitatea Bucuresti, Informatica).

Nu poti posta cursurile in format electronic, te rog ?

Mi se pare ca mai usor as invata de pe ele plus ca sunt si in romana dar se exprima ptr. oameni si nu folosesc limbaj de ala de lemn de la urma te intrebi ce a vrut sa zica.

Multumesc anticipat !

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Vezi pe aici:


Nu e foarte usor, trebuie sa intelegi foarte bine cum lucreaza un procesor cu registrii si flaguri.

Prin invatat ma refer la stapnit bine acest limbaj nu numai sa intelegi un cod scris de altu'...

Ca sa intelegi un cod scris de altcineva in ASM trebuie sa sti bine, altfel nu prea ai sanse.Nu e ca si la limbajele de nivel inalt.

Mai bine invata java sau ceva de nivel inalt daca tot nu ai ce face cu timpul liber!

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