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Mr Assange,

have there ever been documents forwarded to you which deal with the topic of UFOs or extraterrestrials?

Julian Assange small

Julian Assange:

Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.

1) that the documents not be self-authored;

2) that they be original.

However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.

[url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2010/dec/03/julian-assange-wikileaks]Julian Assange answers your questions | World news | guardian.co.uk[/url]

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a schimbat intr-un fel lumea acest om. nu stiu de ce dar am presimtirea ca se va intampla ceva in curand (chiar nu stiu ce dar se va intampla.) ori va fi arestat si vor fi eliberate acele informatii, ori asasinat si eliberate informatiile, ori nuj...

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Am impresia ca si Romania e implicata cat de cat, pentru ca ziarele au inceput deja sa scrie ca wikileaks este o manipulare ordinara, nu ai cum sa sustii asta pana nu te simti cumva ofensat, sau te vei simti curand, cand wikileaks va publica si ceva ce tine de Romania.

Cu siguranta nu vor mai aparea prea multe publicatii in wikileaks si fondatorul va fi cumparat, ori ucis, cu siguranta, printr-un accident inevitabil.

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a schimbat intr-un fel lumea acest om. nu stiu de ce dar am presimtirea ca se va intampla ceva in curand (chiar nu stiu ce dar se va intampla.) ori va fi arestat si vor fi eliberate acele informatii, ori asasinat si eliberate informatiile, ori nuj...

Fondatorul WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, a fost arestat.

Assange turned himself in at a London police station at 9:30 a.m.

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Lol dar cica nu a fost arestat pt. un abuz sexual ci pentru ca nu a purtat prezervativ la futalaie :))))

O lege valabila doar in Suedia

lasa frate ca pute.de ce dracu toate astea se intampla prin Suedia, Norvegia tarile alea unde ai voie sa mergi in pwla goala pe strada si ai voie sa iti bani sunt nickname.cam asa ceva?

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According to the website Raw Story, a group of Internet activists calling themselves Operation Payback took credit for temporarily shutting down the website of PostFinance on Monday, and threatened to crash PayPal, the online payment service that last week also cut off WikiLeaks, denying the organization a major tool to collect donations from supporters. "We will fire at anyone that tries to censor WikiLeaks," said Operation Payback, according to Raw Story. The angry hackers of Operation Payback may not be the ideal confederates for a whistleblower seeking credibility, but with him in police custody and his website under attack, right now Assange may feel he could use all the help he can get.

Read more: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Arrested in London - TIME

sweet shit

if his arrest wasn't a plan, then he is just a phony after all :(

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Cum zice si sloganul din banner... keep US strong.

Oricum nu suport americanii.. cel mai jalnic popor posibil. Au inscenat tot ca sa intre in razboi cu Irak, l-au vanat pe Conducator si l-au judecat pentru lucruri pe care, chiar daca le facuse, nu aveau ei dreptul sa-l judece, nu era Irak tara lor... Cica asta ca sa "scape poporul de sub tiranie" a fost un "ajutor" dat poporului Irakian. Si dupaia se duc sa le cumpere petrolu' cu 1$ tona.

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