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SQID SQL Injection Digger

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SQID SQL Injection Digger


SQL injection digger is a command line program that looks for SQL injections and common errors in web sites.

Current version can perform the following operations:

Look for SQL injections and common errors in web site URLs found by performing a google search.

Look for SQL injections and common errors in a given URL or a file with URLs.

Look for SQL injections and common errors in links from a web page.

Crawl a web site/web page and do the above.

Also supports

Load multiple triggers from file.

Load multiple signature databases from files.

HTTPS support.

HTTP proxy support with authentication.

Basic authentication.

Specify user agent.

Specify referer.

HTTP Cookies loading from command line or a file.

sqid is written in ruby.Find out more about SQL Injection.

sqid is extensible by adding more signatures to its database (sqid.db). The signatures simply use

regular expressions.


Usage: sqid.rb [options]

-m, --mode MODE Operate in mode MODE.
MODE is one of
g,google Operate in google search mode.
u,url Check this url or a file with urls.
p,page Check single page.
c,crawl Crawl website and check.

Google search mode options:
-q, --query QUERY QUERY to perforn google search for.
-s, --start START zero-based index of the first desired result,
zero if not specified.
-r, --results RESULTS number of results desired, default is 20 if not specfied.
rounded to tens.

URL check mode options:
-u, --url URL check this URL.
If URL is a file urls will be loaded from this file, specify each url on a new line.

Page check mode options:
-p, --page PAGE Check this page.

Crawl mode options:
-c, --crawl WEBSITE Crawl website WEBSITE and check.
specfify as http[s]://WESITE:[PORT], default PORT is 80

URL, Page and Crawl mode common options:
-C, --cookie COOKIE Cookie in the HTTP header specify as name=value,name=value.
If COOKIE is a file cookies will be loaded from this file, specify each cookie on a new line.
-a, --accept-cookies Accept cookies from the webite or page. Default is no.
-R, --referer REFERER Set referer in the HTTP header.
-B, --auth CREDENTIALS Use crendtials as basic auth for the website.
specfify as user:password.

Common options:
-o, --with-noquery Match page content without query parameters. Default is false.
-D, --db-files FILE,...,FILE Use file(s) FILE,...,FILE as signature database.
-t, --trigger TRIGGER Use TRIGGER for detecting SQL injections/errors default is '.
If TRIGGER is a file triggers will be loaded from it. specify each trigger on newline.
Lines starting with a # are ignored.
-T, --time-out TIMEOUT Timeout for response in seconds.
Default is 10 seconds.
-U, --user-agent USERAGENT User Agent in the HTTP Header.
-P, --proxy PROXY User HTTP proxy PROXY for operations.
specfify as proxy:port.
-A, --proxy-auth CREDENTIALS Use crendtials CRENDENTIALS for the proxy.
specfify as user:password.
-v, --verbose Run verbosely.
-h, --help Show this message



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