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Mozilla Firefox v5.0 Final

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Eu cand deschid mozilla mi se blocheaza PC-ul si nu mai merge sa fac nimic pana nu ii dau restart, si am problema asta de vreo 2 luni. Am incercat diferite versiuni dar nimic nu functioneaza. Ma poate ajuta cineva?

  SilviuSDS said:
Eu cand deschid mozilla mi se blocheaza PC-ul si nu mai merge sa fac nimic pana nu ii dau restart, si am problema asta de vreo 2 luni. Am incercat diferite versiuni dar nimic nu functioneaza. Ma poate ajuta cineva?

download google chrome ;)


Results :

Application Load Time :

Mozilla Firefox : 4 secs

Google Chrome : 1 sec

Google Mail Load Time :

Mozilla Firefox : 11 secs

Google Chrome : 7 secs

Compose Mail Load Time :

Mozilla Firefox : 9 secs

Google Chrome : <> sec

I really liked the performance of Chrome, though first Security Flaw in Chrome is already out. But I am not yet ready to use Chrome as my primary Browser.

* Chrome could not handle Facebook,and some Open Social Applications in Orkut.

* I live on addons like ABP and greasemonkey.

* I am addicted to Google Toolbar.

* Limitations in RSS/Atom Feed suscriptions.

But Chrome is still a beta! If we can trust the words of google , that they believe in frequent updates, a feature rich Chrome will be out soon.

  wNNkz0r said:
download google chrome ;)

De atunci folosesc Chrome si nu sunt dezamagit de el, doar ca am extrem de multe bookmarkuri, parole si inclusiv istoricul in Mozilla care sunt de 1 miliard de ori mai valoroase decat tot ce am in Chrome.

1 an de browsing este extrem de valoros si nu as vrea sa le pierd, de-aia nu am dezinstalat si toate personalizarile din Mozilla. Am cautat pe net solutii la problema mea, dar am gasit pe un forum de la Mozilla ca sunt sontienti de problema asta dar ca nu au nicio solutie pentru ea. Macar daca as putea sa-mi extrag datele salvate de Mozilla cumva.

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