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FAQ C++ - Trebuie citit

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Pentru cei pasionati de C++, asta e ceva obligatoriu de citit.

Table of Contents:

[1] Copying permissions
[2] On-line sites that distribute this document Updated!
[3] C++-FAQ-Book versus (on-line) C++-FAQ
[4] Recent changes to this document Updated!
[5] Netiquette when posting to comp.lang.c++
[6] Big Picture Issues
[7] Classes and objects
[8] References
[9] Inline functions
[10] Constructors Updated!
[11] Destructors
[12] Assignment operators
[13] Operator overloading Updated!
[14] Friends
[15] Input/output via <iostream> and <cstdio>
[16] Freestore management Updated!
[17] Exceptions and error handling Updated!
[18] Const correctness
[19] Inheritance — basics
[20] Inheritance — virtual functions
[21] Inheritance — proper inheritance and substitutability
[22] Inheritance — abstract base classes (ABCs)
[23] Inheritance — what your mother never told you
[24] Inheritance — private and protected inheritance
[25] Inheritance — multiple and virtual inheritance
[26] Built-in / intrinsic / primitive data types
[27] Coding standards
[28] Learning OO/C++
[29] Newbie Questions / Answers Updated!
[30] Learning C++ if you already know Smalltalk
[31] Reference and value semantics
[32] How to mix C and C++ Updated!
[33] Pointers to member functions Updated!
[34] Container classes Updated!
[35] Templates Updated!
[36] Serialization and Unserialization Updated!
[37] Class libraries Updated!
[38] Compiler dependencies Updated!
[39] Miscellaneous technical issues
[40] Miscellaneous environmental issues



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