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DeepSec 2010: Android Reverse Engineering and Forensics

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[h=1]DeepSec 2010: Android Reverse Engineering and Forensics[/h]Thanks to the DeepSec organisation for making these videos available and let me share the videos on YouTube.

Speaker: Raphaël Rigo, French Network and Information Security Agency (ANSSI)

While Android security architecture is now well understood and has been presented over and over, the details of actually reversing software running on it are scarce. This talk will explore the filesystem, memory, and reverse engineering techniques in-depth.

For more information visit: Schedule - DeepSec IDSC 2010 Europe - Vienna, November 23-26, 2010

To download the video visit: DeepSec 2010 on Vimeo


// side topic

Un proiect interesant si foarte util daca doriti sa faceti reverse engineering si diverse analize ale aplicatiilor android. Chestia super buna este ca ruleaza sub VirtualBox pe care il puteti instala in cateva minute. Desigur, puteti lua tool-urile si le puteti instala pe orice distributie de linux. (daca nu doriti sa folositi imaginea lor de VM.)

Tool-uri disponibile in ARE (Android Reverse Engineering):

- Androguard

- Android sdk/ndk

- APKInspector

- Apktool

- Axmlprinter

- Ded

- Dex2jar

- DroidBox

- Jad

- Smali/Baksmali

Pentru a citi mai multe despre ARE:

ARE - Overview - Honeynet Project Redmine

Android Reverse Engineering (A.R.E.) Virtual Machine available for download now! | The Honeynet Project

Link de download:


Nota: VM-ul este un ubuntu linux. Am facut un screenshot, pentru a vedea cum arata “la pene”. https://www.rtfm.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/are.png

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