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Probleme BIOS

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Am rescris biosul pentru o placa de baza K10N78FullHD-hSLI , dupa rescrierea biosului primes o eroare Mac address is not valid on CMOS and FLASH , stie cineva cum o pot rezolva ?

Stresant e ca trebuie sa apas de fiecare data F1 cand pornesc calculatorul ... (press F1 to continue )

Si nu pot folosi placa de retea , in Device Manager o vede dar nu se instaleaza driverul .

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AM facut un update , dupa care nu a mai pornit , am rescris cipul de la bios cu soft-ul 1.50 si tot la fel zicea numai ca nu-mi recunostea nici procesorul (AMD unknown model ), apoi am facut update la 2.30 si imi recunostea procesorul , dar aceeasi eroare la MAC .

Nu am back-up .

Cat de o versiune gresita nici nu se pune problema , l-am luat de pe site-ul ASROCK folosind seria de la placa de baza .

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Se pare ca exista un tool cu care se rescrie MAC-ul

Vezi daca nu merge si la placa ta

How to Write MAC address of your motherboard.
1. Create a bootable system floppy disk.
2. Download MM.zip and unzip MA, MAC.EXE, and MM.BAT to the floppy disk.
3. Use notepad to open MA file in the Windows OS.
4. Find the MAC address sticker on the motherboard and replace the MAC address in the MA file.
5. Boot the system from the floppy disk, run MM (A:\mm <Enter>) to write the MAC address.
6. To read the MAC address from the motherboard, run A:\mac r<Enter>

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salut am si eu o problema cu laptopul nu se mai deschide de la buton numai din tasta f5 si ami apare o eroare bios aplication error 501 dupa care dau enter sa intru care ar fi remediul cu aceasta problema de bios e vorba de o partitie efi stearsa dar nu am gasit nici o modalitate deocamdata

Nu ai mentionat ce laptop e. Pentru HP rezolvarea e acesta:

You deleted the efi-partition (HP_Tools). You can get past this message by disabling HP Quicklook 2 in your BIOS.

1. Open up your BIOS (by pressing F10 while your machine is booting up)

2. Go to System Configuration / Device Configurations

3. Look for an option called "HP Quicklook" or "HP Quicklook 2"

4. Set it to "Disabled"

6. Save the changes (hit F10)

7. Restart your machine.

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