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HTML KickStart - 99lime.com

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HTML KickStart is an ultra–lean set of HTML5, CSS, and jQuery (javascript) files, layouts, and elements designed to give you a headstart and save you 10's of hours on your next web project.

HTML KickStart includes everything you need to rapidly create website layouts – things like slideshows, menus, flexible grids, image placeholders, buttons, and more – saving you a ton of time so you can produce faster and make more money.

HTML KickStart HTML Elements & Documentation - 99Lime.com


Source: wp-cron.com


l-am testat eu acuma ,desi nu sunt asa de pretentios ,are multe chestii aiurea ,mai degraba faci css-ulr de la 0 ,divurile au margini date ca naiba ,singurul lucru atragator a fost pe formuri ,dar si acolo mai degraba folosesti jqery transform ,e mai nice :) , in concluzie e cam de "gay"

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