YoyoCel Posted May 24, 2012 Report Posted May 24, 2012 Holistic BrowserType a web addressand you'll be taken to onetyped by someone else.Warning: This allows strangers to direct your browser!They may send you to pages containingporn, viruses, or Justin Bieber fanfiction.At the very least, turn on private browsing. Quote
Guest Kovalski Posted May 25, 2012 Report Posted May 25, 2012 Dafuq is that ??? Type a web addressand you'll be taken to onetyped by someone else.el te redirectioneaza catre o alta adresa scrisa de un alt userpe fiecare user il redirectioneaza catre un site diferit fata de cel care a incercat sa il acceseze. Quote
crs12decoder Posted May 25, 2012 Report Posted May 25, 2012 Singura chestie care imi vine in minte, e un cURL care insereaza aceeasi adresa cat de des poate pentru a mari sansele altor persoane de a intra pe acel URL.Poti astfel sa pui lumea sa intre pe diverse site-uri vulnerabile la XSS iar daca sunt logati, sa le furi cookie-ul.sausa iti faci indirect reclama la un site Quote