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Vand DB de la : 9am | Wall-Street Kudika | Garbo | Envy | Healthy | Grace | Kidz etc

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13 => array(

"id" => 13,

"name" => "Corporate News",

"url" => "http://www.corporatenews.ro",

"admin_url" => "http://www.corporatenews.ro/cfspAdmin/",

"db_host" => "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",

"db_user" => "corporatenews",

"db_pass" => "corporat3n3ws",

"db_name" => "corporatenews",

"db_prefix" => "",

"tbl_users" => "users",

"camp_comercial" => "oferte_comerciale",

"camp_necomercial" => "oferte_necomerciale"


11 => array(

"id" => 11,

"name" => "Envy",

"url" => "http://www.envy.ro",

"admin_url" => "",

"db_host" => "www.envy.ro",

"db_user" => "envy",

"db_pass" => "envincejad",

"db_name" => "envy",

"db_prefix" => "",

"tbl_users" => "users"


5 => array(

"id" => 5,

"name" => "Garbo",

"url" => "http://www.garbo.ro",

"admin_url" => "http://www.garbo.ro/gfspAdmin",

"db_host" => "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",

"db_user" => "garbo",

"db_pass" => "garrrbo",

"db_name" => "garbo",

"db_prefix" => "",

"tbl_users" => "users",

"camp_comercial" => "oferte_comerciale",

"camp_necomercial" => "oferte_necomerciale"


15 => array(

Si asa mai departe.

sa zis bingo la : "users",

adica email parole nume bla bla bla ce au ei pentru inregistrare.

Pret : Astept oferta

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si daca esti de al lor corporatenews :

INSERT INTO `users_george` VALUES (''),('*nichy_mintia@yahoo.com'),('0743015976@orange-gsm.ro'),('0752074954@Orange-gsm.ro'),('07bebita@gmail.com'),('123456789@yahoo.com'),('.............................

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DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `delly_articles_comments_topics`;

CREATE TABLE `delly_articles_comments_topics` (

`id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`art_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`topic_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`topic_description` text NOT NULL,

`comments_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`is_article` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',

`views` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`data_add` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`status` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',

`reported` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',


KEY `id_articol` (`art_id`),

KEY `id_user` (`user_id`)


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ia de aici :

*!40000 ALTER TABLE `delly_setari` DISABLE KEYS */;

INSERT INTO `delly_setari` VALUES ('1','admin_emails','mihai.seceleanu@delly.ro,mihai@delly.ro,liviu@ejobs.ro,danny@ejobs.ro,daniel@internetcorp.ro,raluca@internetcorp.ro,oana@delly.ro,livia@delly.ro,andrea@internetcorp.ro');

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `delly_setari` ENABLE KEYS */;

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