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Posted (edited)

After some research i figured out your task can't be done because norton internet security finds any new file at: ws.reputation.1

This means if your file md5 is not in their 'trusted data base' they will consider it a virus, with ws.reputation.1 detection name.

Clean your mind and move to other task, this just can't be done.




Edited by B3st

Norton has this 'bug' since long time and i though they fixed it, that's why I didn't research this norton crap before to say 'yes'.

In other words, if you pay that much for this task and you need this task so much then you are the first one that should do a little research before to ask for 'magic tricks' in black market.


Let me give a try. I can give you fully remote acces in a few different ways, through antiviruses. I will install on my sistem later today that shit, if I can bypass it I`ll come back with a reply or a private message. Basically I could do that, never heard about problems like that with norton.

  B3st said:
Norton has this 'bug' since long time and i though they fixed it, that's why I didn't research this norton crap before to say 'yes'.

In other words, if you pay that much for this task and you need this task so much then you are the first one that should do a little research before to ask for 'magic tricks' in black market.

Wubi, shikata ga nai, make UD backdoor's with MSF

  Bebe. said:
After some research is 1 way. PM for details.

Do not trust Bebe. He's a scammer. I was looking for some Office exploits and he answered my request. After some chatting, he realized that he couldn't scam me, so he never replied again, neither on Yahoo, nor the forum. So don't try to get scammed again.

  dumblegate said:
Do not trust Bebe. He's a scammer. I was looking for some Office exploits and he answered my request. After some chatting, he realized that he couldn't scam me, so he never replied again, neither on Yahoo, nor the forum. So don't try to get scammed again.

Am decis sa nu te prostesc cu ceva ce e public.

  Piny2u said:
Is it really nobody here that can actually do this? We pay you $2,500+ in CASH. C'mon! It is not a stupid scam.

DOn't ever waste your time with B3st. He is more unevolved even compared with HF

Contact bx1 ( not from here )

He will do it even cheaper

This isnt the market for this. These people only know how to crack ssh boxes


Hi there, you know what kind of antivirus your target have, (updated, unupdated).. maybe the version and all this shit?

Because i will do it in the old way... first i wanna install the exact antivirus you victim have, on a virtual machine and then make my magic.

Post it here, not by pm..

  Piny2u said:
They have some type of Symantec (maker of Norton) hueristics program. Meaning Norton "Sonar" / 360.

It is much more difficult to crack then AVG or the typical AV's.

Let me know what you think.

Also, bastet, I sent you a PM -- How would I reach bx1?

Thank you both.

Hi Piny2u, well RST or HF isnt the place for this kind of jobs, you should try on antichat.ru, those russian guys are really good at this kind of things, they have a huge experience with viruses and antivirus software, you can even try on some chinese forums, i cant remember right now any chinese forum but you can ask around.

BTW: Also spanish guys are really good, try indetectables/elhacker or any other forum from this website http://troyanosyvirus.com.ar/

@bastet mare dreptate ai, aici 90% dintre oameni vor programe magice care sa faca diferite task-uri in locul lor, nu zic ca e rau sa folosesti un program care iti economiseste timp dar macar sa stii ce face mai exact programul.

Sunt dezamagit ca spun asta dar majoritatea utilizatorilor de pe forum sunt idioti, sunt si unele persoane care stiu extraordinar de multe(am avut ocazia sa cunosc cateva persoane de pe rst), comparativ cu ei...eu stiu cam 10% din toate informatiile pe care ei le poseda, ei bine persoanele alea nu cred ca mai activeaza, in urma am ramas pe rst doar cativa bunicei(maxim 100) si restul(care nu au nici un fel de legatura cu IT-ul ca categorie generala).

Posted (edited)


I`m on the right way, I may do it for you with a complete solution until the end of this weekend.

/* Sorry for the late or missing responses, I had some problems that took a lot from my time. */

Edited by Wubi


Daca clonezi pe info/icon + digital signature de la un fisier safe asta nu inseamna ca o sa treci de el.

System ul lor este pe baza de digital signature + md5, plus cand dai scan fisierul este executat intr-un spatiu protejat pentru a vedea cum se comporta, deci trebuie sa faci teste cu fisier malware.

Fa teste cu un botnet care are rootkit, da-mi pm daca nu gasesti.

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