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[xss] *.paypal.com

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Hello Darius ,

Thank you for your participation in the paypal bug bounty program. Our security engineers have confirmed that your vulnerability submission is valid. After the vulnerability is fixed, we will notify you of the fix and issue you a bounty.

Please note that paypal has a review board that meets regularly to determine the bounty amount and the priorities of the fixes. This process requires that we review each bug carefully, thus we request that you allow us some time before we communicate back to you.

Title: Xss persistent on *.paypal.com

Uid: Uh****

Status: Validated and awaiting fix

Per the terms of the bug bounty program, we ask that you do not disclose your finding to the public or to the media while we implement a fix.

We take pride in keeping paypal the safer place for online payment.

Thank you so much for your patience!

Paypal security team

Lol ! Mai am unul si trebuie sa astept raspuns.

22 zile ... am asteptat dupa asta... si acuma astept dupa urmatorul .... cel reflected !

Edited by akkiliON
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  • Active Members
Hello Darius ,

Thank you for your participation in the PayPal Bug Bounty Program. Our security engineers have confirmed that your vulnerability submission is valid. After the vulnerability is fixed, we will notify you of the fix and issue you a bounty.

Please note that PayPal has a review board that meets regularly to determine the bounty amount and the priorities of the fixes. This process requires that we review each bug carefully, thus we request that you allow us some time before we communicate back to you.

Title: XSS Reflected [Cenzurat] Paypal

UID: EA1****

Status: Validated and Awaiting Fix

Per the terms of the Bug Bounty Program, we ask that you do not disclose your finding to the public or to the media while we implement a fix.

We take pride in keeping PayPal the safer place for online payment.

Thank you so much for your patience!

PayPal Security Team

Inca unu validat ! :)))

Revin cu niste video-uri cand sunt fixate :)

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Scuze pentru double-post !


In an effort to provide recognition to our research partners who have supported our security efforts, we are updating our PayPal Bug Bounty Wall of Fame to feature individuals like yourself who have made significant contributions over each quarter. We will refresh our listings on a quarterly basis to include both our top 10 researchers by quarter, as well as our honorable mention page for everyone that provided a valid submission over the same time period.

We would like to thank you for your efforts and congratulate you for being recognized in the third quarter of 2013. We would like to list your name and, if applicable, your credentials and the name of your organization, on our proposed Wall of Fame page. In order to do so, we must have your consent. Please follow the instructions below and return to us at our PayPal Site Security email portal and return to us by December 8, 2013.

Trebe s? le trimit datele pe 8 Decembrie.

În sfâr?it voi fi în Wall of Fame. :)

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