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Cobalt strike - penetration testing software

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Vreau macar trial-ul dar nu este inca disponibil in UE din pacate...si nu stiu cum sa fac

Cobalt Strike is threat emulation software. Execute targeted attacks against modern enterprises with one of the most powerful network attack kits available to penetration testers. This is not compliance testing.


Cobalt Strike's system profiler discovers which client-side applications your target uses, with version information. Use its results to pick a client-side exploit or set it up to automatically serve an attack.

Attack Packages

Use Cobalt Strike to host a web drive-by attack or transform an innocent file into a trojan horse.

Adobe PDF Files

Java Applet Attacks

Microsoft Office Documents

Microsoft Windows Programs

USB drives

Website Clone Tool

Spear phishing

Import a message and let Cobalt Strike replace links and text to build a convincing phish for you. Cobalt Strike sends email and tracks who clicks.


Connect to a Cobalt Strike team server to share data, communicate in real-time, and control systems compromised during the engagement.

Covert Payload

Beacon is Cobalt Strike's payload for red team operations. Beacon executes commands, logs keystrokes, downloads files, and spawns other payloads. To simulate a low and slow attacker, Beacon calls home on set intervals and uses HTTP and DNS to evade egress restrictions.

Post Exploitation

Cobalt Strike's scriptable and easy to use GUI allows your team to control desktops, download files, and pivot through compromised systems.

Browser Pivoting

Use a Browser Pivot to go around two-factor authentication and access sites as your target.


Cobalt Strike captures every action for reporting purposes. Reports are available as both PDF and MS Word documents. Cobalt Strike reports:

reconstruct your engagement timeline;

organize findings on a host-by-host basis;

list exploited remote vulnerabilities;

document client-side vulnerabilities;

show phishing activity, including click

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cracked cobalt strike - windows : cobaltstrike-Cracked-For Windows cracked pe 200 ani :))

cracked cobalt strike - backtrack : cobaltstrike-Cracked-For BackTrack

sper sa-tzi mearga, ce-l de windows e scanat de mine pe virus total si e 100% dar te rog sa-l mai scanezi si tu. N-am putut sa-l rulez pt ca-mi cere java instalat si desigur k n-am putut sa-l instalez pt ca pagina ar fi cazuta :| si n-am stat sa-i dau bataie de cap oricum nu prea ma pricep la pentesting, l-am cautat doar din curiozitate :)

Bafta !

LE: am rezolvat-o pana la urma, dar nu pot sa-l rulez ca sunt pe laptopul de birou care are doar 2gb ram si softul cere minim 2gb ram.

Edited by Kotzu
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