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Yahoo Open URL Redirection

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Link Vulnerabil:



Adaugam la sfarsitul link-ului dupa */ site-u dorit, de exemplu : RST.




Full Disclosure: Yahoo Open Redirect Vulnerability - or "Designing vulnerabilities"

Rog un moderator sa mute topic-ul la sectiunea Exploit-uri

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Raportat de mine si am primit primit raspunsul asta

Thanks for the submission. Can you please let us know the complete POC; step by step instruction for how you created that url. Have you received "Yahoo! has detected potential security problems from following this link; reasons for this may include it being an expired link, etc. Click here at your own risk. " error when you generated this issue?

Le-am dat mai multe detalii acum aprx. o saptamana si momentan nu am primit nici un raspuns

PS: Am mai raportat o vulnerabilitate tot atunci care a fost validata

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Raportat de mine si am primit primit raspunsul asta

Le-am dat mai multe detalii acum aprx. o saptamana si momentan nu am primit nici un raspuns

PS: Am mai raportat o vulnerabilitate tot atunci care a fost validata

In cat timp ti-au raspuns? la mine m-au tinut de o luna ba ca sa le trimit prin formu de bugbouny ba sa le urc video-ul pe youtube si nici acuma nu am un raspuns.

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