BizZaroO Posted September 25, 2007 Report Posted September 25, 2007 Consider ca pentru a fi cu adevarat un "hacker" trebuie intai sa sti sa iti folosesti "armele" care le ai la indemana... cea mai buna "arma este" cmdTUTORIALUL NU ESTE FACUT DE MINEDat fiind faptul ca nu este pus un astfel de tutorial ...Uite cum sta treaba...daca stii sa umblii cu adevarat bine in command prompt,chiar nu ai nevoie de alte programe k sa fii un "hacker".Majoritatea utilizatorilor de Windows nu stiu cu adevarat ce arma puternica au instalata pe pc-ul lor si traiesc cu ideea k linuxu este cu mult superior win la partea de hacking.Ei bine o sa va demonstrez k nu e asa.O sa incepem cu unele comenzi usoare cum ar fii:-aflarea ip-ului celor de pe mess: k sa aflii ip-u trebuie doar sa intrii in START>RUN si sa tastezi comanda "cmd".Dupa ce apare fereastra de la Command Prompt scrii "netstat -an" si nu degeaba v-am tinut eu lectia cu porturile,acum e folositoare pt k dupa ce tastezi "netstat -an" iti apar o serie de ip-uri la care pc-ul tau s-a conectat.Si cum yahoo messenger foloseste de obicei portu 5101 ... ip-urile pe care vrei sa le aflii au portu 5101 -aflarea ip-ului unui server,site: pt asta tastezi comanda "tracert si site-u la care vrei sa aflii ip" EX: tracert k acu pot eu sa stau 2 ani sa va scriu aici tot ce stiu despre cmd si tot nu termin,am sa va dau in schimb lista comenzilor (nu toate) din cmd si ramane sa exersati si voi.ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV fileARP Address Resolution ProtocolASSOC Change file extension associationsASSOCIAT One step file associationAT Schedule a command to run at a later timeATTRIB Change file attributesBROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC infoCACLS Change file permissionsCALL Call one batch program from anotherCD Change Directory - move to a specific FolderCHANGE Change Terminal Server Session propertiesCHKDSK Check Disk - check and repair disk problemsCHKNTFS Check the NTFS file systemCHOICE Accept keyboard input to a batch fileCIPHER Encrypt or Decrypt files/foldersCleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle binCLEARMEM Clear memory leaksCLIP Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.CLS Clear the screenCLUSTER Windows ClusteringCMD Start a new CMD shellCOLOR Change colours of the CMD windowCOMP Compare the contents of two files or sets of filesCOMPACT Compress files or folders on an NTFS partitionCOMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partitionCON2PRT Connect or disconnect a PrinterCONVERT Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.COPY Copy one or more files to another locationCSVDE Import or Export Active Directory dataDATE Display or set the dateDcomcnfg DCOM Configuration UtilityDEFRAG Defragment hard driveDEL Delete one or more filesDELPROF Delete NT user profilesDELTREE Delete a folder and all subfoldersDevCon Device Manager Command Line UtilityDIR Display a list of files and foldersDIRUSE Display disk usageDISKCOMP Compare the contents of two floppy disksDISKCOPY Copy the contents of one floppy disk to anotherDNSSTAT DNS StatisticsDOSKEY Edit command line, recall commands, and create macrosDSADD Add user (computer, group..) to active directoryDSQUERY List items in active directoryDSMOD Modify user (computer, group..) in active directoryECHO Display message on screenENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch fileERASE Delete one or more filesEXIT Quit the CMD shellEXPAND Uncompress filesEXTRACT Uncompress CAB filesFC Compare two filesFDISK Disk Format and partitionFIND Search for a text string in a fileFINDSTR Search for strings in filesFOR Conditionally perform a command several timesFORFILES Batch process multiple filesFORMAT Format a diskFREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes)FSUTIL File and Volume utilitiesFTP File Transfer ProtocolFTYPE Display or modify file types used in file extension associationsGLOBAL Display membership of global groupsGOTO Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled lineHELP Online HelpHFNETCHK Network Security Hotfix CheckerIF Conditionally perform a commandIFMEMBER Is the current user in an NT WorkgroupINSTSRV Install an NT ServiceIPCONFIG Configure IPKILL Remove a program from memoryLABEL Edit a disk labelLOCAL Display membership of local groupsLOGEVENT Write text to the NT event viewer.LOGOFF Log a user offLOGTIME Log the date and time in a fileMAPISEND Send email from the command lineMEM Display memory usageMD Create new foldersMODE Configure a system deviceMORE Display output, one screen at a timeMOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount pointMOVE Move files from one folder to anotherMOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to anotherMSG Send a messageMSIEXEC Microsoft Windows InstallerMSINFO Windows NT diagnosticsMSTSC Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)MUNGE Find and Replace text within file(s)MV Copy in-use filesNET Manage network resourcesNETDOM Domain ManagerNETSH Configure network protocolsNETSVC Command-line Service ControllerNBTSTAT Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)NETSTAT Display networking statistics (TCP/IP)NOW Display the current Date and TimeNSLOOKUP Name server lookupNTBACKUP Backup folders to tapeNTRIGHTS Edit user account rightsPATH Display or set a search path for executable filesPATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet lossPAUSE Suspend processing of a batch file and display a messagePERMS Show permissions for a userPERFMON Performance MonitorPING Test a network connectionPOPD Restore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHDPORTQRY Display the status of ports and servicesPRINT Print a text filePRNCNFG Display, configure or rename a printerPRNMNGR Add, delete, list printers set the default printerPROMPT Change the command promptPUSHD Save and then change the current directoryQGREP Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.RASDIAL Manage RAS connectionsRASPHONE Manage RAS connectionsRECOVER Recover a damaged file from a defective disk.REG Read, Set or Delete registry keys and valuesREGEDIT Import or export registry settingsREGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLLREGINI Change Registry PermissionsREM Record comments (remarks) in a batch fileREN Rename a file or files.REPLACE Replace or update one file with anotherRD Delete folder(s)RDISK Create a Recovery DiskRMTSHARE Share a folder or a printerROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder CopyROUTE Manipulate network routing tablesRUNAS Execute a program under a different user accountRUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)SC Service ControlSCHTASKS Create or Edit Scheduled TasksSCLIST Display NT ServicesScriptIt Control GUI applicationsSET Display, set, or remove environment variablesSETLOCAL Begin localisation of environment changes in a batch fileSETX Set environment variables permanentlySHARE List or edit a file share or print shareSHIFT Shift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch fileSHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)SHOWGRPS List the NT Workgroups a user has joinedSHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a WorkgroupSHUTDOWN Shutdown the computerSLEEP Wait for x secondsSOON Schedule a command to run in the near futureSORT Sort inputSTART Start a separate window to run a specified program or commandSU Switch UserSUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and DomainSUBST Associate a path with a drive letterTASKLIST List running applications and servicesTIME Display or set the system timeTIMEOUT Delay processing of a batch fileTITLE Set the window title for a CMD.EXE sessionTOUCH Change file timestamps TRACERT Trace route to a remote hostTREE Graphical display of folder structureTYPE Display the contents of a text fileUSRSTAT List domain usernames and last loginVER Display version informationVERIFY Verify that files have been savedVOL Display a disk labelWHERE Locate and display files in a directory treeWHOAMI Output the current UserName and domainWINDIFF Compare the contents of two files or sets of filesWINMSD Windows system diagnosticsWINMSDP Windows system diagnostics IIWMIC WMI CommandsXCACLS Change file permissionsXCOPY Copy files and foldersincercati sa va obijunuiti cu aceste comenzi si sa le intelegeti pe fiecare in parte. Quote
moubik Posted September 25, 2007 Report Posted September 25, 2007 foarte tare tutorialul. folosesc destul de mult si cmd-uldar l-am pimpuit putin:am copiat in c:\windows\system32\urmatoarele chestii:unxutils: utilitarele cele mai comune de la linux.probabil ca v-ati trezit sa dati ls sau grep in consola de windows.sunt continute acolo.nmap: sa traiesti fara nmap ? pe acelasi site este un top de tool-uri orientate de securitate. puteti sa porniti de acolo sa va faceti o ignorati internetul din jurul vostru.hping2: un packet crafter. trebuie sa invatati bine protocoale.aveti grija ce faceti cu el. gasit o metoda sa-mi blochez routerul pstools: foarte folositoare precum pskill (kill nu este continut de unxutils), pslist, swiss army knife.poti sa faci conexiuni cu el, poti sa-l pui sa asculte pe un cel mai des il folosesc pe post de client telnet.l-am mai folosit si ca sa ascult anumite protocoale foarte simple text, gen irc, http. Quote
moubik Posted September 26, 2007 Report Posted September 26, 2007 te rog eu foloseste edit citit macar ce am scris eu?ai incercat ceva de acolo?te intereseaza ce am scris? Quote
tupac_o Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 si nu tot timppul apare portul 5101 de multe ori apare 1213 sau 2714 ip-urile sunt bune am un programel care imi afiseaza ip celui cu care vb si este corect dat fiind ca lam verificat cu persoana respectiva....defapt persoanele respective. Quote
Petronela Posted November 23, 2007 Report Posted November 23, 2007 :shock: Voi chiar stiti toate comenzile astea? :roll: Quote
blop Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 de ex la FTPdar cum mut filedau FTP in cmdsi dupa ? Quote
moubik Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 move nu este implementat in protocolul de ftp.o metoda ar fi sa "get" fisierul si pe urma sa "put" unde ai vrea sa fie. dar, bineinteles il downloadezi local si pe urma il reuploadezi. ineficient.preferabil este sa ai access ssh sau telnet si sa dai de acolo comanda de sistem mv/move Quote
Dr4k3 Posted December 2, 2007 Report Posted December 2, 2007 Citesc toate comenzile alea si mi se face capu praf..apoi imi dau seama ca nu stiu nimic defapt Quote
hellhacker2 Posted December 2, 2007 Report Posted December 2, 2007 daca vrei sa transferi muzica/filme/programe etc toate inafara de DOCUMENTE inainte sa dai get nu uita sa dai command BINARY(altfel ti le da toate corupte) Quote
GoodKat Posted December 3, 2007 Report Posted December 3, 2007 Petronela said: :shock: Voi chiar stiti toate comenzile astea? :roll: mskdakdsa, billdubuh shhit !!! Daca intelegi asta inseamna ca esti un betiv/a care foloseste linux si se pisa pe windows... Quote
Petronela Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 GoodKat said: Petronela said: :shock: Voi chiar stiti toate comenzile astea? :roll: mskdakdsa, billdubuh shhit !!! Daca intelegi asta inseamna ca esti un betiv/a care foloseste linux si se pisa pe windows...Cata perspicacitate... :idea: Quote
GoodKat Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 Petronela said: Cata perspicacitate... :idea:Yes, im male... deh !! Hai sa nu ruinam topicul despre super, magicul "terminal" din windows . Quote
D4Rk M3sSIah Posted December 7, 2007 Report Posted December 7, 2007 BizZaroO said: nu degeaba v-am tinut eu lectia cu porturile ...Si crezi ca o mai poti tine o data? Quote
moubik Posted December 13, 2007 Report Posted December 13, 2007 blop said: de ex la FTPdar cum mut filedau FTP in cmdsi dupa ?scuza-ma dar am gresit atunci cand am spus ca nu exista move la comenzile:rnfr - rename fromrnto - rename tosi ca exempluvrei sa muti fisierul in directorul cartirnfr arhiva.ziprnto carti/ Quote