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How to hack a windows phone

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how to hack a windows phone

In today’s how to we will be discussing on how to hack a Windows Phone 8. Every hacker should know about the internals of a device and operating system before he could attempt to compromise it. So lets try to understand the underlying hardware and OS security before we try to break it.

To begin, we will try to compromise the hardware so that we can gain access to the hardware and then exploit the OS and ultimately take control of it or at least to steal data from it.

Windows Phone employs UEFI Firmware Hardware at the very low level. In addition to that, every hardware which runs Windows Phone 8 OS has to be certified by Microsoft. Now when we say certified, it also means that all the hardware has to be signed and the chips will be burned with the keys from Microsoft. The “Trusted Boot Chain” component will make sure that all the signatures are in place and if they are valid before and during the process. Every program written in the silicon chip has to be signed including the BIOS, drivers etc. On top of these Windows Phone 8 device will also come with a TPM chip which means your encrypted data it is as good your Windows 7 & 8 PC.


UEFI Windows Phone

Lets see what are the options we have to break the security of the device.


Now that we know all the components / programs are verified for the signature by the “Trusted Boot Chain”, why don’t we try to spoof the boot chain program itself with our own. If we are able to do that then we could easily make the device load our own components instead of the Windows Phone OS exploiting it completely naked.

Though at the first look it is appears to be a very good idea, unfortunately all the hardware chips which can’t or can be overwritten comes with something called an efuse. The moment when you are trying to write something in these chips without a valid signature which will be there only with Microsoft and the device manufacturer, the efuse will trip. Once the efuse trips off, the boot loader will not be able to boot up your device. Congratulations! now you have a phone which is officially no better than a brick.

For a moment even if we assume that you somehow fooled the efuse, the device still wont boot up just because you don’t have a valid key.

Operating System

Windows NT kernel it is. The Redmond guys have made sure that its sturdy enough. Windows NT kernel along with “Code Signing” makes a killer shield that you will not be able to penetrate. If you think you can get the control of the kernel using some code, wait till you read the “Malicious Code” section.

For now lets think about the Windows Phone updates. Windows Phone does do regular updates just like your PC so what if we can trick the windows phone to install my program? Unfortunately the windows phone is programmed to get the updates only from the Microsoft update servers and no other place. Still its no big deal because I can always trick my network to believe some malicious hardware / software as the update server. Sadly, the update will again need the code signing process to pass. You can never break through it unless you are hacking into the Microsoft update server; definitely not a great plan.


How about the internal storage itself? Why don’t we break the phone take out the internal storage and may be at least try to steal the data? But wait, the storage again uses a 128 bit Bitlocker for encryption. The drive remains encrypted until the boot loader performs the job completely. The TPM chip which comes with the hardware is the one which manages the key for the encryption which means that once the disk is outside the hardware, you will need the 128 bit recovery key to break in the data. The storage behaves the same way as what your bitlocked hard drive behaves.

Brute force opening a encryption is a very well known procedure to break encryption however its impossible when it comes to a 128 bit encryption. So to understand the quantum of complexity, lets assume that you have 10 million computers where every computer can process 100 billion keys per second (higher than 100GHz) and if you put them all together to crack the key, it will take 1013 years to find the key which is longer than the age of universe itself.

If you are thinking of trying the PIN instead, you can always configure your phone to automatically wipe after a amount of incorrect tries.

Some people try to snoop the data from the disk after it is wiped because it is easier that way since it wont have any encryption constraints. Luckily for the user what Windows Phone, it never decrypts the data but it wipes the encrypted data along with the key. You can be pretty sure that not even NSA can retrieve them.

Malicious Code

We have now almost come to the last and the mot favorite resort of a hacker. Most the hackers disassemble the system instructions and try to inject or alter the commands in the memory location. However the app model which windows phone function is always a sandbox, which means the app will have its own area where it can execute store data and perform actions. Windows Phone with the advantage of Code Signing will sign the apps based on the feature set they are allowed to access. E.g.) If a program does not have a valid signature to access the Camera, it wont be able to. This is true for any feature or hardware access in the device. So even for a moment if we assume that you are able to try writing something into the system memory location of the phone, the “Code Signing” will invalidate the program and unload it immediately.

Starting from the phone to your protected mail message, everything is safe in Windows Phone 8.

More information on the security of Windows Phone can be found at http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/business/security-us

This how to is written based on Windows Phone 8. Actual functionality might differ from device to device. Some features may not be available with pre-Windows Phone 8.

Sursa: how to hack a windows phone | how to windows phone


Da, nu prea ai ce ii face :))

Si versiunea Desktop e "safe". Uite cateva detalii: https://rstforums.com/forum/85016-windows-7-security-features.rst

Cateva idei:

- pe Desktop nu prea ai limitari la ce poate face un program (desi nu ar fi o idee rea sa se implementeze asa ceva)

- pe Desktop ai o flexibilitate mult mai mare in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor, de la exe la bat-uri si X limbaje de programare

- daca consideram ca versiunea "Desktop" nu e "safe", atunci nici Linux-ul nu e "safe" deoarece la fel ca pe Windows, o aplicatie malitioasa e foarte usor de facut, de la executabile la "rm -rf"-uri

A aparut Windows Phone mai tarziu, dar a avut timp sa invete si sa nu faca aceleasi greseli ca Android si iOS.

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