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Investitie Steam Store

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Ma ocup de ceva vreme cu market flipping-ul pe Steam Store si recent am ramas fara bani. Ma ingrijoreaza o chestie. De ieri, orice item cumperi, nu ii mai poti da trade timp de 7 zile, dar il poti vinde. Mi-as umple din nou wallet-ul si as incepe, dar am auzit ca sunt sanse sa nu mai poti vinde 7 zile dupa ce ai cumparat si asa ies in paguba sau nu mai e rentabil la cat timp ia. Voi ce parere aveti?

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Note: Items purchased for Dota 2 either in-game or on the Steam Community Market will not be tradable or marketable for one week after purchase. We are making this change to combat fraud and scams, and to help maintain a safe and healthy item economy within Dota 2.

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Note: Items purchased for Dota 2 either in-game or on the Steam Community Market will not be tradable or marketable for one week after purchase. We are making this change to combat fraud and scams, and to help maintain a safe and healthy item economy within Dota 2.

Ce nu intelegi din ce scrie acolo?

Deocamdata merge sa vand. :-?

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