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Raspberry Pi based device puts you 2.5 miles away from your IP adress

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If you are well-informed about the basics of online security and anonymity, then you would be aware of the importance of IP address. If the person hunting you gets to know your IP address, it means you are done. But, Ben Caudill has made a device that will put your final IP address 2.5 miles away.

At the next month’s Def Con hacker conference on Las Vegas, security researcher Ben Caudill will reveal an extraordinary device called ProxyHam. The promises being made by the researcher would definitely delight the people looking for privacy and anonymity.

This device operates using the long-distance WiFi and 900 MHz radio connection. In the ideal conditions, ProxyHam can transmit WiFi up to a distance of 2.5 miles.

So let’s suppose you are being watched by authorities and they end up cracking your system’s IP address. Now what would they do? They would come on the scene only to find a ProxyHam device transmitting WiFi signal.

According to Caudill, technologies like Tor and its alternatives could provide anonymity but the flaws still exists i.e. a direct connection between your IP address and physical location. So, if your IP address is discovered, everything is over for you.

This is where ProxyHam comes into play. It acts a “hardware proxy” that routes local traffic through a distant WiFi network. Thus, detecting the true traffic source becomes more difficult.

At Def Con, the device will be demonstrated and the full code along with hardware specifications will be made freely available. This comprises of a WiFi enabled Raspberry Pi computer with three antennas. One is used to connect to a source WiFi network (some public WiFi) and the other two are used to transmit the signal at 900 MHz frequency. The users would have to plug a 900 MHz antenna to their computer to pick up the signal.

Caudill tells Motherboard: “We consider this the last or worst case scenario, the absolute fallback plan if everything else fails.”


Edited by D][ABLO
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Bullshit detected!

Voi, prichindei fiind, nu v-ati jucat niciodata joculete in care trebuia sa cautati un obiect ascuns, in timp ce o alta persoana va spunea daca sunteti aproape sau nu prin "gheata, rece, hmmm, cald, fierbinte, arde"? :D

Nu e nimic mai mult decat o joaca de copii ca sa ajungi la sursa antenei wifi. Baietii curiosi care te cauta pot folosi si ei o antena d'aia smechera de 900MHz si sa vada in ce directie devine semnalul vostru mai puternic.

Exista si o matematica impecabila pentru astfel de metode (click me), treceti peste toata matematica de acolo si vedeti pagina 91.

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Bullshit detected!

Voi, prichindei fiind, nu v-ati jucat niciodata joculete in care trebuia sa cautati un obiect ascuns, in timp ce o alta persoana va spunea daca sunteti aproape sau nu prin "gheata, rece, hmmm, cald, fierbinte, arde"? :D

Nu e nimic mai mult decat o joaca de copii ca sa ajungi la sursa antenei wifi. Baietii curiosi care te cauta pot folosi si ei o antena d'aia smechera de 900MHz si sa vada in ce directie devine semnalul vostru mai puternic.

Exista si o matematica impecabila pentru astfel de metode (click me), treceti peste toata matematica de acolo si vedeti pagina 91.

One is used to connect to a source WiFi network

Teoretic cel putin, si tinand cont de scopul proiectului, eu zic ca e o solutie cel putin decenta.

Urmarind IP-ul, ce fac, vin sa racoleze Starbucks ?

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