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[EN] http://www.bluekestrel.com/tutorials.htm - Internet Security Tutorials.

[EN] http://www.securityfocus.com - Security Focus.

[EN] http://www.roughoat.com/securitytutorials/freebooks.htm - Free Security Books.

[EN] http://www.boran.com/security - IT Security Cookbook.

[EN] http://www.net-security.org/various/bookstore/freebooks.shtml - Help Net Security Books.

[EN] http://www.itpapers.com/cgi/SubcatIT.pl?scid=184 - Internet Security White Pepers.

[EN] http://www.governmentsecurity.org GSO Official Site.

[EN] http://grc.com/default.htm -Gibson Research Corporation Home Page.

[EN] http://www.freefire.org Free Fire Security Project.

[EN] http://www.w3.org/Security - W3C Security Section.

[EN] http://www.xatrix.org - Cumputer Security Online.

[EN] http://www.governmentsecurity.org/HTTPProtocolSecurity.php - HTTP Protocol Security.

[EN] http://governmentsecurity.bitpipe.com - GSO White Paper Library.

[LAN and WLAN]

[EN] http://is-it-true.org/pt/ptips23.shtml - Wireless Security Resource .

[EN] http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/wifi-manager/index.html?adwords31se - ManageEngine Wi-Fi.

[EN] http://www.javvin.com/protocolsuite.html - Protocol Dictionary.

[EN] http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/tutorials - Wi-Fi Planet.

[EN] http://www.cwnp.com/learning_center/index_tutorials.html - CWNP Wireless Lan Tutorials.

[EN] http://www.convergedigest.com/tutorials/wlan2/page1.asp - Conversge network Digest Wireless LAN Antennas

[EN] http://www.wi-fi.org/OpenSection/protected_access.asp Wi-Fi Alliance.

[EN] http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/default0704.htm RFC Sourcebook.

[EN] http://www.governmentsecurity.org/archive/f51.html - GSO Wi-Fi Security Section.


[EN] http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html - How To Become A Hacker.

[EN] http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Hacking - The Dmoz Hacking directory.

[EN] http://is-it-true.org/pt/ptips19.shtml - DoS Resource.

[EN] http://www.neworder.box.sk- NerOrder Official Site.

[EN] http://www.governmentsecurity.org/HowtohackarticlesandHackingTutorials.php - GSO Hacking Text Archive.

[EN] http://www.governmentsecurity.org/archive/f35.html - More GSO Hacking Text Archive.

[EN] http://www.governmentsecurity.org/NetworkSecurityArticlesAndHackingPreventionResources.php - GSO Hacking Articles.

[EN] http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Hacking - Google Directory Hacking Section.

[EN] http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Hacking/Wardriving - Google Director WarDriving Section.

[EN] http://www.wifimaps.com - Wi-Fi Maps For WarDriviers.

[EN] http://www.geocities.com/selitsky/index.htm - Wi-Fi-AWACS Project.

[EN] http://www.frsirt.com/exploits - Frsirt Exploits Archive.

[EN] http://www.packetstormsecurity.org - Packet Storm Security Exploits Archive.

[EN] http://www.milw0rm.com - MilWorm Exploits Archive.

[EN] http://www.hackerhighschool.org - Hacker High School.


[EN] http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/cryptography - The Wiretapped Crypto section (Sources/Exe, texts etc').

[EN] http://neworder.box.sk/link.php?currentgrp=38463 - NewOrder, Crypto Section.

[EN] http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/enigmasim.htm - Enigma Simulator.

[EN] http://www.counterpane.com/crypto-gram.html - Crypto-Gram.

[EN] http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac - Hankbook of Applied Cryptography.

[EN ]http://www.jproc.ca/crypto - CRYPTO MACHINES Home Page.

[EN] http://home.att.net/~lewis.mccarthy/InfosecProjects/Coderpunks - Coderpunks Home Page.

[EN] http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac - Handbook of Applied Cryptography.


[EN] http://www.rgagnon.com/bigindex.html - Real's HowTo

[EN] http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/books.html - Free Programming Resources.

[EN] http://www.programmertutorials.com - Progrmming Tutorials.

[EN] http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/programming.html - Programming texts & Tutorials.

[EN] http://www.tutorialguide.net/programming - TutorialsGuide Programming Section.

[EN] http://www.cs.utk.edu/~shi/link_prog.htm - Many Tutorials in Many Programming Langs.

[EN] directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Programming/Languages - Google Directory Programming Section.

[EN] http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html - Bash Programming.


[EN] http://www.rgagnon.com/bigindex.html - Real's HowTo.

[EN] http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/p/ph/phreaking.htm - AA Phreaking Section.

[EN] http://www.telephonetribute.com/phonephreaking.html - TTribute Phreaking Site.

[EN] http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Hacking/Phreaking - Google Directory Phreaking Section.

[EN] http://www.cellphonehacks.com - CellPhone Hacks.

[EN] http://www.oldskoolphreak.com - Old Skool Phreak.

[EN] http://artofhacking.com - Art Of Hacking.

[EN] http://www.darkfall.demon.co.uk/fallen/phreak - DarkFall PhUK.

[EN] http://www.hektik.org - Hektik.

[EN] http://bak.spc.org/dms/zone.html - DMS Phreak Zone


[EN] http://neworder.box.sk/link.php?currentgrp=38428 - NewOrder, Virii Section.

[EN] http://vx.netlux.org/29a - The 29a Official Site.

[EN] http://vx.netlux.org - Vx Heavens.

[EN] http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/global/index.html - Symantec Virus Index.

[EN] http://virusall.com - Virusall.

[EN] http://www.virustotal.com/flash/index_en.html - Virus Total.

[EN] http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/CIACVirusDatabase.html - Ciac Virus Database.

[EN] http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs - F-Secure Virus DataBase.

[Hacking Challenges]

[EN] http://www.trythis0ne.com -

[EN] http://www.hackthissite.org - Hack This Site.

[EN] http://3564020356.org - Ma's Reversing.

[EN] http://www.hackquest.de - HackQuest.

[EN] http://www.rootthisbox.org - RootThisBox.

[EN] http://www.try2hack.nl - Try2Hack.

[EN] http://www.hack4u.org - Hack4U.

[EN] http://hackergames.net - Challenge ++.

[EN] http://www.hackits.de - Hackits.

[RU] http://quest.antichat.net/intro.html - Antichat.

[EN] http://www.area-6.net/challenges - Area6.

[FR] http://bigchallenge.free.fr - BigChallenge.

[sP] http://binari0s.webcindario.com/index.php - Binari0s.

[EN] http://www.blind-dice.com - Blind=Dice.

[DE] http://mitglied.lycos.de/markie/Hackits.htm - HackIts.

[EN] http://cc.usr.fi - The Maze.

[EN] http://www.osix.net - Open Source Institute X.

[iT] http://www.glesius.it/hackerjournalgame - Hacker Journal Game.

[EN] http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2091 - RSA Security.


[EN] http://images.google.com/images?q=bunny+suicides


cineva se gandeste si la astia mai prosti lasati jocurile si invatati invatati invatati

asta e adevarat dar nu la toti...unii sunt prea ... prea... cu jocurile!!! ThX invatati si voi ceva mai folositor mah oamenilor(care sunteti nou pe forum nu toti!!! :twisted: :twisted: :oops: :P :? :shock: :arrow:

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